عنوان الرسالة طالب جامعي الدرجات مشرف تاريخ الدفاع
الدرجات مشرف
Survey of performance Changes in outsourcing process of Mashhad Power distribution companyمیثم طاهریانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۰-۰۴-۲۰
Financial Croption and Economic Growthفائزه قاضیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۰-۰۸-۰۵
A Survey on Effective factors on Non-oil Exportsمنصوره خزاعیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۰-۰۸-۳۱
A Comparison of social and private net benefits of dual fuel consumption “gaz-gasoline” automobiles; Case study: Mashhad taxi cabsنسیم عربیانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۰-۰۹-۱۹
A Comparative Study of Social Capital and Economic Freedom Effects in Iran Economic Growthامیر آریاناماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۰-۰۹-۲۰
The Effects of Intellectual Property Rights Protectionسارا صمدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۰-۰۹-۲۰
comparative evaluation of impact of out-ward oriented and in-ward oriented trade policy on economic growth rateسعید سبزه محمدیهماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۰-۱۱-۱۴
Effects of inflation on electricity prices in different parts of the economy with the approach of Input-outputعسکری رضازادهماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۰-۱۲-۲۵
Modeling and comparison of GMDH Neural Network approach and Time series model (ARIMA) in Forecasting of electricity demand in Iranهادی جاویدی آل سعدیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۱-۰۶-۱۵
Dynamic effects of trade globalization on Imports of industrial machinery, equipments, tools and steel products in Iran,using ARDL modelحسین مشک آبادی مهاجرماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۱-۰۹-۱۷
The Investigation of Effective Factors on Energy Productivity in Agriculture Sector of Iranمحسن نیازی محسنیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۱-۰۹-۲۷
Aconsideration and analysis of the relationship between labor productivity and wages in the Iranقاسم احمدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۱-۱۰-۰۲
Investigating Efficiency of Melat Bank Branches in the North Khorasan Province Using DEA Approachحدیثه گریوانیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۱-۱۱-۱۳
Financing methods to improve the energy sector mellatbank the situation presents itself new methodsعلی اکبر میریماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۲-۰۱-۲۶
Investigating the symmetric and asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on private sector investment (case study: industry sector in iran)الهام ضرغامیانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۲-۰۱-۳۱
The Study of Relationship Between Productivity Variations and Employment in Iran\\\\\\\'s Economy With Emphasis on Industry Sectorحسن مقدم نژادماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۲-۰۲-۰۲
The Principal-agent problem as One of The Market barriers to Energy Efficiency: the case study of fuel in cars of mashhadسعید خدیوی رفوگرماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۲-۰۲-۰۲
Theoretical evaluation of the requirements for the realization of Justice and efficiencyمحمدصدرا صادقیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۲-۰۲-۰۲
The study of export potensial of Afghanistan, using tradism gravity modelحسن روحانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۲-۰۲-۰۲
A survey for The Effect of Infrastructure Development on Economic Growth in Iran (1355-1386)مسعود قربانیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۲-۰۳-۱۷
Investigation the Relationship Between Oil Price and Gold World Price in Period of April 1994 till April 2011مجید فرزام فرماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۲-۰۴-۱۲
Financial development and energy consumption nexus in Iran During The 1346-1386مسلم کهنسالماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۲-۰۶-۲۷
Anlysis On Petrochemical Industry Structur And Competitiveness In Iranاحسان رشیدی نژادمیبدیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۲-۰۷-۰۲
The study of performance evaluation of machine learning models and their combination using genetic algorithm in comparison with ARIMA time series model to predict short-term exchange rate in Iranمرتضی سبزه کارماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۲-۰۷-۰۳
The effect of investment in media section on social capital in IRANمیلاد آریانماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۲-۰۷-۰۷
the effect of oil revenues on income distribution in iranعلی فتحانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۲-۰۸-۲۲
The effect of financial development on CO2 emissions in Iranاکرم زین الیانماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۲-۰۹-۱۹
Resource Abundance and Financial Development with Emphasis on Governance Indicators: Case Study of Selected Oil Exporting Countriesناهید رجب زاده مغانیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۲-۰۹-۱۹
study of determinant factors of energy productivity in Pegah factory in Khorasan Razavi provinceمریم حافظیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۲-۰۹-۱۹
comprehensive evaluation and comparison of Energy Security in OPEC and OECD countries memberمینا محتشمیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۲-۰۹-۲۰
Bottlenecks review underdevelopment of countries with emphasis on religion and natural resourcesمحمد نجاتی حیدرزادهماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۲-۰۹-۲۷
Survey of Chaos Theory Coin Price and Forecast Price Trends in Iranسیده زهرا شاکریماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۲-۱۰-۰۱
Comparative Survey of Effect of knowledge-based Economy on Human Development in Countries with High, Medium and Low Human Development during 2000-2009حسین رضائیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۲-۱۰-۰۶
The Study of Gas Pricing Mechanism and Forecasting Gas Price by Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and ARIMA Methodsسحر عباس پورماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۲-۱۰-۰۶
Investigate How The Interaction Between The Total Factors Productivity of Production And Social Welfare in Iranمریم عشق پورماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۲-۱۰-۰۶
Survey of econometrics analysis and grey system of CO2 emission in Iranمرتضی بستامماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۲-۱۱-۰۴
The existence of Rational Bubble on Iran’s Gold Coin Marketفاطمه خانیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۲-۱۱-۱۲
Investigation the causality relationship between oil price and economic growth in the selected importing countries(China and India)سمیرا عبدالهی خواهماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۲-۱۱-۲۰
Factors affecting on development of absolute poverty in the urban and rural households in province North Khorasan in 1389فاطمه گریوانیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۲-۱۲-۱۷
Economic evaluation use of solar power and fossil energy in domestic consumption Economic evaluation use of solar power and fossاعظم قزل باشماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۲-۱۲-۱۸
Investigating the Effect of Manufacturing Foreign Trade on Industrial Growth in Iran during the Period 1976-2010نازگل اشرافی بجستانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۲-۱۲-۲۲
Estimation the relationship between financial liberalization and total factor productivity of industrial sector in Iran by using Johansen methodسحر محمدیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۳-۰۱-۱۴
Study of Cash Waqf and It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Economic Impacts Based on Poverty and Employmentسیدمحمد سیدحسینیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۳-۰۱-۲۶
Investigate the inflation effects on the relationship between financial development and economic growthعلی اکبر امیریماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۳-۰۱-۲۸
The effect of exchange rate volatility on the exports of some major agricultural products (A case study of selected countries(زهرا یاوریماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۰۲
The effects of industry deregulation, electricity prices on consumers using computable general equilibrium modelجلال فروتنماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۰۳
The deteminats of migration from developed and developing countries to the U.S.الهه جانتنماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۰۳
Investigating an impact of macroeconomic variables on chemical stock prices of tehran marketسعیده کاظمیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۰۵
Evaluation of student performance improvement by providing relative performance feedbackحامد جنیدیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۰۹
Economic Evaluation of Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Gas to Liquid (GTL) for Iranنسرین خراسانیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۱۳
Relationship between Industrialization and Energy Efficiency Industry in Iranمهدیه عربشاهی دلوئیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۳-۰۲-۲۰
The effects openness and energy consumptions on total factor productivity in major industries of Iran for the period(2003-2010)سیدسعید حسینیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۰۵
The Relationship Between Major Oil Products Consumption and Economic Efficiency of Industry Sector in Selected Oil Exporting And Importing Countriesسیدمحسن سیدآقاحسینیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۰۵
the role of Governance Quality on Manufactured Export of selected MENA countriesفاطمه عظیمیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۱۱
Investment in Education and Training and its Impact on Economic Growth of the Selected Developing Countries (Upper Middle Income)حسین حسن نژادماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۱۲
Examination of Fama Hypothesis in Tehran Stock Exchange by ARDL approachمنصوره وکیل بقمچماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۱۳
Testing the environmental Kuznets, hypothesis in the provinces of the countryشیما ویسیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۳-۱۶
The Effect of Tourism Revenues on Economic Growth of Selected OPEC Member Countries (1995-2010علی تیموری بنده قرائیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۴-۰۶
economic evaluation for oil and gas SWAP through Iran and its Impact on the Iran`s economy.محمّد خیاط سرکارماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۳-۰۴-۳۰
The effect of oil revenues on financial development in both the stock market and banking system in selected countries of OPEC membersمریم روحانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۵-۱۳
the impact of institutional quality on size of underground economy of OIC member countries and OPEC and non-OPEC countries withinسمانه منتظریماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۳-۰۵-۲۲
The Effect of Tourism on Poverty Alleviation in Selected Countriesاکرم محققماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۰۵-۲۵
The effect of good governance on sustainable development in the resources curse risk countriesسمیّه صدیقیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۳-۰۶-۰۱
inflation, inflation uncertainty and economic growth in selected countries of Middle Eastملیحه بروغنیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۶-۰۸
Examination of Dynamic Correlation Between Stock Exchange Price Index with Oil Prices, Gold and Exchange Rate in Iran by DCC-GARCH Approachشادی امیریماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۳-۰۶-۱۳
The Effect of increasing non-oil Export on Environmental Pollution in Iran (1352-1386)سیده الهه رضویماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۳-۰۶-۲۶
Assessing the impact of monetary policy on bank lending in the private and public sectors during 1382_1388وجیهه خسروجردیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۷-۱۴
a survey of affecting factors to total factor productivity inKhorasans’ Industriesحجّت قاسمی زادهماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۱۶
The Economic Impact Evaluation of Extraction and Production of Unconventional Gas (Shale Gas) on The Iran Economyنیما شاهینیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
An Economic Analysis of Applying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technology In The Athletic Site In Water And Waste Water Company of Mashhad.سیدمحمدسعید موسوی سوداگرماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
The Effect of Trade Openness on the Relation of Oil Resource Abundance and Economic Growth :A Selection of Oil Exporting Countriesالهه مرادیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Examination of the Exchange Rate Volatility on Private Consumption in Economy of Iranحمید لعل خضریماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Assessing the Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on FDI Inflows in Selected Developing Countriesعالیه رائینیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Effect of Foreign Immigration on Unemployment in Iranجلال ندیمیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Investigation of Bilateral Trade between Iran and Selected Trade – Partner Countries based on the Linder Theoryزهرا یزدان پرستماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Studying long run trend of inflation in Iran: Estimation of core inflation in Iran by kalman filter methodنسرین رضائی مقدمماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
survey of licencing process in some economic activities in razavi khorasan provinceکبری قاضیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Electoral Institutions and Common Pool Problem in Iran\\\'s Development Budgetingسیدسعید ملک الساداتیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲
Investigation of Effective Soci-Economic Factors on the Life Expectancy in Iranصالح طاهری بازخانهماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۳-۱۱-۲۷
The Effect of Changes in Population Age Structure on Per Capita Income in Iran Considering Effective Channelsمسعود نیکوقدمدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۳-۱۲-۱۱
A survey of absolute poverty determinants in rural and urban regions of Southern Khorasan provinceنازنین میرزائیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۳-۱۲-۲۱
The Impact of Economic Globalization on the Size of Governmentمهسا شهابی کاسبماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۷
the estimation of the income inequality in and its influencing factorsحمیده محتشمی برزادرانماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۹
The Economic Evaluation of Construction of GTL Plant in Sarakhs Special Economic Zoneسید مهدی حسینیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۳۰
The relationship between nuclear energy consumption,economic growth and co2 emission in some countries (1980-2009)مریم عنادیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۰۱
The comparative study of role of R&D expenditures on human development index (HDI) in selected countries with High, Medium and Low Human Development index during (2000-2009)حبیب اله خرّمی کاخکیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۰۹
Investigating the role of GECF in the future of the natural gas market and determining the Iran optimal strategy; A game theoretical Analysisجلال دهنویدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۲۲
The Effect of globalization on quality of life (QOL) index in countries of D-8 Groupعصمت عبدیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۲۳
The Examination of the Effect of Competition in Banking Sector on Banks Stabilityمجتبی پوستین چیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۴-۰۳-۱۲
Surveying the effect of financial development on human capital in Iranلیدا گوهری قرائیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۴-۲۶
Examination of the Effect of Financial Development on Exports ( A Cace Study of D8 Countries)ملیحه بزرگوارماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۴-۰۴-۲۹
The Study of Volatility Spillover Effects of the Price in international Oil, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Marketsالهه کریمیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۴-۰۵-۲۴
Iranian Petroleum\'s Property Rights: An Institutional Analysisسیدجعفر حسینیدكتوراءمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۱۷
Stochastic Dynamic Optimization of Oil Production of Dorood Field in Iran and its Comparition with Actual Production under Buyback Contractsعلی طاهری فرد هنجنیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۱۸
The Study of Infra-structures Determinants of the Effectiveness of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Iranمحمدعلی ابوترابیدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۱۸
the effect oil revenues on human capital accumulationسید محمد پژمانماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۱۹
Investigating underling energy demand trend in residental, industerial and aggregate sectors in Iran, using stractural time series modelسیما ناظمی معزآبادیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۲۱
The impact of economic growth, trade and financial development on the environmental quality in Iran (during the period of 1352-1391)هادی اسماعیل پورمقدمماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۲۲
Asymmetric effect of oil price fluctuations on government expenditures in Iranشهاب متینماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۲۳
The role of consumer rights protection in the interest of national production (case study of household appliances in Mashhad)ناهید بذرگرماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۲۳
Assessment and Ranking of Townships of Khorasan Razavi Based on Indicators of Urban Sustainable Developmentآمنه زارعماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۲۵
Investigating the Relationship Between Endowment of Oil Resources, and Human Development in Selected Oil Exporting Countriesمحمد سلیمی فرماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۴-۰۷-۰۱
The investigation of effects of oil revenues on agricultural sector performance in Iran.پوریا قصابی کهنه قوچانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۴-۰۸-۱۹
The Impact of ICT Investment on Electricity Demand in Selected Economic Sectors of Iran by using Logistic Growth Modelبهنام پاکروماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۰۹
Economic feasibility of solar power plant with a capacity of 25 MW and comparing it with the case of generating electricity from fossil fuels in the industrial town of Kashmar cityسید کاظم اختر شناسماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
A Survey of The Effect of Trade Openness size on Inflation Rate in Iran During the Period of 1981-2010زهرا تقی زادگانماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
The study of oil price effects on the terms of trade in Iranمهرانگیز لکزیانماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
Examination of the effect of ownership on banks performance in Iranالهام استادماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
The Effect of Electricity Consumption Per Capita on Human Development in Selected Developing Countriesفرشته مجیدزادهماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
A survey for affect of financial development on the income inequality in the selected Islamic countriesفاطمه یاقوتی جعفرآبادماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
The Study of the Low One Price in Agricultural Products in Iran Case Study Citrus Fruitsهادی کجوریماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
Analysis and Comparison of Assets as Hedge against Inflation in Iranهدی زنده دل شهرنویماجستيرسیفی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
The Study Of Nonlinear Relationship Between Government Expenditure And Private Consumption In Iran (Threshold regression)محبوبه بختیاری بایگیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
Decomposition of Household Electricity Consumption Variations and Its Effective Factors in Urban Areas of Iran.امیر توانانجارماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
Middle Income Trap, The challenge for successful transition to high income: Compare Iran, South Korea and Japanحسن کمالی دلفاردیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
A Comparison of income equality and its influence On human development indexفاطمه کریم پورماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲
the survey of property right effect on investment in the middle east countriesکامه کافی امامیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۸
Analysis the effect of value added tax rate increasement on inflation in Iranالهه رضا زاده خراسانیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۴-۱۰-۰۷
the survey of the role of political-juridical(legal) institutions in financial development in selected developing countries: evidence from dynamic panel dataبنفشه قربان نیاماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۴-۱۰-۰۷
Asymmetric Effects of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in Iranمریم نجیبیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۴-۱۰-۲۱
The Study of Effective Factors on Tax Revenue Gap in Iranمحمدرضا برکچیانماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۴-۱۱-۱۱
The effect of financial market development on foreign direct investment in selected developing countriesاسماء عمارلوماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۴-۱۱-۲۲
A comparative study on effect of energy consumption and economic growth on CO2 emission in a number of developing and developed countriesشهلا علی نیاکلاتهماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۴-۱۱-۲۲
The impact of competitiveness Index to the value added of agricultural sector in selected countriesرضا حبیب پورلداریماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۴-۱۲-۰۱
Estimation and forecasting energy carriers demand in transport sectorمحمدجواد گرجی پورماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۴-۱۲-۱۴
The Effects of Exchange Rate volatility on Balance of Trade and it’s Forecast in Iranبهاره بازرگانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۰۶
The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Commodity Trade between Iran and Chinaصفیه نجف زادهماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۰۷
An Investigation for tourism’s revenue effect on economic growth(A comparative study for a selected of developing and developed countries)زهرا ایزیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۶
Investigation of the Structure of World Market of Iranian Selected Exportable Goods and Priority of the Target Marketsحمید اردکانیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۷
The effect of Islamic teachings on information asymmetric reducing in the commodity marketنفیسه صالح نیاماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۷
Analysis of Economic Volunteers’ Motivationsفاطمه احمدیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۷
Social and economicfactorsaffectingunderground economy(Case Study: the province of Sistanand Baluchestan select cities)سمیه رسولی فیروزآبادیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
The Survey of Interaction Between Human Capital and Social Capital in Selected Islamic Countriesزهرا غفاریماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
study of effect of alternative path ways energy transportation on energy demand security for iranامیرحسین سعیدی محمدیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
A Survey on the Possible Causality Between Innovation and Economic Growth in Selected MENA Countriesنوا رمضانیان باجگیرانماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
The study of knowledge based economics convergence between rich and poor provinces in Iran: via HDIراحله رضائی باغ بیدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
The Impact of Oil revenue fluctuations on Monetary Policy in Iran (1369-1391) , Using Dynamic Conditional Correlationداوود حاجیان پیروزماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۸
Feasibility study of crude oil pricing by OPEC and OECD member countries, using game theory in the form of a win - winرضا فهیمی دوآبدكتوراءصباحی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۹
Optimality of economic - environmental, Municipale solid waste in fuzzy environment؛ case study: city of Mashhadزهرا شیرزورعلی آبادیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۹
Identification some of economic indices of islamic lifestyle and investigation their effect on improvment the economic goals of islamic socityسیدامین طباطبائی قمشهماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۹
Economic Evaluation of outage cost caused by Electricity interruption for Industrial sector : case study for Sabzevar townshipپروین غفرانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۳
Effect of symmetrical and asymmetrical changes in oil prices on the prices of petrochemicals (ethylene, propylene Vmtanvl) in the short term and long term.احسان محمدیانماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۳
A Consideration for Institutional Impediments’ in Technology parks and incubators :transaction cost approuchنیلوفر امانیانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۳
The Survey of Effect on Energy exports and Economic Globalization on Economic growth in Selected Developing Countriesندا مهرزادماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۴
Effect of Oil on democracy in selected Oil-rich countriesفریبا نعیمیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۵
A study for short-run and long-run effects of exchange rate on the bilateral trad ie balance, between Iran andts major trade partners, during the period of 1371 to 1391.فرزاد اصغری پورزرکامیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۵
a survey of foreign direct investment effect on vertical intera industry trade in iran using panel dataارغوان فرقانیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۷
Investigation the Effect of Economic Freedom and Social Capital on Productive Entrepreneurship in Selected Countriesاکرم اصلیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۸
A Comparative Consideration For The Effects Of Institutional Factors on Manufactures Exports Of Two Selected Groups Of Developing Countriesمریم مطلبی لطف آبادیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۰
Determinant factors of crude oil price in NYMEX crude oil futures contractsسمانه عبداله آبادیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۴
measuring and comparison of efficiency of food and beverage industry of khorasan razavi province with selected provinces and the total of the country by using data envolvment analysisمحمد سلیمانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۷
The Effect of Human Capital on the Total Factor Productivity in Iran Big industries(1388-1379)حسین فاطمیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۷
A Survey of Relationship between Budget Deficit, Money and Inflation: With Emphasis on the Role of Fiscal Sector Dominance on the Monetary Sectorمهدی حاج امینی نجف آبادیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۰۴-۱۱
The examination of relationship between energy consumption and some demographic variables in Iran by use of ARDL Method,1972-2011مجتبی آخوندیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۵-۰۵-۰۹
Estimation of water demand function in the industrial sector - Mashhadمسعود مهاجریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۵-۰۵-۱۸
Pricing of Natural Gas Derivatives Using Stochastic Modelling of International Spot Pricesنرگس صالح نیادكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۵-۰۵-۲۸
A Survey of Effects of Foreign Direct Investment and Human Capital on Environmental Pollution in Selected Developing Countries.سمانه اسلامیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۱۶
The impact of central bank independence on the performance of inflation targeting regimeنیکسا برزگرماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۲۹
A survey of non-oil export components effect on employment in Iran (1981-2011)رضا شفیعیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۰۷-۰۴
The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on the Mellat Bank Profitabilityمهناز اورامنماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۵-۰۷-۲۷
Effect of Competitiveness On the industrial of selected member countries of NAM(Non-Aligned Movement)احمد کاویانی پورماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۸-۰۲
Determination of Optimum Scenario of Renewable Power, Nuclear Power and Fossil Power Cogeneration Potfolio Within Generating System and Its Price Analysis; (Case Study of Khorasan Regional Electric Co.)مهدی قائمی اصلدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۸-۱۸
The survey of economic globalization on poverty in Selected Countries using by KOF indexزهرا جلالیانماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۰۸-۲۴
Estimate the impact of R & D units (R & D) on the promotion of industrial productivity in Khorasan Razaviحمید شیدائیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۵-۰۸-۲۴
The Evaluation of the Financial Sector’s Impact on Tax Revenue in Iranمریم عزیزیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۱۴
The Effect of Exchange Rate on Investment in the Different Sectors of Iran’s Economy by Co-integration Technique (2012-1979)فریبا افروزی گرویماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۱۶
The investigation of method of providing Auxiliary covered wagon for exports by rail to CIS countries by applying game theory.وحیده ستوده ملاشاهیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۱۹
Investigating the Impact of Internet Penetration on Business Environment in MENA Countriesمسعود تقی زاده مهنهماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰
A survey of trust on trade flows between Iran and its selected trade partnersزهرا عطار خراسانیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰
The role of energy efficiency on improvement of the environment in selected Petroleum Exporting countriesعطیه شارکیانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰
The study of oil income effects on employment rate in Iranسیده سارا کاخکیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱
Economic Determinants of Gold's Expected Return's Rate in Future Contracts of Iran Mercantile Exchangeمسعود فیلسوف کاخکیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱
The using input-output table model for identifying leading sectors in Iran’s oil-regionsفرهاد ترحمیدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱
An Analysis of Monetry Uncertainty and Demand for Money in Iiran by Co-integration Method (1982-2013)نفیسه غنی سلماسیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱
Football Marketing and Its Effect on Economic Boomکامران پهلوان مصوّریماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
The effect of financial development on energy consumption in selected developing countries: panel data analysis.ناهید فرهادیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
Evaluatoin of efficiency and total Factor Productivity in Iran’s petrochemical complexesنرگس قلاوندماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
The study and Comparison of the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and per capita income on energy intensity in selected oil-exporting and importing countries.محمدصادق ادیبیانماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
The effect of the business environment on Non-oil exports from Mashhadبابک اسداللهیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
Comparison of Clients' Behavior in Selecting Banks by Using Lancaster and ANP Methods (Case Study: Melli and Tejarata Bank in Mashhad)امین خورانماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲
Comparison of corruption or bribery on trade flows in developing and developed countries, 2005-2012 panel data approachخیزران خزائیانماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۱۸
Ranking the level of development of the cities of South Khorasan, compared with the national averageابراهیم دلاوریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۲۵
Knowledge-based Economy Index Calculation to Ranking Method of Fuzzy- Neuro and its Effect on Economic Growth (Case of Iran and selected Countries)عاطفه مرادی رودمعجنیماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۵-۱۱-۰۳
Evaluate the efficiency and productivity of Iranian oil refineries using dynamic DEA during the years 1386 - 1391اعظم عاشورزادهماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۱۱-۰۹
Assess the performance of the listed petrochemical companies and the factors affecting it using stochastic frontier approach (1380-91)محدثه مقدسیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۵-۱۲-۰۱
The Effects of Monetary Policies on the Stock price in Iranسمیه پوزشماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۵-۱۲-۱۶
The role of resource fund in governance in selected resource rich countries.سهیلاسادات موُذنیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۶
Unemployment rate, household expenditure and marriage and divorce rates in the provinces of Iranروشنک صانعی قالی بافماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۷
Microcredit and the Socio-economic Wellbeing of Women and families in Tabasزهرا پزشکیانماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۸
A comparative study of The economic, social and cultural determinants of entrepreneurial activities in four selected groups of countries ranked according to income indexفرزانه خوش وقت علی آبادیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۸
Analyzing the effects of pension policy and government s health expenditure on household savings in Iranالهام چرخکارماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۹
The Impact of Tourism Development on Employment in Iran (Direct and Indirect)فاطمه مومنی مهموئیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۰
The Effect of Green Tax Implementation on Employment in Iran Industriesالمیرا ظهوریانماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴
Gibson Paradox in Iran Economy, Impact of Monetary Base Components between Interest Rate and Inflationاعظم عبدالهیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴
The study of volatility spillover of return rate among stock, gold and foreign currency markets in Iran during 2011 to 2014نیلوفرسادات حسینیونماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴
Investigation the Role of Religious Tourism in Rural Development for Tabadkan Village, with an Emphasis on Social Capital and Quality of Life (Case Study:Tabadkan)ریحانه افشاریماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴
The Effect Of Population Growth On Innovation (With The Approach Of Knowledge Economy) In OECD Selected Countries During The Period Of 1995 To 2013حمید صفدریماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵
The effect of government debt on interest rate in Iranمهسا رضویماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵
survey of demand for life insurance in Asia insurance co. Khorasan Razavi Stateمحمود ایوبیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵
The Optimization of Fuel Consumption in Transportation Sector in Mashhad with the Aim of Reducing Environmental Pollutionسمانه رضائیانماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵
Comparative Study of Factors Affecting Inflation in Iran, Turkey and South Korea According to the Role of Political Institutionsزهرا مرادپورشیخکانلوماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵
Assessment of Status Establishment of Good Governance Indexes in the Municipality of Mashhad; Case Study Municipal Planning Areaمجتبی دانشیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۶
Estimation of Natural Gas Demand in Iran´s Industries with High and Low Energy Consumptionزهره محمدپورکاریزکیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۶
The study of effects of exchange-rate regimes on the relationship between economic growth and inflation in Iranسمانه یادوستماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۶
The study of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Effect on the value added of Industry sector (case study: selected developing countries)پریسا عبدیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۷
The Study of oil price fluctuations effects on income distribution in Iran during 1969-2012عطّیه شجاعیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۳-۰۱
The survey of internal and external determinant of oil market on Iranian crude oilسیدعبداله رضویدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۳-۰۳
A Comparative study of the relationship between environmental degradation, industrial structure and technical efficiency (Case study: Selected ECO and OECD countries)سارا فرهنگدوستماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۳-۱۲
Interstate Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Income Distribution in Iranمرتضی بیرانوندماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۶-۰۳-۱۴
،The Study of Oil Revenues Effect on the Value Added of Industry and Mining Sector inIranحامد نقیب زادهماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۶-۰۵-۰۴
The Survey of Comparative of Impact of Oil Revenuse Fund Quality on Economic Growth Within Two Selected Groups of Oily Countriesسوسن سروری استادماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۵-۰۷
عنوان پایان نامه (به انگلیسی): Investigation of Effect of Knowledge Based Economic Indicators on the Employment of Selected Oil-Exporting Developing Countriesهاشم ازغدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۶-۰۵-۱۱
The Study of Factors Involved in the Tax Capacity of Provincesمحمود خدادادی یانماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۶-۰۵-۲۳
Compare relationship financial development and energy consumption (Electricity energy) between agriculture and industry and mining sectors in Iranنیره توسلی عبدل آبادیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۶-۰۶-۰۸
Study of effective factors on saffron supply and analysis of Price transmission in iran's saffron marketجواد غیاثیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۶-۰۶-۱۲
Studying the Probability of Default on Payable Facilities of The First Micro Finance Bank in Herat, Afghanistanمحمدصادق محمدیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۶-۰۶-۲۱
The study of causality relationship between money, quasi money and real GDP in Iranمرجان تشکریماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۶-۰۶-۲۲
Investigation of The relation of news with stock prices of the private banks and privatized state banks in IRANمینا مقدسماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۰۳
The study of Hofstede's cultural dimension effects on economic development (index of employment, income, investment and people living index) of Iranمهدی نوقابیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۰۵
The oil price shocks effects on petrochemical companies stock price index in Tehran stock exchangeمجید مظلومیماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۲
Recognizing the WTI oil price cyclical behavior with respect to economic variable of growth and world crisisریحانه عباسی سرمزدهماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۲
Estimation (1380-1393) and forecast (1395-1400) of underground economy capacity using artificial neural networksجلیل علی پورماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۶
A Study of the Impact of the Quality Improvement of Produced Goods and Services Increase on Sales of Firms Enjoying an Iran National Quality Award Medal (INQA)آرش یاوری فرماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۶
The Effects of Human Capital and Structural Changes on Economic Growth in Iranآزاده شریعت فرماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۸
The Explanation of Intermediate Factors in Influence path of The Islamic Teachings on The Intra household Consumption Expendituresوحید ارشدیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۱۸
Investigating exchange rate pass-through to consumers in iranفاطمه لشکری پورماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۸-۱۳
the threshold impact of oil revenue on Effectiveness financial development on economic growth in iran (1352-1391)الهه شاه پرستماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۰۷
The Study of Oil Price Volatility Effects on Inflation in Iran during 1991-2014فاطمه سلیمانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۸
The Survey of the Relationship between Labor Force Productivity in Construction Sector and Economic Growth of Iran Spans the Time Period 1368 – 1393حلیمه نخلی فریزماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۸
Effect of exchange rate on attracting tourists in selected countries in the MENA period - 1995 to 2014حسین پورنامدارماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۰
Studying the effective factors on bank deposits portfolio of Khorasan Razavi Post Bank, with use of Panel data model (2010-2013)حمید جعفری نژاد بجستانیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۰
The Survey of the Impact of OECD’s Comercial Crude Oil Inventories on OPEC Crude Oil Price Indexمهسا مسگرانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱
Investigate the Possibility of Substitution of Exchange Rate rather than Interest Rates in the Analysis of the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Economyسارا شهرکیدكتوراءصباحی۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱
study of factors affecting tourism in iran with emphasis on health tourismشبنم انوریماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱
experimental economyمحمدعلی مطهری فریمانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱
The Study of Effective Factors on Energy Consumption and Forecasting by Kalman filter in Iran's Economyسارا شفیعیانماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۶-۱۲-۰۶
The impact of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on the economic welfare in selected countriesفاطمه ایلخانیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۲۵
The Effects of North America and China Shale Gas on Natural Gas Marketفائزه رضاییماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۲۶
The Effect Of Knowledge-Based Economy Factors On Environmental Pollution in Selected Numbers OECD Countries.الهه شبرنگ زادهماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۴
Studying, assessing and ranking the investment barriers in Iran’s informal settlements (Case study: Mashhad metropolis)شیخ صالح سیفی سنگاچینماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۶
The Economic Evaluation of Constructing an Anaerobic Digestion And Incineration Waste Recycling Complex (Case Study Of Mashhad County)امیرحسن اکبری خلیل آبادماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۷
The effect of public and private expenditure on health in countries with low, medium and high income level using panel data model in the period of 2000-2013طیبه عضدیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۷
Analyzing the Effect of specialist and Non- specialist Human Force contribution on Value Added of larg scale Industries in Iranزهرا عرفان زادهماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۸
Analysis of the impact of directed loans of state owned banks on non-performing loans and return of housing market with rent-seeking theoryسیما کشاورزماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۸
check of weak efficiency hypothesis and presentation early warning system volatility intense in foreign exchange market iran with approch Markov Switching GARCHمحب اله مطهریدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۹
The modeling of distribution of Iran's provincial constructive budjet using spatial regression modelرضا جمشیدیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۹
: Investigating the Effects of the Subsidy targeting plan on the Expenditures of Education and Health in First to Third Decileمرتضی عبداله نژادماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۲
The effect of population aging on economic growth in Iran and Economic growth forecasts using time-series models and artificial neural network.لیلا نادیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۲
The effective factors on the proportion of medicine consumption in the basket of goods for the households under coverage of services of social security organization in Mashhadرابعه کوشاماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۳
The effect of some of the banking and macroeconomic factors on profitability Tejarat Bank branches in Mashhadجلیل مهریزیانماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۴
Factors affecting redemption of life insurance and investments with an emphasis on micro-economic factors (Case Study: Parsian Insurance)نازلی حبیبی مرندماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۴
Comparative study of the effect of financial development on energy consumption in Iran and Turkeyنسرین رایینیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۴
A comparative research on effect of tax paying facilitation of economic sectors on GDP per capita in selected countriesسپهر استیریماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۴
The study of gold futures Market as a hedge against the stock market in Iranملیحه زرین دل حسین آبادماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۵
Extravagance and its impacts on Health ( Case Study of Iran)سیدالیاس فراهتماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸
The Examination of the Effect of Market Structure in Banking sector on Access to credit of Industry and Mining Sectorعلی منصوریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸
The Effect of Government Size on Quality of Life (A Case Study of Selected Countries With High Human Development)جواد ناشادماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۳-۰۸
The Study of Effective Factors on Credit Risk of Bank's Customers by Using Survival Analysis (Case Study of Maskan Bank)ناهید رجب زاده مغانیدكتوراءسیفی۲۰۱۷-۰۴-۲۰
Investigation of the effect of urban residential density on fuel consumption in the transport sector in the Iran provincesفاطمه شفیعی توندریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۷-۰۴-۳۰
The Effect of Human Capital on Incom Inequality in selected Provinces of Iranاسماعیل حدادی نیاماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۰۹
A study about the effect of democracy on the relationship between economic growth with income Inequality in Iran(1350-1393).سیده محدثه حسینیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۲۰
External measurement of formal education and evaluation of its effects on growth of Iran economy 1354_1392 yearsماندانا غفوری ساداتیهدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۲۱
A study of the effects of renewable and fossil energy consumption and economic growth on Environmental Performance Index (EPI) in the selected developing and developed countriesفاطمه آخوندی خرانقیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۲۱
The study of volatility and shock spillovers of the rate of return between the foreign exchange market, chemical products, and petroleum products stock markets in Iran during the years of 1390 to 1395سیدمصیب حسینیماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۰۷
Recognition and Codification of Appropriate strategies for Development of Life Insurance by Use of SWOT Analysis (Case Study : Mashhad and Sabzevar)افشین خسروجردیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۱۵
Investigating the Impact of Economic and Social Infrastructure on Employment in Iran during 1979 to 2014رامین جعفریماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۰
The study of opportunities and challenges of health tourism industry in Iran's Economy (Case Study: Mashhad)سیده محبوبه آل رسولماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۱
Evaluating credit risk of loan’s portfolio (Case of Khorasan Razavi’s Melli bank)حمید صفای نیکودكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۴
Comparative Study of the Relation between Electricity Consumption from Renewable Sources and Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Developing and Developed Countries)غزاله نجارماجستيرسیفی۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۸
The Study of the Effects of Renewable and Non-renewable Energy and Trade on GDP in Selected Developing Countriesسیده نفیسه هاشمی اندرخماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۵
Investigation of Recovery Rate of Profit-Loss Sharing and Fixed- Return Contracts: A Game Theory Approachشکوفه سادات اشرف زادهدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۰
Investigating and comparing the urbanization effect on fuel consumption in the transportation sector in high and low income provinces in Iranمحجوبه مقصودیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۲
Study the Role of Financial Development on the Impact of Natural Resources Rents on Accumulation of Tangible and Intangible Capitals in Iranفرزانه احمدیان یزدیدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۷
The Economic Evaluation of Absorption and Compression Chiller's Options in Ferdowsi University of Mashhadمریم موسوی دالینیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۰۸
The Effect of Educational, Welfare, Infrastructure and Public Services Facilities in Rural Development in Khorasan Razavi Province in 2011مهدی چشمیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۰۸
A comparative study of financial indicators of ministry of Petroleum subsidiaries organizations with other ministries after privatizationعطیه رضی کاظمیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۱۳
Investigating the Effect of employees' empowerment on Bank Profitability with the Mediating Role of Service Quality in the Banking Industry of Naserieh, Iraqصادق ثامر عاجل عاجلماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۱۵
The impact of intellectual capital on firm performance (Case Study: Sina Insurance Company(فائزه حجتیانماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۱۵
The study of Impact of Economic Sanctions on Performance of Companies accepted on The Tehran Stock Marketعارفه زینلی تربتیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۷-۰۸-۲۹
analysis the consumption of fossil fuels on the human development index in the developing countriesسحر اقاییماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۰۴
Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Effects of the components of government Revenues and expenditures on Private Investment in Tradable and Non-Tradable Sectors in Iran Economyروح اله بابکیدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۴
A Survey of the Effect of Credit Risk on Banks Assets’ Efficiency During the Time period of 1388 to 1394محمد شایان مهرماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۶
Investigating Effect of Income Inequality on Subjective Well-being in Developing Countriesمحمدباقر فکورماجستيرصباحی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۶
An Economic Analysis of Supply of Handicrafts in Mashhad and Solutions for its Expansionفاطمه شاکریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۶
Studying The Effect of Government Performance on EPI index in selected countriesسمیه الهی رادماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۷
The Survey of Substitution Elasticity of Production Inputs in Iran’s Industries Before and After Subsidy Reform Plan (with an Emphasis on the Energy Input)سمیرا احمدی مقدمماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۷
Media Economics; Study of Newspaper Market structure in Iranمجید منفردماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹
The Effects of Oil Price Shocks and Monetary Shock on the Stock Market in Iran (1991-2014)گل آرا حسینیانماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹
The Study of the Factors Affecting Innovation Emphasizing Intellectual Property Rights in the Selected Countriesمهلا آقائیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹
The role of religious NGOs in poverty alleviation: Empowerment approachنرگس ابوالفضلیانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹
Effect of The Share of Employment of Women on Labor Productivity in Iranراحله رجائیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۰
The effect of changes in energy prices on the industry's environmental efficiency in Iranمحبوبه قدرت نماماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۰
Measuring Vertical Education-Job Mismatch in Iran’s Cities and Identifying Some of its Effective Factores in Sections 1375, 1385 and 1390اکرم درتومیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۰
Comparative Analysis of optimum production path of oil in the Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) and Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with stochastic dynamic programming approachحامد صاحب هنردكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۱
The impact of transaction cost on present bias for individual consumption-saving behavior: experimental approachپروین تشکری صالحدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۶
The Investigation Of The Monetary Exchange Rate Overshooting in Economy of Iran(1369 - 1393)ساناز دولت آبادیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۷-۱۰-۱۵
The Effect of Personality Traits on Individuals Behavior in Investment Game (Case study: Students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)مرضیه خزاعیماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۷-۱۱-۱۰
Comparative study about effect of ease of paying tax on foreign direct investment in the selected developing and developed countriesکبری خانیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۷-۱۱-۱۳
The Effect Of Financial Development On Income Inequality From Human Capital Channelابوالفضل نوفرستیدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۰۶
The Investigation of Tax Revenues and Government Expenditures Impacts on Air Pollution in Iranآسیه باقرپوردوینماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۲۹
Comparing two methods of price discrimination and uniform pay in Iran's electricity market, In the framework of the Q-learning algorithm from the perspective of producer surplus and consumer prices .(Case Study of Khorasan Power Plants)حامد مرتضی زاده جاغرقدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۳۰
The Effect of Deep Democracy on Economic Growth Due to the Role of Air Pollution (Compare Iran and South Korea)سحر یزدان پناهماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۰
Studying the effect GDP shock on loan portfolio allocated to equity participation, Mudaraba and installment saleجعفر عدالتیماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۴
The study of causality relationship between oil price, unconventional oil and gas supply with Granger and Toda and Yamamoto techniquesفاطمه حاجی سامیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۵
Evaluation of Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Instability and its impact on Iran's Non-Oil Trade Balance: Stochastic Volatility Model Approachبهنام الیاس پوردكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۷
Investigating the possibility of regime change in the rate of returns on the stock market of oil products in Iran from 2012 to 2017 (the Markov Switching Model)حبیبه ابراهیمیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۸
Identifying Natural Gas Demand Determinants in Iran by Using Bayesian Model Averagingرکسانا اسدی منشماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۸
Assessing the impact of socio-economic and climate factors on urban drinking water demand in Iran during 1385-1392 /انوشه نصراله زادهماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۹
The relationship between economic policy uncertainty and market returns housingمحمدمهدی دانش فرماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۹
Studying the effect of financial proportions on performance of Iran’s banking network using Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approachحسین حسنیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۰۳
Analysing and Prioritising the Components of Business Environment for Industrial Small and Medium Enterprises in Herat Province of Afghanistanمصطفی عباسیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۰۴
The effect of government spending on welfare in Iran:یکتا اشرفیدكتوراءمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۰۶
Economic evaluation of electricity generation from biogas from municipal waste in Kut city-Wasit provinceاسامه حسن هادی العبودیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۸-۰۸-۰۴
Investigating Factors Affecting the Foreign Direct Investment in Iraqحنان شاکر عامرماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۸-۰۸-۰۴
Measuring Value at Risk with wavelet analysis and comparing it with GARCH model: industry of oil productsمبینا آژماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۱
The Impact of Energy Consumption inTransport and Foreign Direct Investment on Co2 Emission in The Selected MENA Countriesسمانه شیبانی فرماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۲
Survey The Impact of Technology Diffusion Through Importing High-Tech Products on BRICS Countries Economic Growth Compared to Selected Developed Economiesمهدی وطن پرستماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۳
The Effect of Behavioral Policies on Household Electricity Consumption: A Field Experiment in Birjandپگاه محمودیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۵
The Effect of Ease of Starting a Business on the the Economic Growth of Countriesمرتضی پاکیزهماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۵
(The effect of gender inequality on human development index (HDI) in selected countries of the world (2010-2015زینب شاکریماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۶
Socio-economic Factors Influencing Participation Rate in Five Rounds of Presidential Elections of Iran (2001-2017)الهه فرجادفرماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۶
The Effect of Resilience Economic Indexes Shocks on “TEPIX” by Bayesian VAR model approachمحمد اعظم رجبیاندكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۷
Analysis of the process of the Housing Market and the Stock Market in Monetary Transmission in Iranبنفشه تجلیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۰
Estimation of oil demand function of oil importing countries from Iran with a view to technological changes Environmental environment: study of an asymmetric patternرضا دریساوی بهمنشیردكتوراءناجی میدانی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating The Impact Of Some Economic, Institutional and Environmental Factors On The Human Development Index In Selected OPEC Countriesصفورا محمدزادهماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating the effect of housing prices index on income inequality in Iran during (1977-2015)احمد ابراهیمی قوژدیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
A comparative study on the effect of commercial liberalization on the human development index in two selected countriesلیلی شرافتیماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating influential factors on Asian natural gas exporting countries productionاحمدفالح عبدالحسن الساعدیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
Poverty Nutrition Trap in Mashhad Informal Settlements: Case Study of Shahid Ghorbani Districtسحر سلطانیماجستيرفیضی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲
Optimal management of oil revenues in Iran with emphasis on the role of the National Development Fundعلیرضا باستانیدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۳۰
foreign investment(direct and indirect), Foreign Investment obstacles, Afghanistanمجتبی ابراهیمیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۰۲
Investigating the impact of trade openness and corruption control index on PM۱۰ in selected countries of three income groupsفاطمه گل زاده خرقماجستيرسیفی۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۱۴
The study of the Impact of Exports and Foreign Direct Investment Flows on the Environmental Performance Index (Case study: selected number of developed & developing countries)نگین حیدریان لولوئیماجستيرسیفی۲۰۱۸-۱۲-۲۵
Investigating the energy and environmental efficiency of selected developing countries with an emphasis on determining the optimal contribution of fossil and renewable energies in Iran's economyبهرام فتحیدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۸-۱۲-۳۱
Providing a goal programming model for the simultaneous attainment of economic, social, energy and environmental goals in Iran (Input – Output Approach)رضا زینل زادهدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۹-۰۱-۰۱
Investigation Dynamic Impacts of Income Inequality and Economic Growth on the Environmental destruction in Iran: Structural Vector Autoregressive Modelمحدثه جعفری نسب کرمانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۹-۰۱-۱۵
Investigating the Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Using Economic-Hydrologic Models (Case study: Mashhad Plain)مرتضی اشرفیدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۰۱-۲۲
Estimating Potential Output of Iran’s Economy with Production Function Approach and Survey of Its Evolution with special focus on financial and energy sanctionsمسعود کیومرثیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۴
The Study of Regime Shifting and Forcasting Stocks Returns of Iran Khodro and Saipa Companies Using Markov-Switching Models during 1387 to 1396ویدا علی اصغریماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۵
بررسی عوامل موثر بر جذب سرمایه گذاری مستقیم خارجی در کشورهای گروه D8 با استفاده از داده های تابلویینسیم طاهریماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating some important factors affecting the consumption of household water in Mashhad cityامیر نریمانی قره تکانماجستيرکاظمی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۶
The Study of Hydropower Plants Profit Maximization on Karoun River Basin in Khuzestan Provinceآرش جمال منشدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۶
The Study of Exchange Rate Volatility Effect on the Stock Return Index of Oil Companies in Tehran Stock Exchang.حسنی قدیریماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۲
The study of Long- term optimal allocation model for natural gas in Iran using hyperbolic discount rateسید احسان علویدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۳
Investigation of the Effects of Renewable and Non-renewable Energy on Climate Change in OPEC Selected Countriesنسرین محمدپورماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۶
Comparing Different Volatility Measurements In Forecasting Iran Electricity Daily Spot Priceسحر خاوریماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۶
The role of institutional conditions on the impact of economic growth on poverty and income inequalityسعیده به نژادماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۶
The estimation of Iran’s direct rebound effect in the inter-states of road freight transportation sector (2006-2016)الهه سعیدیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷
Investigating the Effects of Oil price Volatilities on Iran's Economic Growth through some Institutional, Monetary and Financial Variablesحمید خاوریماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷
The Study of management and optimal allocation of oil revenues in Iranاعظم قزل باشدكتوراءسیفی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷
(The Impact of Money Priming on Trust between Children in Trust Game (Case study: Fourth-grade girl students at Primary Schools in district four in Mashhadزهرا ابراهیمیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷
Estimation of Optimal Monetary Policy Rule in Forward -Looking Model Framework in Iran's Economy: Flexible Inflation Targeting Strategyفرشته جندقی میبدیدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹
The Effect of Economic Development on Environmental Pollution in Selected Developing Countries with High Incomeمریم بابائیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹
Poverty Dynamics in Iran (An approach with synthetic panels)فاطمه گریوانیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹
Determining and Providing a Suitable Method for Financing of Old Texture Around the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza with an Emphasis on the Financing of Public and Residential Projectsمرتضی جعفر زاده نجاردكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹
The role of human development in the impact of population density, per capita income and economic openness on the environmentزهرا شریفیماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹
The Impact of Foreign Aids Assistance and Corruption on Economic Growth in Selected Low-Income Countriesغلام حسن رحمانیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۹-۰۳-۰۲
Investigating Selected Economic, Climatic and Institutional Factors on Demand of Energy (Oil and Gas) in Iran and Selected (Developing) Countries using Threshold Panel Methodسعید زینی وندماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۳-۱۲
Analyzing the Costs of Collective Actions for Political, Administrative, and Economic Agents to Facilitate Investment: Case Study North Khorasan Provinceقاسم ایزانلودكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۱۹-۰۳-۱۹
The Study of Macroeconomic, Social and Institutional Factors on Environmental performance Indexes in Selected Countriesعلی پور علیدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۱۹-۰۷-۰۲
Analyzing the impact of housing loans’ interest rates and household income on housing prices in Iranجواد حسنیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۰۷-۱۰
Studying the Effect of Green Tax on Iran’s Energy Consumption, Air Pollutant Gases and Social Welfare Using Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (RDCGE)سلمان ستوده نیا کرانیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۹-۰۸-۲۵
Forecasting Volatility of Gold Coin Price in Iran by using Stochastic Volatility and GARCH Modelsنسیمه پناهیماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۰۴
Investigating the effect of corporate size on the difference between the declared tax, Diagnostic tax and Finalized tax in firms Tehran stock exchangeاحمد عابدیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۴
Investigating the Influential Factors on Solar Energy Consumption in Afghanistan Balkh Provinceعبدالله تواناماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۵
The Role of National Development Fund in Confrontation Oil Shocks in Iran Economy from Government Expenditure Channel by Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Modelسپیده توکلی قوچانیدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۵
Identification and analysis the employment barriers of educated women in Afghanistanیلدا اریبماجستيررزمی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۵
Analysis the Effect of Industrial Firms’ Age and Size On Transaction Costs of Financing In Khorasan Razavi Provinceعلیرضا حاجیان ملکیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۶
The Effect of Some Economic, Institutional and Environmental Variables on Life Expectancy of Selected Men and Women From Developing Countries Using Panel Threshold Regression Methodحامد مختاری ترشیزیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۷
The impact of Interaction between Institutional Quality and kinds of government Expenditures on Economic Growth in Iran-1984-2016-سمیه مقدسی نقدعلیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۷
Analysis of the Impact of Earthquake on Economic Growth: By System Dynamic Approach (Case Study: Tehran)میترا سید زادهدكتوراءمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۷
Economic Integration of Iran - Russia In the CIS Areaمنصور ملائی پور اشکاءدكتوراءمهدوی عادلی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۸
An investigation of the effects of US monetary and financial variables on OPEC return volatilities using GARCH-MIDAS approachبهاره رمضانیان باجگیرانماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۱
Investigation of the Nonlinear Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in the Iranنیلوفر افخمی رادماجستيربهنامه۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۱
study of effects of economic sanctions on Iran s bilateral trade with eastern and westerns countries, using gravity model 1995-2016نجمه حیدرزاده جنت آبادیماجستيرسیفی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۱
Investigating the Effects of Banking Resources Shock on Some Variables of IRAN’s Macroeconomics, by DSGE Approachعلی انعامیدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲
A Survey Of Effective Factors On Economic, Social And Cultural Motives Of Families In Participating Or Not Participating In Informal-Household Funds (Case Study Of Mashhad )آمنه خوش قامتماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating the Effect of some Influences Factors on Early Retirement in Iran During the 1384-1396فائزه جلیلی شناسائیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲
Identification of speculative bubbles in Tehran Stock Exchange and analysis of the role of changes in the agents` variety in determining their characteristics according to log periodic power law model and Agent-based model.احمد قلی برکیشدكتوراءابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating the Factors Influencing Tax evasion the Viewpoint of Taxpayers in Herat Province, Afghanistanنرگس براتیانماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۱۹-۱۰-۰۸
A Survey of Greenhouse Gases Emission Trading between Iran and BRICS Countries: A Game Theory Approachاعظم محمدباقریدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۱۱-۱۳
Determine the appropriate rate of government debt (Treasuries) in proportion to the oil industrial projectsسید محمد رضا احمدیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۱۹-۱۱-۲۳
The Study of Effective Economic Factors on Tourism Density in Iran Provincesسمانه زارعماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۱۹-۱۲-۰۱
Investigating the effect of knowledge based economy index on environmental pollution in selected countries from the exporting countries and importing crude oilسیده سیما شاهی سوقماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۱۹-۱۲-۱۸
The analysis of the survival functions of people covered by unemployment insurance and supporting of unemployment policies in Iranآزاده داودیدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۱۹-۱۲-۱۸
Determination of Iran's Factor Content of Trade based on Augmented Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model Using International Input- Output Tablesسیدحامد فهیمی فرددكتوراءکریم زاده۲۰۱۹-۱۲-۳۱
Financial - Economic Appraisal of Solar Power Production in Maysan Provinceمحمد علی رمضان سلمانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۰۱
The Identification of Domestic Crude Oil Demand Determinants in Iran by Using Bayesian Model Averagingمهشید مهر معتمدیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۰۷
Investigating and Recognizing the Prior Relationship between Moral Philosophy and Economic Science Theoriesمحمدرضا کلائیدكتوراءناجی میدانی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۲۰
Economic evaluation of the construction of a biofertilizer unit on the outskirts of Baghdadحسین عبدالحمزه سلمان الرکابیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۲۵
The effect of prominence of religious beliefs on the rate of intertemporal of preferences. Case study: Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistanنعمت الله ذکیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۲۵
A Consideration for asymmetric information in health insurance market in Iran and formation information consistent contractنسیم عربیاندكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۲۸
The Determinants of High-technology Exports with Emphasis on Competitive Industrial Performance and Trade Openness For Selected Upper-middle-income Countriesسعید جلالیانماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۱
Investigating the Effect of Democratic Processes and Providing Government Services on Health Expenditur MENA countriesنسیبه صدیقیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۴
Investigating the effect of the most critical Economic, Human and Climate Factors on Air Pollution in Mashhadحسن اسدی بربریهاماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۵
Analyzing Prosocial Behavior: Case Study of Mashhadسید حامد حسینیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating the effect of economic, environmental and institutional variables on infants mortality rate in selected countries with abundant resourcesمهدیه مهرابیماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۸
Investigating the impact of new energy and fossils on economic growth in middle-income countries upwardsاسامه کاظم عبدالعزیز القرغولیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۸
Studying the Factors of Probability of Default on Payable Facilities of AIB Bank in Herat, Afghanistanمحمدحسن محمدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۸
Investigating the Effect of Fossil Energy Consumption and Electricity Consumption on the Human Development Index in OPEC Selected Countriesحسن سلمانی قاسم آبادیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۹
Investigation of Influential Factors on Graduates Employment: Evidence from Graduates of Kabul University in 2015محمد صمیم مسکین یارماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۹
Investigating factors affecting education-job mismatch Case Study: Graduates of 2015 and 2016 University of Samangan, Afghanistanسیدمحمدمنیر انصاریماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۹
(Investigating the Impact of Some Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Crime in Iran's Provinces (2008-2015زکیه حشمتی اذریماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۲
Examining the Relationship between Internal and External Imbalances by Extending the Trilemma theory (Case Study of Iranian Economy)محمود الهیاری فرددكتوراءکریم زاده۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۵
Investigating the Effects of Oil Shocks on Macroeconomic Variables by Considering Scenarios of Oil Revenue Distribution: DSGE Approachاکرم غیبی هاشم آبادیدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۷
Study of the Effect of Energy Subsidies on the Environmental Performance Index in OPEC member countriesفاطمه عسکریماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۷
Investigating the impact of air pollution on private and public health expenditures in the countries of Iran's development perspective document 1404آزاده جهان تابی نژادماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۸
Comparing the Effect of Economic Growth, Inflation and Government Expenditure Variables on the Unemployment Rate of Men and Women in the Iranian Economyمرتضی فهیمیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۹
Investigate the effect of institutional-economic variables on the unemployment rate in selected developing countriesصدیقه کمالی حمامیانماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۱۸
Investigating the Effect's of Network Readiness and Good Governance Index's on Tourism Industrial Revenues in Selected Countries of Southwest Asiaسیدمحمدقائم ذبیحیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۱۹
Forecasting & investigating of co-movement between oil price and the stock market index in selected OPEC countries by using the GARCH copula modelسپیده آرومماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۲۳
The study of effective factors on the lack of realization of national Boujeh of Afghanistan from the viewpoint of expertsفائزه عظیمیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۰-۰۸-۳۱
The study of relationship between customs tariff and smuggling in Iranنیره السادات آیتیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۰۵
Identification of effective factors influencing the beliefs of the elite agents in the formation of official institutions of Iranian economy using a cognitiveرضا خواجه نائینیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۰۶
Investigating the Impact of Selected Economic, Political and Climatic Factors on Internal Conflicts: A Case Study of Selected Countries in the Mena Regionاحمد سراداری ترشیزیماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۲
A Comparative Study on the Effect of Alternative and Fossil Energy consumption On Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Countries Using SUR Regression Approachسمانه زنگوئیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۳
Investigating the effect of rule of law and corruption on Stagflation in Iran's economy: institutional approachمرتضی ابراهیمیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۵
Determining the Optimal Quota of Oil Production in OPEC Member Countriesفرزانه رحمت جوماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۵
afghans social identity and their preferences an experimental studyسیدمحمد حسینیدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۶
Investigating the main factors affecting the price of kidney donation: Empirical Evidence from Mashhadطناز معین درباریماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۶
Measuring Oil Price Uncertainty Index Based on Internet Searches For Iran, and the Impact of It's Shocks on Exchange Rateابوالفضل عباسیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۲۱
A Survey of OPEC Behavior in World Oil Market: Application of Markov Regime-switching and Fractional Integrationروح اله نظریدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۲۶
Investigating effects of Taxes on Income distribution - A Case Study of Provinces of Iran.ندا دلاورماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۳۰
Modeling for Comparative Analysis of Optimal Oil Production Path for Buy Back Petroleum Contracts Corespondents: A Case Study of one of the Iranian Offshore Oil Fieldsشراره کاوسیدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۳
The study of rate of return and trading volume volatility regimes and the shocks effects on their fluctuations in the Iranian petrochemical stock between 2011 to 2016 using Markov switching model and GARCH modelکیمیا آثاری فرماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۸
An Investigation to the Threshold Exchange rate Pass Through to Consumer Price Indexs , Import and Export in Iranسید مهدی پژمدكتوراءتحصیلی۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۲۱
The Determination of the Optimum Share for Different Types of Energy Under Iran’s Industrial Subsectors With Regard to Economic and Environmental Purposes Using NSGA-ΙΙپیام رشیدیدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۲۰-۱۲-۲۷
Measuring the efficiency of Low-Carbon Economy in Energy Intensive Industries of Iran using the Range Adjusted Measure (RAM)پونه افتخاریاندكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۲۰-۱۲-۳۰
The effect of US. monetary policy and oil price shocks on some of macroeconomic variables of major oil exporting countries: A GVAR approachالناز حاجبیدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۰۹
The Impact of Innovation (Knowledge-Based Economy Component) and Human Capital effect on Energy Intensity in Selected Developing Countriesحدیثه صیادی برزل آبادماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۲۳
Investigating the effect of oil sales revenues on the governance index in OPEC member countriesعلی لطیف عبید العاصمیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۲۵
Investigating the Determinants of Non-Performing Loans of the Banking Network from the Private and Public Sectors with Emphasis on Fluctuations in Asset Markets and Social Capital: (Application of Wavelet Transform and Markov Switching Patterns)سهیل رودریدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۲۶
Investigating the Relationship between Economic Growth and Combined Environmental Performance Index (MCIEP) in Iranian Provinces during 2005-2017زهراسادات رضویماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۰۶
Impact Of Employment Status On People`s Political Orientation in the 2013 Iranian Presidential Electionفاطمه سالاریماجستيرچشمی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۰۷
Investigating the Effect of Fossil Fuel Consumption on Health Expenditures with Emphasizes on the Role of Per Capita Incomeمهلا خاشعیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۰۹
Investigating the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Oil Revenues on Economic Growth in Selected OPEC Countriesمنیر هادی علیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۳
Investigating the Impact of Temperature Changes, Institutional Indexes (Democratic Process, and Government Service Delivery) on Life Expectancy in Two Groups of Developed and Developing Countriesفرشته الهوردی زاده ممقانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۳
The interactive effect of market structure and economic freedom on the performance of the banking industryحسن رضاییدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۵
Estimation of Energy Efficiency and Rebound Effect in Iran's Energy Intensive Industries with Emphasis on Determination of Effective Factors on Energy Efficiency Based on Nonparametric Analysisمهدیه عربشاهی دلوییدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۵
Economic and environmental assessment of the construction of a distributed generation power plant(Case Study: Mashhad city)فائزه حسین زادهماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۶
The Impacts of Industrial Employment on Income Inequality in Iran’s Provinces During 2011-2015فرشته یوسف زادهماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۶
Comparing Welfare Effects of the Fossil Fuel Energy Subsidy Reform in Selected Countriesمحمد حضرت پورماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۶
The analysis of time-related underemployment and its determinants in Iranعباس رضائی خوشدره گیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۷
Modeling of incentive-based oil contract designingسیدمحمدموسی مطلبیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۸
Forecasting Drinking Water Demand Considering the Consumers’ Social Interactions and Diffusion Process, Based on Agent-Based Modeling (Case Study: Shiraz City)سیدفرزاد موسویدكتوراءصالح نیا۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۸
Determination of the Optimal Portfolio Of Pension Funds In Iran (Case Study: Social Security Fund)رها سادات رمضانیاندكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۸
Investigating the Effect of Energy Consumption and Climate Change on Income Inequality (Gini Index) in Iranحامد شعبانیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۰۳
The Impact of Nonlinear Relationship and Stability of Population Aging on Economic Growth in Iranشهرزاد اکبریماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۴
Investigating the effect of economic and climatic variables on hydropower generation in Iran using Kalman filter modelمرجان حیرانی مقدمماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۶-۲۴
The Impact of Human Capital on Reducing Unemployment in Selected Countries Middle East and North Africaعلیرضا زاغیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۱-۰۶-۲۸
Economic Evaluation of tourism Investment in Historic Houses of Mashhadنگار دهقان نیریماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۰۷
Comparison of technical analysis method with econometrics (ARIMA model) to predict the exchange rate in Iranسیدفواد حسینیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۱۱
Behavioral analysis of fare evasion in Mashhad's bus transport systemسمیرا مجردماجستيرچشمی۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۱۴
The Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Credit Risk of Private and Public banks in Iranساره درافشانیاندكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۲۵
Productive and Unproductive Entrepreneurship and its Implications on Economic Growthعلی ظریف هنروردكتوراءفیضی۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۸
Investigating how to improve the kidney allocation process in Iran using Genetic Algorithm to reduce dialysis costsسارا ملائی وانقیماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۲
Investigating the effect of information and communication technology and good governance on infant mortality rate in selected developing countriesسجاد سرگلزایی قدیمماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۸
Investigating the effect of energy consumption intensity and good governance index on economic growth of OPEC member countriesهادی یاسر لفته العایدیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۲
Investigating some affecting factors on the financial stability of social security organizationسیدمسعود بهاری سارویماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۳
An analysis of the effects of price policies on metro public transport demand in Mashhadریحانه غیورصفارماجستيرچشمی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۹
Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Food Security and Food Access in Selected Countries Using Observations Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR)مینا حمیدیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۰
Investigating the Impact of Using Public Transportation on Reducing Environmental Pollutants (Case Study Comparing Subway and Bus Mashhad city)نارون قدرتیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۱
Investigating the factors affecting the smuggling of energy carriers and its economic consequencesتکتم احمدی بهلولیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۱
The impact of behavioral policies on the amount of electricity consumption of urban households during peak consumption hours – a field study in Mashhadریحانه قشقاییماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۳
Investigating the effect of economic freedom on the consumption of renewable energy in a selection of OPEC member countriesمصطفی خضیر احمدماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۳
The survey of the Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations On the Uncertainty of Stock Market Return of Iranپونه نصیریماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۳
Investigation of the Effect of Energy - Water Security on Iran's Economic Growth: Vector Autoregressive with Exogenous Variable Modelنوشین کریمی علویجهدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۴
Impact Of Resource Rents And Good Governance On The Ecological Foot Printعلی محمدی سه یک آبماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۷
Evaluating the Impacts of Balance of Payments Variables Shock on Selected Macroeconomic Variables Using FAVAR Modelمرتضی چشتیدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۷
Assessing the effect of average population age on inflation in Iranسجاد ناصریماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۸
The effect of per capita income and inequality on children's school dropout in the provinces of Iran (2015-2019)مژگان اثنی عشری ابرودیماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۹
The study of economic, financial and political risks on the resource curse vulnerability index in the countries of Mena regionدانیال فربدماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۹
Investigating the Impact of Oil Prices on the Economic Activity of OPEC Selected Countriesمقداد زکی حمید بنانهماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۹
Assessing the Impact of Renewable Energy on Economic Growth (Case Study of OECD Countries)مجید انصاری محسنیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۲۰
Investigating the effective factors on dropout of child labour : case studay of Mazr-e- sharifeسخی بخش اسدیماجستيرمصطفوی ترقی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۲۰
Comparison of the Impact of the 2008 Economic Crisis and the Corona Pandemic on Oil Consumption in Selected OECD Countriesصباح محمدرضا فیصلماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۲۰
Application of Agent-based simulation in determining the feasibility of using transfer of development rights to eliminate Redistributional rents due to building density in urban plans - Case study of Tehranمحمود اولادقره گوزدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۲۱
Investigating the Impact of Good Governance on Economic Resilience in the Selected Oil Producing Countries with Emphasis on Corruption Controlسید حامد حکم آبادیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۲۲
Investigating the Impact of Economic Sanctions and Environmental Pollutants on Food Index in Iranحدیثه لطفیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۱-۱۱-۰۱
Comparison the Impact of the Corona and SARS Pandemic on the Housing Market "A Case Study of OECD Selected Countries by Continents in Europe, Asia and the Americasرسول رافع زغیر اللامیماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۱-۱۱-۰۲
Environmental Impacts of Road Freight Transportation in Iran (During 1397-1392)مهسا موسی زاده منجیلیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۱-۱۱-۱۰
Analysis and comparison of economic efficiency of traditional cultivation with greenhouse cultivation of saffron (Case study of Ghaenat city)مسعود گندمکارماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۱-۱۱-۲۴
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Personal Remittances on the Human Development Index in Iran During the Period (1991-2018)مهلا قاینی سردشتماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۲۰
Investigating the short-term and long-term impact of information and communication technology on Gini coefficient in Iranعلی رضا فرمانی رباط سنگیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۲۹
The post-Corona outlook for the US oil market to the horizon of 2022احمد حسن عبودماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۱۰
Investigating the Impact of Information and Communication Technology and Human Capital on Reducing Income Inequality in Selected Developing Countries.مژگان کارگرماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۱۲
Urbanization and Spillover Effects on Economic Growth and Convergence in Iranian Provinces (Spatial Regression Approach)محمد علی شعبانیدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۱۷
An Investigation of Import Duties and Foreign Exchange Rate Impacts on Foreign Trade of Industrial Sector at Disaggregated Level in Iran (An Evaluation of Tariff Reduction Scenarios for Accession to the WTO)علی زاهدطلباندكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۱۹
Investigating the Impact of Institutional Quality on the Ratio of Clean to Dirty Energy Consumption with Panel Quantile approach: a Cross-Country Analysisمحمدامین شجاعی نیاماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۲۶
Investigating The Impact of Labor Market Situation (In Terms of Unemployment Rate And Relative wages) On Demand of Higher Education In Iranمهناز قاینی سردشتماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۳۱
Impact of the Corona Pandemic on Energy Demand in the US Industry Sector (Based on Renewable Energy and Oil)احمد ابراهیم کاظمماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۱
Investigating The Effect of Foreign Trade and Economic Growth on The Severity of Poverty in Urban Areas of Iranسلمان دهواریماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۶
The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Financial Transmission of Parallel Markets (OECD selected countries)نور حمید دعاس الدلبوحیماجستيربهنامه۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۷
Investigating the Effect of Fossil Fuel Consumption on Health Expenditures with Emphasizes on the Role of Per Capita Incomeافنان محمد عباس الوائلیماجستيربهنامه۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۸
Investigating the Impact of Housing Costs on Marriage Rates in Urban Areas of Iranمیثم یوسفی چوبینیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۹
Comparative study of energy consumption economic prosperity in Iran and OECD countriesالناز طاهریانماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۹
A Consideration for the Sensitivity of Price Stickiness for the Impact of Value Added Tax on Consumer Price and Consumption in Iran with DSGE modelمسعود قربانیدكتوراءچشمی۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۲
The role of development in the Income inequality of port cities of Iranساجده رحیمیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۶
Risk theory with the approach of Islamic jurisprudence And its role in the distribution of profits between factors of productionعلی نقی قائمی نیکدكتوراءرزمی۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۷
Measuring Iran's economic uncertainty index with news content mining approach and its impact on stock market fluctuationsمیلاد سالمیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۹
Rainfall variability and Economic Growth in Provinces of Iranنگار گازرانیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۹
Estimating the Impact of Climate Change on Economic Growth with the Emphasis on the Governance of the Selected Countries Using Threshold Panel Data Modelسمیه میقانیدكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۰
Investigating the Impact of Foreign Trade and Financial Development on Environmental Pollution in Iranفاطمه رمضانیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۱
Investigating the Impact of Sanctions Index on Tax Revenues in Iran from 1981 to 2017حسین کاظمی فریمانیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۲
Comparison and analysis of the effect of regulation on the credit risk in traditional and shadow banking (mutual funds) in Iranصاحبه مسعودیدكتوراءچشمی۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۳
the analysis of Public-Private sector wage Differentials Iranian labor market: An Oaxaca decomposition and Quantile regression analysis approachناهید چشمه قصابانیدكتوراءملک الساداتی۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۶
A Survey for the role of financial development on the effectiveness of monetary policy in Iranندا ریحانی محب سراجدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۷
The Impact of Renewable and Non- Renewable Energy Consumptionon Economic Growth and Total Factor Productivity in Iranمحمد اویسیدكتوراءهمایونی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹
The Impact of ICT on the Performance of Private Banks -Eghtesad novin,Saman,Saderat Iran,Parsian,Pasargad,Tejarat,Khavarmianeh,Dey,Shahr,Karafarin,Mellat,Post Bank Iran -طناز مسلمماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹
Identification Pillars of the Development of North Khorasan Province With an Emphasis on the Production and the Employment With Use Regional Input-output Tableنسرین امیدیدكتوراءقوامی۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۱۶
The effect of natural resource rents and good governance on welfare curse in developing countries: A quantile regression approachعلی سرگل زاییماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۱۴
Investigating the relationship between economic growth and the insurance industry in separately sorted by life and non-life insurance in MENA selected countries (1994-2017)علی طهمورث پوردكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۱۷
Investigating the Impact of Human Capital and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Economic Growth in Selected Developing Countries.حامد مرادیماجستيرسیفی۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۰۳
Investigating the Impact of the US Unconventional Oil Reserves Supply on Global Oil Price Behavior Using System Dynamics Approachعماد کاظم زادهدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۰۶
Impact of Foreign Trade on Factor Mobility (Revisiting Mundell’s Theorem) in Iran’s Economy Using Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)لادن قدرتیدكتوراءکریم زاده۲۰۲۲-۰۸-۱۰
Investigation of major challenges and opportunities in the field of export in economic ecosystem of Anzali free trade zone and providing appropriate solutionsابوالفضل فرخیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۸-۱۷
Investigating the effect of value-added structure on the share of gross per capita cost of income decilesامیرحسین دشتیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۸-۲۷
Future Outlook The Impact of the Corona Pandemic Uncertainty on Total Electricity Production in the United Statesضحی جاسم قاسم الدبیسیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۰۴
Investigating factors influencing on citizens' belief in economic corruption in issuing urban planning permits in Mashhad municipalityزهرا یامیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۰۶
The Relationship Between Poverty And Export Product Diversification in Iran During the Period 1983-2019نجمه سوری ناصریماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۰۷
Economic evaluation of investment in wind and photovoltaic power plants, according to the different prices of emission reduction coupons, in order to achieve a cost-effective and reasonable price in Iranرقیه ظفرزادهماجستيرصباحی۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۳
Investigating the size and structure of countries' capital, including (natural, physical, human capital) on economic growth during the years 1995 to 2018سحر قلی زادهماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۴
Investigating the effect of oil price uncertainty on renewable energy consumption and production (Turkey case study)عطیه عظیمیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۸
investigating the impact of non-oil exports and economic growth on income inequality in iranمونا جلالیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۹
Investigating the impact of economic uncertainty index shocks on the total index of the stock market in Iran, Using internet search dataحسن اکبری جهانیماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۰
(The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Liberalization on the Environmental Performance Index (Case study: Mena countriesحبیب الرحمن رحیمیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۰
Study the impact of climate change on financial stability index (in selected Asian developing countries)نسرین الهی فرگیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۱
The effect of inflation on short-term deposits _Case study: Sepah Bank, Khorasan Razavi regionمجید پاکزادماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۰۸
The welfare cost of unemployment: The Case of states of Iranهاشم رودیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۱۸
Investigating the effect of trade openness on renewable energy consumption in selected OPEC member countriesوحید شیعه زاده یزدیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۱۸
Analysis the effects of fiscal and monetary policy shocks on asset prices in Iran's economy; A combined application of Bayesian averaging models and Factor-augmented vector autoregressive with time-varying parametersمریم روحانیدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۱۸
The Study of Socio-Economic Factors on Mental Health for Men and Women in Iran’s Provincesسمانه حجی زاده بهمدیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۲۳
Investigating the Effect of Unemployment Rate on Wage Gap between Private and Public Sector in the provinces of Iranسحر جلیلیان مهریماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۰۱
Studying the effects of climate change on Iran’s economic sector based on IPCC scenarios (A Computable general equilibrium approach)مصطفی عربیدكتوراءلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۱۵
Investigating the Effects of Economic, Social and Environmental Factors on EIWB Index Using Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Panel Dataزهرا روحانی نقابدكتوراءابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۰۳
The effect of the outbreak of Corona on OPEC oil priceمیلاد حسین پورماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۰۴
Investigating obstacles to the development of electronic banking in Herat cityمحمد جواد فروتنماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۰۹
Investigating the effect of stock market development on the low-carbon economy: the role of technology innovation and renewable energy in OECD countries and non-OECD in the period 1997-2020محمدحسین پورنظریماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۳۱
Investigating the impact of human development index on renewable energy consumption in Iranمهشید سامیماجستيربهنامه۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۱
Investigating the effects of education and corruption perception index on CO2 emissions (case study: selected MENA countries)وحید احمد مجیدیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵
The Effect of Per Capita Income and Income Inequality and Poverty on Fertility Rate In Iranهانیه حسین زادهماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating the effects of higher education structure on income distribution inequalityفریده خانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating the Role of Human Development in the Impact of Income Inequality On Environmental Quality in Selected Countriesنصرالله شهیدانیماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating the effect of female labour economic participation rate and marriage rate on housing prices in urban areas of selected provinces of Iranمرجان قدوسیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۶
Studying the effect of natural resources, urbanization and environmental degradation on the human development of OPEC member countries during the period (2003 to 2021)فیروز احمد غلجاییماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۷
Impact of human capital, foreign direct investment and environmental quality on economic growth (MENA countries)احسان الله پاکدلماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۷
A comparative study of the effect of social capital on income distribution in Iran’s provinces with panel quantile regression approachسارا امیرحسینی دولت آبادیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۳
The impact of human development index and drought on economic growth in the provinces of Iranمعصومه باقریماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۴
The Impact of exports and imports in the provinces on the unemployment rateیاسمین میربهروزیانماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۵
The effect of financial inclusion on economic growth in a selection of OPEC member countriesفاطمه امانیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۹
The study of coronavirus outbreak -COVID-19- effects on the economic welfare index in Mashhadسعیده حیدرزاده برزگرماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۹
Investigati the impact of Women's Education on Poverty in Selected Countries with High, Medium and low human Development.سیف الله سیفوریماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۱
An Investigating into the non-linear effect of trade openness on life expectancy in Iran's economyحیدر ساکن برجیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۱
Investigating the effect of human development index on corruption perception index in countries with very high, high, medium and low human development index.میر محمد حارث حسینیماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۱
Impact of GDP and Foreign Direct Investment on the Development of Renewable Energy in MENA Countries: Panel Quantile Regression Approachزهرا ظریف سنگ اتش خبازماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۱
Irans Balance Trade Todel based on System Dynamics Approach to Vision 1414مریم ترابی فردماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۲
An Analysis the Effects of Covid-19 Outberak on Income, Unemployment and Saving and Providing Solutions to Reduce Its Consequences in the Short Run (Case Study of Mashhad)حسین مشک آبادی مهاجردكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۶
Investigating the Impact of Central Bank and Oil Sanctions on Private Sector Accumulation and Government Budget Deficit in Iran Based on the Stock Flow Consistent Modelمحمدعلی مقصودپوردكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۶
The Study of the Impact of Industrial Agglomeration on Pollution Agglomeration: A Spatial Econometric Approach (the Case of Slected MENA Countriesسکینه اسلامی گیسکیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۶
Investigating the effect of bitcoin mining on the quality of the environment in a selection of major bitcoin mining countries in the worldپریسا علی زادهماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۳-۰۳-۱۳
An examination of the effect of per capita income and income distribution on the crime rate in Iranمحمدامین مشایخانماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۰۳
Credibility of Group Manipulation in Random Assignmentsهما حسین زاده رنجبرماجستيرفیضی۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۱۱
Investigating the relationshin between time-varying inflation risk and stock returns using a consumption-based asset pricing modelفریبا عثمانیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۳۰
Evaluating the Effect of Economic, Climatic and Hydraulic Variables on Urban Drinking Water Consumption Based on Fuzzy Inference System -Case Study: Gonabad City-فاطمه سید رمضانیماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۳-۰۸-۲۹
Investigating the impact of physical health on the relationship between the middle-aged workforce and economic growth in Iranسعید رحمانیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۰۹
The effect of climate change on household electricity demand in Mazandaran provinceکیان تقویماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۰
Investigating the effect of venture capital shock on economic growth with panel VAR in a selection of developed countriesسپهر مقصودیماجستيراسماعیل پورمقدم۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۳
Examining the Environmental Kuznets Curve From The Point of View of The Economic Complexity Index In Selected Countriesمعصومه دماوندیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۳
Investigating the impact of economic globalization and economic complexity on environmental quality in Iranمحمدامین میرماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۰
Comparative comparison of the industrial policies of Iran and Saudi Arabia in order to achieve economic complexityسیدمیلاد حسینیماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۵
investigating the Effects of climate change and technology improvements on economic growth in selected developing countriesگلسا عباسیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۷
The Impacts of Service Employment on Income Inequality in Iran’s Provincesمریم ریشه چی فیاضماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۷
Analyzing the Factors Affecting Residential Water Demand in Iranian Provinces: Block Tariffs Perspective.پروانه سادات طباطبائیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۷
Analysis Of Labor Behavior with Emphasis on Overtime in Iran's Labor Marketسمیه سادات نقویدكتوراءهوشمند۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۳۰
Investigating the effect of the COVID-19 epidemic on the gross domestic product of Iran's provincesمصطفی سویزیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۱
The effects of financial and oil sanctions on labor emigration from Iranافسانه زارعیدكتوراءفلاحی۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۲
Calculating the ecological footprint’s index based on shannon’s entropy (case study: iran , 2005-2017)اکبر باقریماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۲
Review on the Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on Economic Growth in Iran Focusing on Financial Sector Stressجواد پاکدیندكتوراءصباحی۲۰۲۳-۱۲-۱۲
Investigating the Impact of Trade Liberalization and Human Capital on the Total Energy Consumption in Iranمهدی مویدپورماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۳-۱۲-۳۰
The Investigation of the effect of Corruption Perception Index and Human Development index on Poverty in Selected countries of the Middle East during the Period (2003-2021)حسن نوریماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۴-۰۱-۱۵
Investigating the Effect of Financial Inclusion on Income Inequality in Selected Countriesسمانه بیدختیماجستيراسماعیل پورمقدم۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۰۵
Investigating the Impact of various types of Taxes on Economic Growth in the Provinces of Iranمصطفی محمدآبادیماجستيرچشمی۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۰۵
The effect of the use of renewable energy on the happiness index in selected countries of the Middle Eastرضا شیخ اسکندریماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۳
Impact of Renewable Energy Development on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Panel Quantile Regression Approach for OECD Countriesبهاره پورسلیمماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۳
The Impact of Financial Development and Institutional Quality on Economic Growthالهه قربانیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۷
Factors Affecting Economic Recession in Iran during 1981-2022الهه مختاری مسینائیماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۷
Investigating the impact of social capital on ecological footprint in selected OECD and non-OECD countries: Quantile panel regression approachفاطمه سبزه کارماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۸
solution to improve and development tourism industry in afghanistan (case study : balkh provinceخجسته حمیدیماجستيرهوشمند۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۸
Investigating the Effect of Inflation Rate on the Occurrence Rate of Judicial Crimes in Iranفاطمه انصاریماجستيربهنامه۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۹
Examination of Money Supply Endogeneity in Iran Economyمحمدرضا قدرتی امانتماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۹
An Analysis of Political Economy of Provincial Development Budget Model in Iran’s Parliamentary Processفاطمه مردانیدكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۹
Analysis of the Structure of the Post-Soviet Trade Network in Order to Promote Multilateral Trade Relations with Iran: Descriptive Approach and ERGM Modelصالح طاهریدكتوراءکریم زاده۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۹
Investigation Housing Rental Bubble in Iran by Using the Kalman Filter Methodفائزه افضلیماجستيرناجی میدانی۲۰۲۴-۰۳-۱۲
The Effect of Globalization on Human Development in BRICS Countriesسیده فاطمه اسماعیلیماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۴-۰۳-۱۶
Investigating the impact of transport sectors on GDP in Iranمسعود مشرقیماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۴-۰۴-۳۰
Examining the reaction of the private sector to the efficiency of the public sector in Iran in the institutional context of economics and politicsمیثم طاهریاندكتوراءخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۴-۰۴-۳۰
Investigating the impact of foreign direct investment and corruption index on financial development in developing countriesمهدی دهقانماجستيرقوامی۲۰۲۴-۰۵-۰۱
Optimal Strategies of Social Security Parametric Reforms in the framework of Automatic Balancing Mechanisms (ABM)اسماعیل لقمانی دویندكتوراءاحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۴-۰۵-۰۸
Investigating the Spillover Effect of Macroeconomic Variables Uncertainty on Different Sectors of the Stock Market Volatility in Iranمحمدجواد گرجی پوردكتوراءناجی میدانی۲۰۲۴-۰۵-۲۱
Investigating the Impact of the Role of Stock Market and Governance Index on Renewable Energy Consumption in High Human Development Countriesسونیا ستارگرگیچماجستيرمهدوی عادلی۲۰۲۴-۰۷-۰۲
The Effects of COVID-19 Disruption on Educational and Economic Outcomes in Selected Countriesعبداللهی بوبادكتوراءفیضی۲۰۲۴-۰۸-۰۴
Assessing the Impact of Financial Inclusion and Government Effectiveness on INCOME LEVELS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A Panel ARDL Approachسجاد نامورماجستيرقوامی۲۰۲۴-۰۸-۱۷
Investigating the effect of sanctions uncertainty based on internet search on the pharmaceutical industry index of Tehran Stock Exchangeفائزه عیالوارماجستيرچشمی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۰۹
Investigating the effect of green energy consumption on job creation in selected major economies participating in the green financial programدانیال عبدالهی فورگماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۰۹
The Effect of Bank's Fintech on the Risk-taking of the Iranian Banking Systemآرزو کرمیماجستيراسماعیل پورمقدم۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۱
Aconsideration for the obstacles of the profit and loss sharing model in the state banks of Bojnord city (from the perspective of the bank customir and their official personals)سحر ملکوتیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۴
Investigating the Effect of Logistics Performance on the Quality of the Environment in Selected Asian Countriesحسین فراهیماجستيرکریم زاده۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۵
Feasibility of using green bonds to finance sustainable development goals in Iranزهرا احمدجواهریماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۶
The effect of paying cash subsidies on labor supply in Iranحمیدرضا خدایارماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۶
Investigating the impact of demand deposits as hot money on the stock market index and housing prices in Iranعلی مهدوی عارفماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۷
The study of inflation targeting effect on financial stability in high, medium and low per capita incomeعلی اخلاقیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۷
Estimation of the production function of the assembly car industry in Kerman province -application of the combined data model-بهروز لقمانیماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۸
The effect of green growth and economic complexity on carbon dioxide emissions in selected BRICS countriesمرتضی ده باشیماجستيرخداپرست مشهدی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۲
The study of household income effects on gender inequality in education regarding the covid-19سیده سامیه راستگارماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۲
Economic Evaluation of the Construction of Several Gas Wells in the Upstream Area of Oil and Gas (Case Study: A gas field in the north-east of Iran)جعفر رامشینیماجستيراحمدیان یزدی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۳
Investigating the Effects of Energy Consumption Structure and Economic Complexity Index on the Intensity of Carbon Emissions with a Club Approach Based on Quantile Panel Analysisفاطمه اکبریماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴
A Survey of the factors affecting the gender wage gap in the Iran's labor market before and after COVID 19حمید اکبریماجستيرسلیمی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴
The Study of Oil Sanction’s Effect on Food Prices in Iranفائزه اربابیماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۸
Analysis of Public-Private Partnership Models in the Production of Electric Energy in Water Transmission Lines (Conflicts Resolving by Game Theory Approach)علیرضا قدیمیدكتوراءسلیمی فر۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۹
Investigate the effect of the commodity index on the stock index of selected countriesامیررضا صبریماجستيراسماعیل پورمقدم۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰
An analysis the impact of inflationary tax and bank facilities on inequality across income classes (case study: Iran's economy)حمیدرضا شهابیماجستيراحمدی شادمهری۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰
Investigating the effect of financial and geopolitical uncertainties on financial markets: an approach based on the TVP-SVAR-SV modelمحمدصادق ادیبیاندكتوراءابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱
Modeling Integrated Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development of " Water- Energy -Food" in Iran (Grounded Theory Approach)فاطمه مومنی مهموییدكتوراءناجی میدانی۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱
Auctioneer overpricing in sealed-bid second-price auctions: an experimental studyفاطمه میرحسینیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱
Analyzing the Dynamic Relationship Between The Cryptocurrency and Stock Market With a Focus on The Yield Spillover Approach in Iranمجید منفرددكتوراءرزمی۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲
Investigating the tourism destination brand in the economic development of Neishabur countyمجتبی فخریماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۱۴
Investigating the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Productive Capacity on Resource Sustainability: Method of Moment Quantile Regression and Club Convergenceمحمدامین میرحاجماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۰۴
Investigating herd behavior in the Iranian stock marketعباس علی زاده محمدجانلوماجستيراسماعیل پورمقدم۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۱۸
Examining the Impact of Good Governance Indicators on the Global Competitiveness Index in Selected Countries with High Human Development Indexمحمد ارحمی چیتگرماجستيرتحصیلی۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۲۴
The study of Globalization effect on Unemployment in MENA Countries between 1996 and 2022بهناز پاکارماجستيرلطفعلی پور۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۲۶
The Study of Macroeconomic Variables Impact on AfghanistanTrade with Neighborsمریم بختیاریماجستيرفلاحی۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۲۶
Investigating the Causality between Human Development Index -HDI- and Ecological Footprint -EF- in selected developing and developed countries using Vector Autoregression Panel Approachناعمه حامدی نیاماجستيرهمایونی فر۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۰۴
The Interactive Effect of Geopolitical Risk and Green Technology on Health Expenditure in Iranسهیل عبداللهی تونه ئیماجستيرابراهیمی سالاری۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۱۵
Investigating and analysis the effective factors of dropout Afghan female immigrant students in Iran_a case study of elementary school in Mashhad cityعبدالرحمن مظفریماجستيررزمی۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۲۲
Assessing the Interconnectedness between Global political uncertainty index, real economic activity and financial markets: TVP-VAR extended joint approachعماد شریف باقریماجستيرصالح نیا۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۰۳
The Analysis of Motherhood Discrimination in Iran’s Urban labor market: A Focus on Job Opportunities and the Motherhood Wage Penaltyریحانه رییس الساداتدكتوراءملک الساداتی۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۲
The Impact of Drought and Economic Variables on Inter-Provincial Migration in Iranمحبوبه قدرت نمادكتوراءملک الساداتی۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۲
The Impact of Drought on Child Labor in Urban Areas of Iran’s provincesصدف جمشیدیماجستيرملک الساداتی۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۹