عنوان الرسالة | طالب جامعي | الدرجات | مشرف | تاريخ الدفاع |
Analysis of changes in banks' assets, liquidity, and liabilities on the type and amount of facilities granted by banks - Case study of Parsian Bank branches | آفرین فاطمیان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۸ |
The impact international financial reporting standards and the public sector on economic freedom | محمد ایرجی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۷ |
The effect of analysts' attention on tax avoidance considering the moderating role of social responsibility | سیدحسین هاشمی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۷ |
The effect of corporate governance on the relation between product market competition and investment efficiency | سهیل فرج زاده زنجانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۲۷ |
A Study of the Relationship Between Conservatism and Measures of Financial Constraints with the Moderation Effects of Liquidity and Bankruptcy Risk | مصطفی رمضان پورنامقی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۲۶ |
Investigating the Relationship between Abnormal Inventory and the Performance of Manufacturing Companies with Emphasis on the Moderating Role Institutional Shareholders | ام البنین رضائی کلاته | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۰۸ |
The role of Institutional and Geographic Ties in the publication of accounting scientific research articles | فاطمه اعتمادی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۲-۱۰ |
The impact of metaverse on financial reporting | اصغر خان محمدی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۲۰ |
Challenges of open innovation in small and medium companies | زینب باستانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۱۳ |
Investigating the effect of managerial ability and the readability of the auditor's report on the company's liquidity and cost of debt | مجتبی پورشایگان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
Examining the effect of the tenure of the CEO on stock price fluctuations according to the company's competition | سیدفتاح شاطرحسینی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
The relationship between the characteristics of the audit committee and earnings management with the role of financial distress and company size | زهرا شورورزی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
Investigating the effect of political uncertainty on the idiosyncratic volatility of companies' returns, considering the role of information quality and managerial ability | حجت صادقی پناه | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱ |
Investigating The relationship between financial performance and corporate governance mechanisms on the quality of earning of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | مرتضی حسین عاشور الشریفی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱ |
The moderating effect of institutional stockholders on the relationship between customer concentration and social responsibility | مهدی یار نجارزاده | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰ |
Investigating the relationship between ethical leadership and employees' trust in managers and partners with knowledge sharing, emphasizing the mediating role of organizational justice | حسین اسدی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰ |
Pathology and Examination of the Relationship between Job Demands and the Affective Suffering of Audit Trainees | مهدی نظریان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
effect of gamification on the job performance of auditors and accountants with the role of mediating knowledge sharing | الناز محمدی لزرجانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
Investigating the impact of the consequences of the disclosure of kay audit matters on the market reaction and the financial statements of the companies admitted to the Stock Exchange Organization | محمد شمسی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
The effect of types of accountability on the quality of financial decision making and judgment | نگار جولائی فلاح | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |