عنوان الرسالة | طالب جامعي | الدرجات | مشرف | تاريخ الدفاع |
الدرجات | مشرف | |||
Experimental study the relationship between inventories and its discrete components with financial performance In manufacturing companies | هادی قربان علی آبادی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۱-۰۵-۰۳ |
Information content and Prediction Power of Classification of Tax Paied | محمدعلی ساری | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۱-۰۵-۱۰ |
An examination of the relationship of delay in announcing annual earnings quarterly forecast with news type and forecast accuracy | سیدسعید مهرداد آیسک | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۱-۰۹-۲۰ |
A Study Of The Relationship Between Various Indicators Of Liquidity, Profitability And Firm Value | امین رستمی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۱-۱۱-۱۵ |
the agreement rate of financial statements users with differences between national and international accounting standards | صادق حسن زاده کوجو | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۲-۰۱-۰۴ |
Examination of the association between annual financial reporting timeliness & corporate governance | مجتبی سلیمانی مارشک | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۲-۰۱-۰۷ |
The auditors opinions on factors affecting job satisfaction | سیداسمعیل شعنی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۲-۰۱-۰۷ |
Investigation of relation between financing activities and accruals with stock returns of manufatural companies in tehran stock exchange(TSE). | آرش خیرخواه | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۲-۰۲-۲۸ |
Optimal Time Period in Earnings Forecasting Models | سیدمحسن موسوی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۲-۰۶-۱۹ |
Empirical Evaluation of the Sticky Behavior of Costs in the Tehran Stock Exchange Market | سیدعلی حدادبایگی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۲-۰۷-۱۲ |
The effect of CEO reputation and explanations for poor performance on investors’ judgments about the company’s future performance and management | فرهاد رعناورنوسفادرانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۲-۰۸-۰۱ |
Identifying,analyzing and ranking of nonfinancial measures that affect investors decision by using analytic hierarchy process techniques (AHP). | سیده طاهره مهربان خو | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۳-۰۴-۱۶ |
investigating of the relationship between some financial factors and cash holding for the companies tehran stock exchange | مصطفی ملکیان کله بستی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۳-۰۸-۳۰ |
the comparision of accuracy of prediction financial distress with ISVM and SVM | حمید رمضانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۰ |
The Role of Market-based Assets in Reducing Corporate Risk. | مریم سعیدی کیان | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۱ |
Investigate Changes In Intellectual Capital Throughout The Life Cycle Of The Listed Companies In Tehran Stock Exchange | سعید فلاحی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲ |
Study of the cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings | حجت هاتفی مجومرد | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۳-۰۹-۲۲ |
The relationship between earnings management and investment efficiency | زهره مرادی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۰۶ |
The survey of the effective factors in reducing expectation gap between auditors and users of financial statement | حسین میرزائی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۰۸ |
comparing the effect of index and models measurement quality accounting on information asymmetry | حسن سپهری کیا | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۰ |
Survey of Effect of Ownership on Firms Performance, Based on Financial Indicators of Traditional and New (Experience of Privatization in Iran) | علی خلیلیان موحد | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۹ |
Evaluation of the relationship between accounting quality and conditional and unconditional conservatism | صغری کرمدار مزرجی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۹ |
A study Relation between financial report and type of financing | رحیمه عبداللهی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۹ |
Forecasting Stock Prices: application of econometric models and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) | امید امانداد | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۲۹ |
Disclourquality, cost of capital and investor walfare | شهپر معلمی کراب | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۱-۳۰ |
Working capital management optimization using ANN | سعید سمائی رهنی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۰۴ |
An examination of users’ perceptions about the effects of auditor rotation on audit quality | محمدرضا آسیائی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۱۰ |
The relationship between various combinations of cash flow components and stock returns | سعید محمّدی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۲-۱۰ |
Impact of accounting education and work experience on emotional intelligence | آلاله ژیان طبسی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۳-۱۱ |
Detecting earnings management with models Support Vector Regression (SVR), Least Angle Regression (LARS) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) | قاسم آرسته | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۳-۱۱ |
The relationship between variables based on the balance theories and pecking order theories and selected variables from cash flow statement with corporate cash holdings. | ناهید رضائی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۳-۲۹ |
the relationship between owenership structure and investment inefficiency | وجیهه رجبی خامسی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۵-۲۱ |
An Examination of the Accuracy of the Business Plan Predicted Earnings | سیداسماعیل هزارخانی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۵-۲۴ |
operating cash flow- adaboost algorithm- adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system | نوشین اسلامی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۵-۲۵ |
An investigation the impact of CEO’s financial knowledge on earnings management in listed companies of TSE | محمد ملازاده | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۴-۰۵-۳۱ |
dividend ratio | فرشته مشتاق | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۶-۱۷ |
A Comparison of models Support Vector Regression (SVR), Least Angle Regression (LARS) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Earning Per Sheer (EPS) forecasting | محمدرسول داریوش نیا | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۱۵ |
Earnings Smoothing and Future Cash Flow Uncertainty | زهره اتقایی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۱۷ |
A study of the Cash holdings effect of maintenance and ownership concentration on the performance of listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange (performance indicators EVA and REVA) | قنبر علی شوشتری | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۱۸ |
The Relationship Between Sticky Costs and Forecasted EPS In Tehran Stock Exchange Corporation | سمّیه نجیب زادگان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۰ |
Compare and Evaluate the performance of the portfolio management investment companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange On the based measure of modern and postmodern portfolio theory. | هادی صدیقی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۰ |
A study of the barriers and challenges in the implementation of operational auditing listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange | الهه میرزایی راد | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۱ |
Prediction of probabilities of loss reversals and its impact on the future abnormal returns on the Tehran Stock Exchangeاحتمال بازگشت زیان، بازده سهام، اقلام تعهدی عملیاتی، هزینه تحقیق و توسعه، جریان نقدی عملیاتی، درجه محافظه کاری حسابداری | محمدحسین ذوالفقارآرانی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۱ |
Review on the relationship between conservatism, cash holding and stock return | هاشم ابراهیم بای | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۱ |
the effect of different definition of corporate size on profitability and liquidity | زینب نوربخش حسینی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۱ |
ارزیابی سیستم کنترل داخلی شرکتهای بورسی بر اساس چارچوب کنترل های داخلی ارائه شده توسط کوزو. | سمیرا عید محمد پور | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
Modeling and Forecasting Stock Abnormal Returns Using the Nonlinear Gray Bernoulli Model | بهار دریاب | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
Impact of consolidated and non-consolidated information on the prediction ability | آزاده جعفرزاده | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
The effects of accounting restatements on firm growth | مرتضی منصوری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
STUDY of the relation between humman development index and intellectual capital and firm performance | راحله بوستانی فرکوش | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۴-۱۰-۰۷ |
The Association between Audit Quality and the Quality of Information Disclosure of Companis | نوید پایدارمنش | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۴-۱۰-۲۸ |
A review and analyzing of Iranian auditing research | حسین فاتح گوش | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۴-۱۲-۱۷ |
THE analysis of relation ship between intellctual capital and efficiency of accepted offices in stock exchanging by using the model of data envelopment | مهدی دلقندی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۰۶ |
A study of the view points of auditors and users about the factors effecting to audit marketing | سٌمیه السادات حسینی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۰۸ |
Investigating financial statements user’s opinion about the factors affecting their trust on auditors and their reports | فرزانه نوفرستی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۱۴ |
Investigating financial statements users views regarding effect of performing internal controls guideline on their level of trust | زهرا گل علیزاده فروتقه | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۱۷ |
investigating managers and auditors opinion about gender effect on auditors professional performance | بهروز عارف نیا | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۱۸ |
The feasibility of implementing a cost management system using kaizen costing in manufacturing firms Khorasan Razavi | مهلا سیدحسینی مقدم | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۰ |
the relationship between pecking order theory and the firms accepted in tehran stock exchange (tse) | جواد باروئی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۰ |
A study of the predictive versus opportunistic earnings management | سیمین پورساسان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۰ |
Changes in Operational Efficiency and Firm Performance: A Frontier Analysis Approach | سعیده مرادی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۷ |
The effect shares owned by banks on market value listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange | فاطمه شریفی شهری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۹ |
The Relationship of Abnormal Audit Fees and Restatements | آدینه وحیدنیا | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۱-۲۹ |
Investigate the Factors Affecting the Conversion of the Cash Basis to Accrual Basis Accounting in Public Sector | مهدی عباسی زرمهری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۳ |
A study of the Association between Earning Long Term Patterns and Information Content of Dividends When Earnings are Reduced of Companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange. | عباس محمدیان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۸ |
Determining the measures of financial flexibility based on expert opinions and ratings are based on AHP | سمیه شیخعلی شاهی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۰۸ |
the impact of product market competition on different earnings quality criteria | بهزاد بیگی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۱۰ |
Earning management prediction using hybrid algorithms | بی تا قره خانی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۱۷ |
The study of the relationship between Capital structure, cash holding& firm value | علی طالب زاده بردسیری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۲۱ |
The relationship between audit quality , macroeconomic factors with the corporate dividend payout policy. | عطیّه سیگاری | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۲-۲۴ |
calculate the cost of one kg of rainbow trout (case study) | راشین قشقائی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۰۳ |
Ranking the influences financial and non financial Factors on taking decision of investors by using the Topsis and Ahp Techniques | لاله منتصری | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۶ |
A study Identifing some factors reducing the companies'financial reporting quality | علی اکبر عابدینی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۶ |
The day of the week effect on stock market return and volatility and turnover stock in Tehran stock exchange | الهام مردانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۷ |
Examining relationship between industrial classification and amount and composition of value added elements. | سمانه پور رسانه منش | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۳-۱۷ |
Relationship of Managers’ Enabling Perceptions on Costing System Use, Psychological Empowerment, and Task Performance | سارا اعتمادی عیدگاهی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۴-۱۴ |
The Impact of Timeliness Reporting of Intermittent Financial Statements on Information Asymmetry | رؤیا زحمتکش | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۵-۰۴-۲۹ |
Relation between Audit fees and Financial Report Misstatements: Evidence from Annual Restatements | سارا پژمان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۰۸ |
The relationship between audit quality and earnings management in overvalued Companies | مجتبی مقدس نوقابی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۱۶ |
stockliquidity risk effecting the quality of accounting earnings on a separate industry group | شیما خسرو جردی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۲۴ |
study of effective of physical assets price changes on volume of shares traded | مژگان ترابی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۶-۳۰ |
The Effect of Liquidity Power of Khorasan Regional Electric Co. on Financial Position & Performance of Electrical Industry Contractors | علی اصغر ابراهیمیان | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۷-۱۴ |
The Effect of Restatement on Auditor Changes | اعظم اسحاق نیا | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۰۹ |
Evaluation Influence Financial characteristics and economic indicators on profitability of companies,by comparative approach between strategic and non-strategic industries | سعید صفرزاده بقال | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۱۹ |
Need Assessment For On the job training in accounting : viewpoints of employers & employees | محسن پور علی مال آباد | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰ |
Investigating The Effects of Mandatory Auditor Rotation on Audit Quality | معصومه حفار | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰ |
Internal and External Determinants of Capital Structure: A Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach | فرهاد نسیم طوسی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۰ |
A study of effect of substitution of business masters students as nonprofessional investors | فهیمه کفاش پورطرقی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱ |
Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: A Meta-Analysis | سولماز عارفی اصل | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱ |
The Relation Between Audit Partner Rotation And Audit Quality | فاطمه ایمانی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۱ |
The audit fee disclosure effect on the users perceptions of audit characteristics | سعیده زارع بنادکوکی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۵-۰۹-۲۲ |
Investigation the relationship between earnings quality with the maximum profit share (Exchange instructions) | منا میرنژاد | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۲۵ |
A Comparative study of Return and Investment Risk in the over the counter (OTC) Market versus the official Market of the Stock Exchange companies. | مهدی خرقانی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۲۷ |
An Investigation Of Relationship Between Overconfidence And Financial Restatment | مرجان احمد نیا باغ عباس | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۵-۱۰-۲۷ |
A meta-analysis of the determinants of audit quality | ملیحه خباز توکلی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۵-۱۱-۱۷ |
Effects of Intellectual Capital Disclosure on the Cost of Capital | حسین ربانی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۵-۱۲-۰۱ |
The Study of Expectation Gap in Accounting Education Resulting from current legul Requirmends | فاطمه توسلی فدیهه | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۵-۱۲-۰۱ |
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on The Financial Indicators | فاطمه صادقی وزین | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۰۲ |
Investigate the relationship between auditor industry specialization and the cost of advertising on audit fee | مجیدرضا اقبالی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۰۳ |
A study about the relationship between financial reporting transparency, corporate goverance and budget deficit with Tax evasion | ندا علیزاده | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۰۳ |
Examine the relationship between asset liquidity and capital structure of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange | خسرو آذری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۰۶ |
Career growth opportunities and employee turnover intentions in auditing firms | رقیه سلیمی زادک | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۱۰ |
The Relation Between Managerial Ability, Audit fees And Qualified opinion | زینب انصافی بریوانلو | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۰ |
A study of Relationship between Working Capital strategy and agency costs With respect to operating Income Smooting | محمد حسین علی آبادی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۰ |
An investigation into the effect of surplus free cash flow, corporate governance and firm size on earnings predictability | سیدمجتبی آرمون | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴ |
The relationship between the future tax avoidance and firm value | جواد درّه کی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴ |
Review on the implication of competition in product market on real earning management and earning management through accruals | علی اکبر پارسا منش | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴ |
Comparative study of users' views about the relationship Between Mandatory external audit firm rotation and limiting the provision of non-audit services with audit quality and survey cost _ benefits of that requirements | زهره اباذری قره بلاغ | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴ |
Cash holdings and business group membership: The role of Internal capital markets | مصطفی اکبری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۴ |
The research of relationship between systematic risk and accounting conservatism in the financial report | مریم کاهانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۵ |
The Relationship between the independent auditor's opinionand rating the quality of disclosure of financial statements | اعظم مرادی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۶ |
Comparison of burnout in Accounting Auditors | فرناز علیزاده | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۶ |
A study relation of Human Capital, Capital Structure, and Employee Pay | مجید انصاری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۷ |
Overlapping evaluation of information asymmetry measuring methods | مجتبی قابل | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۱-۲۷ |
Financial reporting quality, debt maturity and investment efficiency | مرضیه هدایتی پور | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۲-۰۴ |
The Effect of Managerial Ability and Abnormal Audit Fees On Audit quality. | آتنا سلیمانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۲-۰۶ |
The Impact of Membership in Business Group on Conservatism and Earnings Persistence | احمد حسن زاده طوفال | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۵-۳۱ |
A parsimonious model to forecast financial distress, based on audit evidence | شکوفه ارغوانی گزافی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۷-۰۲ |
A model for Tax evasion estimating through CBR technique | سعید اکبری دستجرده | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۸-۲۹ |
Empirical Test of Competing Theories of Initial Pricing in Auditing | زهره مهدیزاده | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۰۸ |
Investigation the expectation gap between tax affairs organisation and taxpayers presenting financial statements in tax auditing process | افشین محمودیان مقدم | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۰ |
the relationship between ethics, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover auditors | نادر خاکساری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۰ |
Effect of information asymmetry, lack of liquidity of the stock and ownership structure (concentration) on the accuracy of earnings forecast | علی ذوالفقاری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۴ |
The Relationship between cash flow management and financial performance listed company on the Tehran stock exchange | مهدی رمضانی کاریز بالایی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۵ |
A comparative Study of Auditing Expectation Gap from view point of users in Iraq and Iran | رامی متعب علی الریشاوی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۷ |
The Relationship Between Product Market Competition, Cash Holding and Financing Decisions | صدف پاسبان روزبهانی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۸ |
The role of business groups as a domestic capital market in risk sharing and firms performance | بهروز میربیرجندیان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۸ |
identification of establishment and implementation problems of IAIS in public university | ریحانه حقیقی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۱۹ |
Assessing the process of declaration to collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) in order to review the meeting of the ability to measure reliably for revenue identifying and reporting via accrual basis | وحید غلام زاده | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
The effect of the premium rates on Cost of services and goods | محبوبه روشندل حصاری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
The Explores relationship between intellectual capital and its components for cost of equity of The Listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. | مژگان تیردادی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
Investigation of performance tax quality and Value added tax of expression, diagnostic and certain of individuals | جواد محبوبی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
A comparsian earning management and liquidity in tehran stock exchang and iran farabors (kind of OTC) | سعید شایان نظر | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
Investigation Comparison earnings persistence for qualified and unqualified Audit opinions Tehran Stock Exchange | رضا محمدی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
The effect of earnings management moderating role on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance | بهنوش قنبری | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۶-۰۹-۲۱ |
The Modeling of Quality and Stock Earnings; Evidence from Fuzzy Decision Tree research method | انیسه ایلخانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۶-۱۰-۱۰ |
The Effect Of Neutrality and Presumptive Doubt On Auditor’s Professional Judgment and The Satisfaction Of The Audit Fees | جواد رجبعلی زاده | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۶-۱۰-۱۷ |
Disin and cost system saffron processing and packaging in khorasan productivity company | ملیحه غلامحسینیان نجار | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۶-۱۰-۲۲ |
Fuel transportation cost per ton-kilometer in 1392 | فاطمه علیمی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۶-۱۰-۲۴ |
Examination of the Construal Level Theory: Evidence of the role of linguistic issues in increasing willingness to invest in non-professional investors | هنگامه نظری | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۰۹ |
Review of Factors Affecting The Cos Of Capital Using Fuzzy Decision Tree | کاظم سلیمی طوسی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۱۸ |
The Effects of Competition in Audit Market on Audit fee and Audit Quality: The Role of Audit Market Size | جواد اورادی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۲۴ |
Survey of cost stickiness in economic growth and downturn | حسین فکور | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۰۶ |
A study at the effect of the managerial ability to tax avoidance and firm’s value in smoothing and non-smoothing earnings firms | فرزانه اکبری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۲ |
Accounting conservatism conditioned Firm Growth Financed by External Debt: The Role of Debt Maturity | مرتضی حاجی پور | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۲ |
The Effect of reconsidered Standards of Auditing Reporting on Audit Report Lag | امین بازاری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۲ |
Recognition of Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Important for Present-Day Auditors | ناهیدالسادات خلیفه سلطانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۴ |
Fraudulent financial reporting and company characteristics and quality auditing: tax audit evidence | جواد دهقانیان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
A study of the relationship between ownership structure and related party transactions and their effect on the quality of financial reporting | احسان خورسندی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
The effect of job satisfaction and ethical approaches (relativism) of accountants and auditors on their orientation of Machiavellism | معصومه براتی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Empirical Study of Shareholders Overreaction to the Financial Information: Some Evidance from Large Changes of Index | مرتضی غلامی خادر | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Investigating the association between mood and personality of auditors and the type audit report | حمید محمودی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Studying the relation of the personal happiness and optimism with accounting conservative and aggressive choices of accounting students | فرشته عارفی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
The relationship between cash holding, financial constraints and growth opportunities with audit fee | محمد محمدی اصل کلخوران | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
A Study of the Relationship between Major Shareholders -Audit Firm Interlock on Audit Quality of the Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | مهری حنیفه زاده | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
The Impact of Conditional and Unconditional Conservatism on Audit fees | سمیه روح آبادی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Audit Report timeliness and Restatement of Financial Statements | روح اله شورئی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Business Cycle and Management Earning Forcast | الهه فکوری زاده | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۸ |
Compare the financial performance and working capital management effect on its in the cooperative units of North Khorasan Province | مهسا حیدر زاده | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۲-۱۹ |
A Survey of the Effect of Changing Audit Report on the Audit Expectation Gap | ملیحه برادری ازغد | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۳-۱۲ |
The Mediation Effect of Effort on Relation of Self-Efficacy & Accountability with Auditors’ Performance | حسین سلیمانی مقدم | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۳-۱۸ |
The survey relationship between brand, stable cash flow and finavcial policies firms | هادی عبدی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۱۷ |
Comparative of Ethical factors on earnings management in Iraq | کرار حمزه عبدالهادی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۷-۰۵-۳۰ |
studyiny corporate governance and earnings management relationship in listed companies of Iraq Stock Exchange | مشتاق یوسف حنیش الحسناوی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۰۷ |
Studying effective factors of auditors of Iraq court of audits independence | نادیه صبحی یاسین الجوهر | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۱۰ |
Professional accounting education challenges in Iraq from the perspective of practitioners and academic references | حسین محمد طارق الخیون | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۱۰ |
The factors affecting the professional judgment of the auditor in relation to the quantity and quality of audit evidence in Iraq | جاسم محمد عبد آل نبهان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۱۴ |
Investigating the Factors Affecting Internal Auditing Effectiveness | محمود عبدالله محمود الجبوری | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۱۴ |
The impact of audit reports and mediated factors such as size and audit expertise on earnings response coefficient Iraqi companies | رسول عباس خلیل | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۴ |
A Study of expectation gap between internal auditors and managers of public organizations in Iraq | علاء فاضل عبدالامیر خفاجه | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۵ |
Connecting Reading and writing in second language Writing Instruction Problems or errors in Teaching Tenses to Iraqi Learners. | سلوان کاظم عوجه | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۵ |
Identifying the users of municipalities financial reports, their information needs and their purposes (Evidence from Iraq) | کرارمحمدغازی الشافعی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۶-۲۸ |
The Relationship between the Criteria of Performance Measurement and Firm Value (evidence from Iraq country) | اسعد عبدالامیر سعید النجم | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۱ |
The impact of accounting information on the quality of management decisions | منهل فرج عزیز غرانی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۲ |
Investigating Relationship Between Some Corporate Leadership Mechanisms And Profit Management On The Iraq Securities Bourse And Comparison With Iran Securities Bourse | وسام کامل عبید عبید | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۳ |
Bankruptcy prediction using financial ratios in Iraq | رفعت ابراهیم خضیر شجیری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۳ |
Impact of accounting information technology on the transparency of financial reports by private banks in Iraq | شیماء عبدالحسین عبدالکاظم العیساوی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۳ |
The effect of job stress, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job performance audit staff in the Superium Audit Court of Iraq | یاسرجبارشهید الخزاعی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۸ |
Impact of audit Supervisor performance on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and persistence Superium court audit staff in Iraq | محمد ارکان صاحب تلیل | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۸ |
study of investigate relationship changes of corporate governance features, with firm performance and earnings’ quality | رضامحمدمکطوف الطائی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۹ |
Factors affecting auditor independence of external auditors in the Iraqi perspective | مازن جثیر عبید الغزاوی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۹ |
The effect of sacred months on Price and the Index of Iraq Stock Exchange and its Comparison with the Stock Exchange of Iran | فیصل عبدالاله سلمان | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۹ |
: The Relationship Between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Management Motivational Factors On Performance And Earnings Management and Innovation | محبوبه محمودآبادی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۹ |
The relationship between the properties of the board and auditor in Iraq | علی محمد شنان الکندلی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۰۹ |
The study of Corporate Governance Quality’s effect، Power and Managerial Human Capital On Board Compensation | سمیه غلامی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۰ |
Study of the Board compensation relationship with the economic model of performance evaluation of companies listed on the Iraq | احمد سمیر عبدالحسین دخیل | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۰ |
A Study of the Barriers of Using Computer Software in Superem Audit Court of Iraq | یاسرمحمدعلی رضا الوتار | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۰ |
The relationship between earnings quality and earnings response coefficients in the Iraq Stock Exchange | سامی عبدالرضاصادق الانباری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۱ |
Investigate the Relationship between capital structure and debt rate with the performance of the Iraqi companies | اسعدعبدالامیرعلم علم | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۱ |
Evaluation Overreaction Common shareholders in the Iraq Stock Exchange | باسم مردان کاظم کاظم | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۲ |
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance on the Efficiency of Investment in Iraqi Companies | عدی عاید صبر حسناوی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۲ |
Studding the Accounting Education Expected gap in Iraq | زینا عدنان کریم المحنه | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۱۲ |
Astudy of the Relationship between Overconfidence of the Board of Directors and Remuneration In Iraq | وسام هادی جواد عابدی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۱ |
Organisational intelligence assessment on Iraq Court- Evidence of accounting and Ghyrhsabdaran | هیثم جاسم خضر الخزعلی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۲ |
Studding of Factors Affecting Internal Auditors job satisfaction in Iraq | محمد رضا حمود البوسلطان | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۲ |
Study of the background of change in cash accounting to accrual accounting in Prerequisites universities of Iraq | جنان عبد خاجی الکندلی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۲ |
Study of the Relationship Between Earnings Management and Audit Tenure in Iraq and Iran | اوس علوان حسن الموسوی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۷-۰۷-۲۲ |
The Obstacles and The Problems The Use Of Computerized Accounting Systems In The Ministry Of Education In Iraq | ایناس عبدالمجید عبدالعباس عبدالعباس | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۰۴ |
stock returns and their relationships with readability of earnings of forecasts and audit report | سمیرا علی خانی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹ |
Employment a Word – Based Model to Identify of Fraud In Financial Reporting: Evidence From An Exploratory Study | فائزه غلامی مقدم | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۱۹ |
The Impact of Distress Risk on the Relationships between Corporate Features and Stock Risk Premium at Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange | افشین به سودی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۰ |
Related Party Transactions and an Efficient or Opportunistic of Earnings Management | مصطفی قناد | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۰ |
The existence of Contagion Effect of Low Audit Quality And the Moderating Role of Financial Distress and Investment Opportunities | علی دل آرامیان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۱ |
The effect Real Earnings Management and Internal control weaknesses on Current and Future Audit Fees | حسین یزدان شناس | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۱ |
Accounting students | محسن معینی زاده | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۷-۰۹-۲۲ |
The effect of agency costs and the announcement until dividend and its impact on audit fees during the company's life cycle | حمیدرضا عطاری ارزنه | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۷-۱۰-۲۹ |
The effect of independent auditor opinion in creditor decision making in export development bank of iran | حامد گرجستانی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۷-۱۱-۱۲ |
The effect of bank interest rate and accounting conservatism on trade credit | زینه جهاد جاسم الاسدی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۷-۱۲-۰۵ |
Interactive effects of family firms and free cash flow on the relationship between accounting conservatism and dividend payments | رضا آزاد | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۰۲ |
Investigating the effects of corporate social responsibility,risk and corporate governance on cash holdings | اعظم دلپسند | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۰۷ |
Investigating The Effects of Audit Institute Quality Changes on Type and Basis for Modification Paragraphs of Audit Opinion | فاطمه کریمی زارچی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۰۷ |
The evaluation of effective factors on audit fees with emphasis on ceo turnover | محمدحسین نخ جوان | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۱-۲۳ |
Readability of Financial Statements and the Sensitivity of Investors to Use of Accounting Information | ابوطالب باقری ازغندی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۰۴ |
Review of Balance between auditing responsibilities and marketing practices by members of the Iraq Association of Certified Public Accountants | سیف مهدی مسلم العمیدی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۰۶ |
Investigating the Factors Affecting Work-Family Conflict and Providing Solutions to Reduce it: Evidence from Auditors | نیلوفر نادری | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۲ |
Assessing financial reporting quality of family and nonfamily firms by audit risk and audit fees | ندا کلیدری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۲ |
The Association between Management Performance And Audit Risk | مجتبی پیوندی نژاد | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۳ |
The relationship between asset growth and stock returns according to the company's life cycle | محمد کاملان خباز | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۳ |
Real and Accrual‐Based Earnings Management in the Pre‐ and Post‐the Regulations Governing the Trusted Auditing Firms of the Securities and Exchange Organization | حمید رضا آزاد | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۴ |
Abnormal audit delays, earnings quality and firm value | حسین پارسای سیوکی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۸ |
The relationship between financial indicators with Board of Director compensation | حامد نصیری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۸ |
Investigate the Factors Affecting Accountants' Ethical Decision Making in Iraq | مرتضی صالح مهدی الجعیفری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۲-۱۸ |
Investigate the relationship between the quality of financial reporting and the investment efficiency in companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange | احمد محمد جاسم شویلی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۰۷ |
Study The relationship between inventory turnover and economic performance in companies listed on the stock exchange in Baghdad | صادق هادی محی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۱۱ |
Investigate the Factors Affecting Accountants' Ethical Decision Making in Iraq | حسین عبدالرحمن خماس الحمنداوی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۱۳ |
Identification of earnings management using changes in asset turnover and margin of profit | علی طالب احمد الجحیشی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۱۵ |
Investigating the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Value and Future Growth of Companies Acquired in Tehran Stock Exchange | رضا ابراهیمی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۳-۱۸ |
Using Textual Analysis in Performance Forecasts | مهدیه میرعلی بیداخویدی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۵-۱۳ |
Investigating the Relationship between Different Dimensions of Company Performance Conservatism in terms of information asymmetry | محمدرضا نجف پور | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۵-۲۲ |
The Effect of Governance Indicators and Economic Freedom on firm performance | مهدی سعیدی فروتقه | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۵-۲۷ |
Thesis Title: The impact of earnings management and it's interaction with biard independence on cost stickiness in the Iraqi stock exchange companies | علی داخل صخیل ال حسانی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۵-۲۷ |
Investigating the Effect of Investment Efficiency on Stock Returns and Operating cash flow | مسلم قرائیان | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۰۳ |
The Investigation of the obstacles to the establishment of performance budgeting in the technical and vocational training organization of Iraq (Case Study: technical institute of Karbala, Najaf, Babil) | شیرین توفیق علی الحافظی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۰۳ |
The Investigation of the relationship between bankruptcy probability and earnings management in companies accepted at the Iraq Stock Exchange | کرارطالب عوده البطاط | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۰۹ |
The Investigation of the relationship between working capital components and the performance of companies accepted at the Iraq Stock Exchange | علاء جمعه کریم | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۰۹ |
Investigating the Relationship between the Characteristics of the Board of Directors and the Actual and Real Earning Management in the lists Companies on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | فرقد محمد بکر السعدی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۱۲ |
Investigating the relationship between the weakness of internal controls and conditional conservatism in companies accepted at the Iraq Stock Exchange | هیثم هادی طالب الیساری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۲۳ |
: The evaluation of the internal control system of Iraq Stock Exchange companies based on the framework provided by COSO | لقاء طه محمد البوجویره | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۶-۲۴ |
The Effect of Earnings Management on Annual Report Readability | الهام سادات فرخ | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۷-۲۴ |
An Empirical Study of Corporate Loan Contracting and Its Affecting | میترا اسدزاده | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۱ |
investigate the effect of corporate governance and capital expenditure changes on tax avoidance | سمیه تقی زاده | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۵ |
A study of relationship between going concern report with company’s strategy and quality of internal control | مارال دادفر | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۶ |
A study on systematic error sources of Jones-based accrual models: evidence of conservatism and change in working capital management policy | آرش قربانی | دكتوراء | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۶ |
Investigating the Effect of Accounting Information Quality and Auditor specialization on the Investment Efficiency at Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange | محمد حسن فرخی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۸ |
Rotation Audit Institute and Types of Earnings management | سیدمهدی قدمگاهی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۱۸ |
The Effects of Intellectual Capital on Sales and Stickiness Audit Fees | احمدرضا اسدیان | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
A study of the dividend and cost sickness on benefit comparabilit with mediating role of political connections | رضا قدوسیان | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
The relationship between Political communication And bold tax policies And the impact of the components Corporate governance And the quality of profit On this connection | محمد عباسی حسن آبادی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
A study of the relationship between the auditor change and Audit Fees with the weakness of internal controls in downturn conditions. | امیر تیموری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
Investigate the Relationship Between the Type and Paragraph of Audit Report with Information Asymmetry in the Stock Market | حانیه تقوی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
Comparative study of the relationship between some of the characteristics of corporate governance and financial reporting quality in family and non-family businesses | زهرا برزگرشهنابادی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
A study of the Ratio of Income Tax Expense to Operating Income as an Indicator of Fraud in listed company on the Tehran stock exchange | سارا محمدزاده | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۰۹-۲۲ |
The Relationship between Firm-Specific Discretionary Accruals and Future Abnormal stock returns | محمد حسین ساعی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۰۲ |
A Review of Factors Affecting on Managers’ Budgetary Bias | میلاد درویشی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۰۷ |
The ethical behavior of big taxpayers from a postmodern moral point of view in Iraq-Baghdad | ایاد عبد حمید القره غولی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۰۸ |
Basis Change in Accounting of Public Section; Adversities Ahea (Case study: Executive Administrations in the city of Diwaniyah, Iraq) | فرات ستار حسون | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۰۹ |
Study the Use of Performance Measurement Systems in Public Sector (Case Study: Mashhad Municipality) | رقیه محمودی یکه باغی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۱۷ |
The role of financial reporting quality in reducting the negative effect of dividend policy on investment decision | برات حاتمی سینی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۲۲ |
A Survey on the View of Financial Managers on the Relationship between Modern and Traditional Management Accounting Techniques with Organizational Change and Organizational Performance | سیده حانیه گوداسیایی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۸-۱۰-۲۹ |
Investigation of Changes in Financial Statements on Audit Fees and Other Auditing Characteristics in Companies of the Stock Exchange of Iraq and Iran | قاسم محل حرز | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۱-۲۸ |
Investigation of the relationship between features changes of corporate governance and intellectual capital of accepted companies in stock exchange of Tehran and Iraq | وسام علی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۸-۱۱-۲۸ |
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting, Capital Structure and Idiosyncratic Volatility | محمدامین قبانچی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۲-۰۴ |
A Comparative Study of the relationship between the board's characteristics of intellectual capital listed companies of Stock Exchange of Iran and Iraq | حسین اسعد شوال | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۸-۱۲-۱۸ |
The effect of earnings management on company reputation in family and non-family firms | محمدرضا گلکارحمزئی یزد | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۰۱-۲۲ |
the Relationship between Major Shareholders -Audit Firm | سمانه میرشکاری | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۱-۲۲ |
The role of the quality of earnings and liquidity of stocks in sensitive and non-sensitive companies over the publication of financial statements | سمیّه آلیان برین | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۶ |
The relationship between management features and optimal level of cash holding by companies in Iran and Iraq | علی حسین عبد البوسعبر | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۰۹ |
The Multiple Directorships, Financial Reporting Environment and Performance | فائزه هجرتی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۲ |
The Effect of CEO Characteristics and Competition in the Audit Market on the Disclosure and Comparability of Financial Information in the Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange | رضا صداقت دیورزم | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۲ |
The relationship between the policy lifecycle financing In companies listed on the Tehran stock exchange | حمید محمودی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۲ |
The relationship between of audit firm mergers to audit quality, audit fees and comparability of financial information before and after merger | جابر یاور | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۶ |
Comparison of Statistical Models and Machine Learning Models to Predicting Banks Failure | نفیسه قاضی زاده احسائی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۶ |
The effect of corporate governance features on the relationship between accounting conservatism and earnings quality | وحید شاهرودی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷ |
Investigating the degree of consistency of the personality type of accounting students to study and work in the accounting profession | الهام اسدزاده بناب | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷ |
Investigation the Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on the Development of Intellectual Capital Organizational Effects | سحر حیائیان | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۷ |
A Study of the Relationship Between Companies Political Connections with Auditor choice, Audit Fees and Abnormal Audit Fees. | الناز بهزادی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۸ |
Readability of financial statements and Stock Price Crash Risk | لیلی مختاری نژاد | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۸ |
the role of ownership on the relationship between | مرجان نادری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
Investigating the Impact of Managerial Ability and Audit Fees in Financial Disability | محمد طاهری بشرویه | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
The Relationship Between Frim Performance and Earnings Management With Mediating Roll of Ownership Structure | عطیه اسدی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
The relationship between Conditional conservatism and labor investment efficiency | منصوره شیرین مزاری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Operational Cash Flow, Earnings per Share and Stock Liquidity with Market Returns between distressed and non-distressed companies | مریم سادات نجارخیابان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
Investigating the Impact of Self-Deception and Professional Skepticism on Ethicality Using Earning Manipulation | محمدرضا غرویان | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
The relationship between self-compassion, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and integrative self-knowledge with earnings management behavior | امید فرهادی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
The role of class degradation of stock exchange listed companies in auditor's switching | حامد اسدی خارکشی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۲-۱۹ |
Investigation The Opinion shopping | معصومه برزگری | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۳-۱۳ |
The relationship between business cycles and earnings per share components | مینا تیموری فتحی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۳-۱۳ |
A studey of the effectiveness of internal controls (COSO) and providing a general guide for internal control structure based on the companies size | مهدی وکیلیان آغوئی | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۴-۱۰ |
AUDITOR-CLIENT DISTANCE | هدی ناظم خلباص الاهبلی | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۴-۳۰ |
The disclosure quality and its association with sustainability of company's performance | فرزانه میرزائی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۵-۰۵ |
A study of the effect of managerial narcissism and accounting comparability in Iran and Iraq | محمد مردی وحید المالکی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۵-۰۷ |
Investigate The Relationship Between Earnings Quality and Predicting Financial Distress | حسین فلاح حسن | دكتوراء | کاردان | ۲۰۱۹-۰۵-۰۷ |
The relationship between auditor specialized,auditor reputation,auditor size and corporate social responsibility with the role of corporate governance | آرش نسیمی شاد | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۵-۲۹ |
The relationship between product market and audit market competition with the quality of financial reporting and corporates value creation | رضا قربان زاده | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۶-۰۲ |
A Study of determining earnings management practices depending on the effect of earnings quality taking into account the risks of financial stress | علی توفیق جمیل النفاخ | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۶-۱۱ |
Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Reporting in environments with high information asymmetry : Evidence of Initial Offering in Tehran Stock Exchange | مصطفی عبدالحسین علی المنصوری | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۶-۱۱ |
Identification the Error Source of Cash Flows Prediction and Comparison of Prediction Models | احمد احمدی | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۶-۲۲ |
A Study of the Effect of Top Managers Stability on Firm's Performance and Stockholders' Behavior | منصوره سیدحسینی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۶-۲۵ |
Influence of selected campany characteristics on financing and earning managment | سیده فاطمه زرقانی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۷-۱۳ |
investigate the effect of information disclosure quality on the relationship between corporate governance characteristics with debt financing and its cost | بهمن شیرخانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۷-۲۱ |
A study of the relationship between Business Strategy and Auditor Switching | وجیهه عباس زاده | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۸ |
Investigating the relationship between internal control risk and audit fees in the listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange | فرزانه محمدزاده | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۱۸ |
Developing internal auditors’ competency model | امین رستمی | دكتوراء | ودیعی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۱ |
examining the interactive effect of the company life cycle on the relationship between the effectiveness of the audit committee and business strategy in listed companies in tehran stock exchange. | سعید معصومی هدک | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲ |
Checking for abnormal profits or costs in determining audit fees | زهرا رضا زاده | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲ |
The Effect of Audit Quality on the Accuracy of Management Earnings Forecasts | حمیده نظری دوجی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲ |
The impact of enterprise risk management on economic value added and it`s parts | الهه مشهدی کمسرخی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲ |
Product Market Competition, Dividend Policy, Financial statements comparability | محمدحسام آرادمهر | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۰۹-۲۲ |
Accrual Earnings management in different stages of financial distress | الهه کیانی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۱۹-۱۰-۰۶ |
The impact of IT on the weakness of internal control; considering the impact of size of the company, capital structure and complexity of operations | بهاره یاوری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۱۹-۱۰-۱۵ |
A Study Of The Relationship Between Business Strategy And Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting | مریم اکبرزاده میری | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۱۹-۱۱-۰۹ |
Critique and Extension on the impact of business strategy on financial report readability research | یاسمن ارتقائیان | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۱۹-۱۱-۱۲ |
Investigating the Relationship between Business Group Affiliation and Corporate Social Responsibility with Moderating Role of Audit Quality | محمدرضا گرایلو | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۱۹-۱۲-۱۱ |
Study the Relationship Between Changes in Corporate Governance Characteristics on earnings Persistence in Companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange and Iraq Stock Exchange | محمد فائز حمید الجابری | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۱-۰۸ |
The effect of information asymmetry on the relationship between managerial ability and capital structure | مهسا بهنام راد | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۰۴ |
The Relationship between Accounting Quality and Trade Credit in Listed Firms of Iraq Stock Exchange | غزوان ایادخالد الشبلاوی | دكتوراء | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۰ |
Compilation of Theoretical Basis of Financial Reporting for Small and Medium –Sized Entities in Iran | محمدرضا بهمنش | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۵ |
investigate the impact of CEO narcissism on corporate risk | فاطمه صابرمجتهدی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۷ |
Review the role of firm attributes in the relationship between competition in the audit market and the quality of profit | الهه الماسی مقدم | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۸ |
A Study of the Relationship between Internal Control Weaknesses and Operational Efficiency Based on the DEA Approach | عاطفه محمدزاده | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۲-۱۹ |
The impact of Weaknesses in internal control, Solidarity of the Board of Directors on the probability of bankruptcy | حسین دانشور | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۵-۱۲ |
A study of the relation between modified audit report basis remediation and accounting information quality, financial performance and market reaction | امیررضا قدرتی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۵-۱۳ |
The Impact of Board Interlocks and Political connection on the Quality of Financial Reporting in Iran and Iraq | علی زهیر عبدالکریم معله | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۶-۳۰ |
The impact of community social capital on asymmetric cost behavior | امیرحسین رستگاری | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۰۵ |
The Effect of Restatements and Optimistic Forecasts on Earning Management. | علی سعد محمد العبد | دكتوراء | ساعی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۲۶ |
Study the relationship between indicators of governance and economic freedom with audit characteristics in Iran and Iraq | حسین شهاب عبدالرزاق السامرائی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۷-۲۶ |
Corporate social responsibility, financial distress and firm life cycle | علی ارشدی خراسانی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۰۸ |
The effect of intellectual capital changes on the relationship between earnings transparency and abnormal returns | منیر یزدی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۲ |
Investigation the association between the auditor's characteristics and the corporate governance on financial statement footnote readability | سید احمد معصومی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۵ |
A Risk-based Time Budget Model for External Audit | بهاره حقیقی طلب | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۱۶ |
The Moderating Effects of Managerial Compensation Board Bonus and CEO Financial Knowledge on RelationShip between Business Strategy and Over Investment | صادق اسدی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۲۱ |
The impact and implications of management motivations for detecting financial reporting fraud by external auditors | فرقد فیضل جدعان صلال | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۲۲ |
The Impact of Ethics and Spiritual Characteristics on Auditors' Performance | احمد مزاحم حسین | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۲۶ |
investigates the association between effects of competition in audit market and major shareholders -audit firm interlock on financial reporting quality. | فاطمه محمدی خنامان | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۳۰ |
Investigating the Relationship between the Type of Auditor's Statement and the Quality of Profits in Companies Listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | خالد هیثم خالد البدر | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۳۰ |
Investigating the Relationship Between Ownership Type and CEO s Narcissism Board of Directors and Financial Leverage in Iran and Iraq | سیف هاتف فاهم | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۰-۰۹-۳۰ |
The Relationship between Aggressive Real Earnings Management and Current and Future Audit Fees | عادل محبی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۰۵ |
The Investigation of the Relationship Between Debt and Cash Capital on Accrual and Cash Performance | رضا قاسمی داغی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۰۷ |
Investigating the relationship between institutional ownership, board independence and management duality with the performance of Iraqi companies | امجد یحیی صبر | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۱ |
A study of Auditors Legal Responsibility and Auditors Awareness about Their Legal Responsibilities in Iraq | حمزه غیثان جاید الملغوث | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۳ |
The Impact of Accounting Quality and Auditing Characteristics on Falling Stock Prices of Iraqi Companies Before and After Daesh | حیدرعدنان هاشم الخالدی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۳ |
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance Characteristics on Delays in Financial Reporting (End of Period) on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | عقیل طالب کاظم الدریساوی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۱۸ |
The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on the Financial Position and Performance of Stock Exchange Companies in Iraq | علاء ناصر جابر عبیدی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۲۰ |
Investigating the relationship between regulatory quality, tax pressure and government integrity with the severity of fraud in financial statements | منا دهباشی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۲۰ |
Relationship between Personality types with Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Auditors | سیدایمان اصغری | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۲۱ |
A study of Managerial Ability during Life Cycle Stages on cost stickiness | بهاره صداقتی منش | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۰-۲۱ |
Presenting a model to identify money laundering indicators for Iran by comparing the behavior of Iran’s and the UK’s auditors when red flags suggest the presence of criminal activity in the form of money laundering | وحید ملاایمنی | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۰۱ |
Relationship between Product Market Competition, Special Performance Evaluation and Audit Services Fees on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | هشام کریم هاشم الجابری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۱۲ |
The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on the Financial Reporting Quality of Stock Exchange Companies in Iraq | احمد عبدالهادی صالح الجنابی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۱۵ |
The relationship Between the Elements of Intellectual Capital and the Performance Indicators of Companies on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | ادهم علاء مری عزاوی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۱۵ |
The role of product market competition on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and company value. | عادل اسمعیل زاده | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۲۲ |
A study of the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms with the cost of capital in Iraq and Iran | سعدرعد فیصل | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۰-۱۱-۲۳ |
Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Internal Control Weakness and Different Types of Auditor Opinions in Fraudulent and Non-fraudulent Firms | مهدی هدایت زاده | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۰-۱۲-۱۴ |
The Impact of Earning Management and Weakness of Internal Controls on the Firm Reputation | فائزه فرامرزی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۱ |
Interactive effects of Ownership structure on the relationship between overvalued equities and cost stickiness | علی عباس پور | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۶ |
The investigation of relationship between management entrenchment and audit quality in Tehran stock exchange listed companies | مبین میرغفوری جوکندان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۶ |
Client Demand for Audit Quality and its relation with Audit Quality | عطا فرسادقدیمی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۶ |
Modeling the Sources of Relative Cost Stickiness and Effects on Earnings Forecast accuracy: An International Study | علی شیرزاد | دكتوراء | ساعی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۶ |
Investigating the relationship between intellectual and human capital on relative performance and fluctuations in stock returns | شهرام حیدری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۱۹ |
Analysis on audit fee and auditor selection with different quality in the capital market of Iran | محمدجواد شعبانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۲۳ |
The relationship between change in cash holdings and change in Trade credit with the Moderating role of financial power and market power of the firm | محمدرضا استماعی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۱-۲۴ |
Investigating the effect of Tedan system analytical reports on the information efficiency of Tehran Stock Exchange | مرتضی رفیعی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۶ |
Employee Skills and Wages Costs Stickiness | عباس پارسافر | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۶ |
The Moderating Effects of Stock Liquidity on Relationship Between Institutional Investors and Stock Price Crash Risk on Stock Returns | مجتبی زمانی قنبرآباد | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۰۲-۱۷ |
A study of the relationship between social capital and intellectual capital on the prediction of earnings by management and social responsibility desclosure | الهام چناری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۰۲ |
Investigating the effect of cost nature on its stickiness and their combined effect on the future profitability of companies listed on the Iraqi stock exchange | عمر کریم عبدالخالق الاسدی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۶ |
Investigating the relationship between business strategy and auditor characteristics on the readability of the auditor's report | معصومه سادات موسوی مقدم | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۷ |
nvestigating the Relationship between Investment Opportunities and Innovative Activities with the Moderating Role of Property Ownership and Family Ownership | ابوالفضل علی پورده بالایی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۷ |
The Relationship between cash flow volatility and trade credit with the moderating role of the economic crisis of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange | ایلین نامدارمقدم | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۷ |
Investigate the market reaction to business strategies and investment opportunities | احسان بازاری | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۷ |
The effect of customer credits based on ESG factor (environmental, social and governance) on abnormal audit lag , audit quality an audit fee | سیدامیر قیصریان | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۳-۱۹ |
The relationship between managerial entrenchment, independent audit fee and internal control weaknesses related to financial reporting with an emphasis on the role of audit committee activities | سعیده بیاتی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۵-۰۲ |
Investigating the effect of board feature and company reputation on the auditors expectations and the auditors fees | مهنا یوسفی مقدم | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۵-۲۳ |
The relationship between auditor characteristics and audit quality Comparative Study of Companies Listed in Iraqi and Iranian Stock Exchange | صفا محمد عبیس | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۶-۰۱ |
The effect of Google's local biases on information asymmetry and market response | محمد ابراهیمی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۱۹ |
The Relationship between Financial Statements Comparability and Earnings Management On The Iraq Securities Bourse | عصام عباس حسن | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۷-۱۹ |
Investigating the relationship between the company’s business strategies and profit quality during the financial crisis in the Iraqi Stock Exchange | سعد کاظم محمد الحمزاوی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۰۸-۰۳ |
Estimating Materiality Threshold at Financial Statements Level | عبداله آزاد | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۰۵ |
Investigating the Simultaneous Impact of Earnings Quality and Audit Quality Increasing on Earnings Response Coefficient in the Iraninan Stock Exchange | امیر احمد عباس زهیری | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۲ |
The relationship between corporate governance and readability of financial reporting | سمیرا حصاریان | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۲ |
Investigate the Relationship Between Internationalization of Companies, Management of Business Groups and Investment-Cash Flows Sensitivity | زهره نوفرستی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۴ |
The moderating role of corporate goverance on the relationship between corporate social responsibility with stock liquidity and stock returns | فاطمه زیبدی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۵ |
The relationship between Competition in the Audit Market, Auditor Fees and Audit Quality on the Iraq Stock Exchange | احمد عبدالوهاب ثجیل الشکبان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۱۸ |
organizational trust and firm performance : evidence from textual analysis | نیما ریگی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۰ |
Stock price informativeness, CSR and corporate governance | زهرا کریمی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۰ |
Interactive effects of ownership structure on the relationship between Board Activity Report with the Stock Price Crash Risk | محسن توکلی شاندیز | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۱ |
The effect of Management abilities, financial constraints and economic uncertainty on company strategies | حمیدرضا حیدری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۲ |
Investigating the effect of nature and fluctuations of cash flows on earnings response coefficient in companies listed on the Iran and IraqStock Exchange | غدیر سعد معیوف الشدود | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۲ |
The relationship between CEO narcissism and financial reporting quality on the comparability of financial informatin | سیدکریم کریمیان مقدم | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۲ |
to investigate the effect of loan diversification and cost of money on the relationship between credit risk and banks' returns | سیدنبی الله احمدی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۲ |
The effect of psychological characteristics of the auditor on the audit quality and job satisfaction of auditors | محمدصادق ابراهیمی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۶ |
The effect of ownership structure on the relationship between comparability of financial statements and audit fees and delays in the auditor's report | زهرابیگم خوانساری پور | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۸ |
The relationship between comparability and trading volume for interim and annual financial statements | شیرین قدرتی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۱-۰۹-۲۹ |
Studying the relationship between the competitive conditions, excessive increase in the exchange rate and, history of IACPA membership with audit quality. | یاسمن پهلوان | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۲ |
A study of between Corporate reputation on Financial Statement Readability | بهناز کاظمی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۳ |
The impact of financial reporting timeliness on audit adjustments | سیدصادق هادیان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۰۶ |
The Impact of Organizational Risk Management on Investment Efficiency | مریم رازدار | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۷ |
Investigating the Effect of Political Connections and Social Capital on Customer Concentration and Firm's Relative Performance | زهره سلطانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۸ |
An Approach to Measure the Financial Resiliency of Organizations | جواد زاهدی | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۸ |
Investigating the relationship between political connections, financing and intellectual capital in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | زهره ملائی شورچه | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۱۹ |
Investigating Electoral Techniques and Analyzing the Content of Election Campaign Candidates for the Supreme Council of Certified Public Accountants | سیدهومن جعفرپوررضائی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۰-۳۱ |
Commercial credit and profitability due to the moderating role of financial constraints and competition in the product market | علی دلاوری | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۱-۲۴ |
Investigating the relationship between asset growth and stock returns according to the life cycle of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | همام عبد علی جنزیل | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۰۱ |
Investigate the relationship between customer industry characteristics and auditor change | ایوب کرامت | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۰۶ |
Identification and Ranking of Barriers to Adoption Environmental Management Accounting Using Dematel Technique (Case Study: Cement Companies of Iran) | سیداحمد موسوی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۱۱ |
Investigating the relationship between intellectual capital and profit stability in companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | علی احمد هادی العامری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۱-۱۲-۱۲ |
Investigating the effect of financial reporting legibility on stock liquidity | فاطمه بهرام نژاد | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۰۳ |
The impact of religious atmosphere on the types and methods of earnings management: A comparative evidence between big companies and SMEs | علیرضا سنائی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۲۲ |
A Study of the Relationship Between Weakess of internal controls and comparability of financial information Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange | سیدجواد شاه رخی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۱-۲۳ |
Interactive Effect of Debt Maturity on the Relationship between Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Efficiency: Tehran Security Exchange and Iraqi Security Exchange | محمد عبدالامیر محمود | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۵ |
Investigating the Impact of Financial Situation on the Application of IFRS in Iraqi Stock Exchange Companies | محمد جاسم عباس الرماحی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۸ |
Investigating the Relationship between Comparability of Financial Statements and Risk-Taking of Companies Considering the Role of Institutional Ownership | وجیهه سادات حسینی نژاد | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۰۸ |
A study of the Impact of Corporate Governance on the Application of International Financial Reporting Standards in the Companies Accepted in Iraq Stock Exchange | احمد فایز حاکم | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۲ |
A study of the relationship between Accruals Quality and Corporate Governance Quality on Performance Variability in Iraq | احمد حمید کوعی الرکابی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۱۴ |
Investigation Incentives for fraudulent financial reporting in Syria | حسن محمود | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۰ |
Investigating the Interactive Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Relation of Financial Reporting Quality and Corporate Cost of Capital | رسل صالح مهدی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۲ |
A study of the relationship between Intellectual Capital and Audit Fees in Iraq | امجد حمید مزهر الجابری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۴ |
Relationship between corporate tax evasion and audit report delay considering the adjusting role of some features of the audit firm | بتول رشید | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۲-۲۸ |
The effect of type of ownership (family ownership, institutional ownership, multi-level ownership) on the intellectual capital of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | سحر جباری | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۵ |
The impact of free cash flow and growth ratio on social responsibility disclosure | مرتضی شفائی کهنه اوغاز | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۸ |
Corporate performance, corporate leadership and Executive remuneration: Evidence from Iran and Iraq | ناظم خسران حسونی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۸ |
Investigating the effect of auditors' inefficiency on the use of business process | زهرا قلیزاده | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹ |
Examining the familiarity of Iraqi auditors reaction to money laundering red flags in small and medium- sized Iraqi companies | ادیان صفاء الدین عذاب الشامی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹ |
The Relationship of Customer concentration and stock price crash risk with Emphasizing on Institutional Ownership | مهلا افقهی فریمانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹ |
Related party transactions and firm value: The moderating role of corporate social responsibility reporting | رحیم عبدالحسین مهدی ابوظلال | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۰۹ |
Investigating the relationship between dividend stickiness, debt Covenants and earnings management in stock exchange companies | زینب حسن زاده رهنی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۲-۰۳-۱۶ |
Investigating the relationship between stock price risk and the power of CEOs in Iraq | حیدر جاسم محمد الحسناوی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۴-۰۶ |
Firm Valuation Based on Assets Synergies | مریم اقبال | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۴-۳۰ |
Identifying the Relationship between Economic Policy Uncertainty with Earnings Management Regimes and Financial Reporting Quality | مهدی یعقوبی | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۱۰ |
Investigating the effect of changes in financial leverage on capital market | حیدر فاضل کریم المسعودی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۱۱ |
Investigating the relationship between social performance, ownership structure and corporate governance | یاسر قیس هادی الکاظمی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۱۱ |
The relationship between corporate social responsibility and operational cash flow management with emphasizing on corporate governance | آزاده کاظمی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۲۵ |
Identification the Network of Board of Directors and its effect on Earning Management and Corporate Financial Performance: The Network Analysis Method Approach | رضا حسینی پوراحمدآبادیان | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۵-۳۰ |
A Comparative Study of Cash Holding Long-Term Financing, and Profit Sharing in Family and Non-Family Companies of the Iraqi Stock Exchange | هبه رهیف ابوالهیل ابوالهیل | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۶-۰۱ |
Identifying problems in applying new management accounting methods in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (Case study of Iraqi industrial companies) | سماهر صادق علی الجبوری | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۶-۰۱ |
Investigating the effect of accounting information on the stock market value of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | ریام تقی محمد | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۶-۰۸ |
The relationship between the quality of accounting information and trade credit in Iraq Stock Exchange | رسل کامل عبد | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۶-۰۸ |
Cognitive analytical model based on personality and situation interaction based on The relationship between dark personality (Dark Triad) and earnings management: The moderating role of ethical leadership style | مصطفی زنگی آبادی | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۶-۱۳ |
A Comparative study of the effect of corporate social responsibility on cost stickiness in different companies and industries listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | مهناز مصدق | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۰۶ |
Impact of COVID-19 on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Iraq | رانیا علی مناجر | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۰۷ |
Designing the cost model of services in Mashhad Municipal Medical by using modern pricing methods | الهام قادری بجستانی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۱۹ |
Examining the Type and Nature of Earnings Management in Banks: Evidence of Audit Quality and Significant Investments | عارفه بارانی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۲۶ |
The role of knowledge sharing and intellectual capital on the performance of the organization from the perspective of managers at different levels | پریسا مرادی کرتویجی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۷-۲۶ |
Studding the affective factors on disclosure of social responsibility in Iranian and Iraqi stock companies | هند شفیق نمر المالکی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۸-۲۱ |
Investigating the Relationship between the Ethical Approach to Relativism, Job Satisfaction and Machiavellianism between the Society of Accountants and Auditors in Iraq | اوس علاء مهدی الاعرجی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۸-۳۱ |
The Role of Supreme Audit Court in Promoting Good Governance | سیدمهدی پورحسینی حصار | دكتوراء | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۱ |
Assessing the effective factors on the effectiveness of internal audit of member banks of the Iraqi Stock Exchange | رسل مهدی فاضل البحرانی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۳ |
Investigating the impact of life cycle on the relationship between different financial reporting quality criteria and information asymmetry | فاطمه خلیلی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۳ |
The role of different leadership styles of audit firms in audit quality: The mediating role of knowledge sharing | علی حسن زاده محصل | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۳ |
Investigating the relationship between financial resilience and corporate reputation and risk-taking in Muslim countries | هندشفیق نمر المالکی | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۹ |
Investigating the relationship between management risk-taking and cost stickiness with the moderating role of institutional ownership | مریم بذرافشان | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۹ |
Investigating the relationship between Related party transactions and earnings management with emphasis on the interactive effect of audit committee characteristics | زهرا حور | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۹ |
The relationship between the comparability of accounting information and the relevance of accounting information considering the moderating role of institutional shareholders and information asymmetry. | علی نکوئی فریمانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۱۹ |
The relationship between overconfidence and re-election of CEO with emphasis on CEO performance | بهزاد خادم زاده | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۰ |
Investigating the effect of management style on financial statement comparability | فاطمه عطار | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۴ |
A Study of the Factors Effecting Auditor Opinion with Cognitive Neuroscience Approach | ریحانه حقیقی | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۰۹-۲۴ |
Investigating the relationship between social capital and innovation with the mediating role of knowledge sharing in audit institutions | فاطمه کفش چیان نوعان | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۰۳ |
Investigating The Relationship between Managerial Ability and Value Relevance of Earnings with regard to the Corporate Governance and Product Market Power | فاطمه ریحانی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۰۴ |
The Role of Spillover Effect of Auditor Selection in Peer Firm on Audit Quality Considering Market Competition and Auditor Tenure The Presence of Independent managers | زهرا باقری زمردی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۰۴ |
Investigating the relationship between intellectual capital and social capital with the detection of fraud and money laundering in Afghanistan | فرشید ناب | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۱۹ |
Investigating the Impact of Covid_19 on Accountants Organizational Behavior -Knowledge Sharing, Resilience, Organizational Commitment, Thought Control- | صمد حسن زاده لولیک | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۲۲ |
Investigating the expectations gap in management accounting | احد حسن زاده لولیک | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۲۲ |
The Effect of CEO Powerful on earnings Quality in the Iraq Stock Exchange: The Moderating Roles of Corporate Governance and International Financial Reporting Standards | محمد یحیی حسین الحجار | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۱۰-۳۱ |
Psychological Factors Affecting the Auditor’s Professional Skepticism: Does tDCS Improve the Professional Skepticism? | سیدعلی موسوی گوکی | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۰۵ |
Identify and develop a model of factors affecting the performance of the team of auditors in Iran | رضا زمانی | دكتوراء | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۰۷ |
The role of the accounting system in identifying deviations and reducing corruption in Iraqi companies | هدیل محمد نعمان السلطانی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۲۸ |
Investigating the relationship between individual resilience, audit job stress and job burnout, and methods of reducing quality in the audit profession among Iraqi auditors. | منتظر محمد علی طالب الطائی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۱-۲۹ |
Standards fulfill to effective components identification professional opinion from financial reporting international lecel series method with Iraq country accounting activists | ضیاء لامع محسن | دكتوراء | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۰۴ |
Investigating the effect of comparability of financial statements on the cost of equity by considering the moderating role of ownership structure | فرهاد فیضی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۱۳ |
The Relationship between Audit firm size and Industry specialization with Annual reports readability | سیده مهناز اسدی نیا | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۱۳ |
Investigating the Relationship between Financial Reporting Complexity and Auditor Report Delay with the Moderating Effect of Internal Auditor Characteristics and Audit Fees | احمد زبردست | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۱۹ |
Evaluation of operational budgeting in the executive bodies of Razavi Khorasan province | سیدمحمد ساقی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۲۵ |
The Relationship between City Crimes and Some Aspects of Accounting and Auditing Quality | سیدمجتبی عصمتی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۲۵ |
Providing the ideal model of corporate governance in the banking system Commercial and Islamic in Iraq | جبار صحن عیسی السراجی | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۲-۱۲-۲۶ |
Investigating the relationship between communication satisfaction and auditor narcissism with auditors' ineffective behaviors | فریبا عباس زاده کنگ سفلی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۰۹ |
Investigating the Spillover Effect of Financial Reporting Quality Evidence from Peer Firms Operational Decisions | مرجان بصیری نیا | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۲۵ |
Investigate the characteristics of the board and stock price crash risk | سمیرا مهری | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۳۱ |
The effect of the tone of management reports on audit outputs | آرمیتا نوری یکتا | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۱-۳۱ |
Investigating the effect of the company's business strategy on stock price awareness and profit smoothing | سیدعباس حسینی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵ |
Investigating the relationship between the entrepreneur's green intellectual capital and audit quality with social responsibility | احمد ستار جبار | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵ |
A studying of the relationship between CEO power and worker productivity and company value in Iraqi stock exchange companies | عقیل کاظم حمد | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵ |
Investigating the obstacles and problems of using operational budgeting in Iraqi electricity companies | حسام فاهم محمد | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵ |
The role of internal audit in combating money laundering in banks | حسین احمدی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۵ |
Trade credit and the speed of leverage adjustment | حجت مقری دشت بیاض | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۷ |
A study of the Relationship between Improving Information Transparency and Class Change of Listed Companies | مریم اسماعیل پور | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۷ |
The effect of audit quality and accounting conservatism on the relation between political connections and earnings management | سیداحمد عمارتی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۷ |
The relationship between the tone inconsistency of the managers' disclosure and the investigation of the reasons and the origin of the tone inconsistency of managers | اعظم پوریوسف | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۰۸ |
Performance evaluation of the Fast Recurrent Neural Network model (FastRNN) optimized by meta-heuristic algorithms (HOA and SHO) and the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in stock price prediction | فاطمه کیوانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۲ |
Investigating the impact of management system on the relationship between managers' narcissism and social responsibility | مرضیه حسن پور | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۲ |
Investigating the relationship between the comparability of financial statements with the accuracy of work and fees and the delay in the auditors report in Iraq stock exchange companies | زینب قاسم جبر النصراوی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۲ |
The Effect of Political Communication and Information Asymmetry on Investment Efficiency | عفت روحانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۲ |
Examining the effect of product market competition on social responsibility reporting, in the conditions of financial restrictions and economic uncertainty | ابوالفضل خاتمی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۴ |
Examining the relationship between audit committee characteristics and the auditor's expertise by auditor's opinion shopping | مهری عباسپور | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۱۴ |
Examining the relationship between knowledge sharing, innovation and competitive advantage in audit institutions | فاطمه رجبی بشلی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۰ |
The role of internal audit in combating fraud in banks | محسن اعظمی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۱ |
Investigating the impact of organizational elements on the effectiveness of internal audit and audit committee | زهرا رستمی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۲ |
Examining the expectation gap in internal audit | مجتبی سوادکوهی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۲ |
the relationship between profit volatility and the timeliness of the audit report with the moderate role of the audit committee | فاطمه فلاح | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۶ |
Examining the Social Responsibility Disclosure in Five Arabic Countries and its Impact of Social Responsibility on Company Performance: Testing Stakeholder Influence Capacity Theory in Some Arabic Countries | ابتهال قاسم کطیو الحسین | دكتوراء | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۲-۲۶ |
Evaluating the effectiveness of internal audit and providing a model to improve it in the Iraqi public sector | احمد محمد جاسم شویلی | دكتوراء | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۴-۰۴ |
The effect of CEO characteristics on the relationship between intellectual capital and dividend policy in Iraqi stock exchange companies | محمد هوسان شامی الزهیری | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۴-۳۰ |
Labor investment efficiency and stock liquidity: The moderating role of financial flexibility | مریم عباسی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۴-۳۰ |
Investigating the impact of Covid-19 on the performance of small and medium-sized companies, considering the mediating role of organizational climate, intellectual capital, and culture of innovation | مصطفی بهروز | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۵-۱۵ |
Investigating the effect of economic uncertainty on company value and commercial credit in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | ساجده سلطانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۵-۲۳ |
Investigating the effect of the expansion of information technology systems on the security and quality of accounting information in Iraqi listed and non-listed companies | بشائر خضیر عباس الخفاجی | دكتوراء | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۵-۲۴ |
Investigating the effect of business ethics on the psychological condition of Iranian and Iraqi auditors | سیف مهدی مسلم العمیدی | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۱۲ |
Investigating the effect of participation in budgeting and management accounting systems on the performance of company managers of Iraq stock exchange | حسن حمدان یاسین | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۱۳ |
Investigating the relationship between Financial Distress and Stock Price Crash Risk with the moderating role of Weak Internal Control | نوید اصغریان رضائی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۱۳ |
Investigating organizational management management on company performance in terms of fraud detection using the modified Benish model in companies listed on the stock exchanges of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. | حسین محمد طارق الخیون | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۱۴ |
Investigating the Impact of non-controllable Interests -Minority Share- on the Accrual Earnings Management in the Consolidated Financial Statements of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | بهاء محمدجواد حیدر الحیدری | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۲۰ |
Comparative Study of the Quality of Consolidated and non-Consolidated Financial Statements in Tehran Stock Exchange | علاء عبدالزهره عبید | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۲۰ |
The effect of climate change on the performance of companies admitted to the Iraqi stock exchange | علیاء عبدالجلیل دلی الفتلاوی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۶-۲۷ |
Simultaneous debt–equity holdings and corporate tax avoidance | سیدسجاد موسوی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۰۴ |
The relationship between narcissism of company managers and the independent auditors with audit report lag | منصوره خاکشور | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۰۴ |
The relationship between the type of ownership and labor cost stickiness in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | محمدارکان صاحب تلیل | دكتوراء | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۱۵ |
A comparative study of the cost components of electricity production in three Iraqi electricity companies and providing necessary suggestions for improvement | حیدر عبدالحسین عبدالرضا | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۱۸ |
Investigating the moderating role of agency costs in the relationship between management front and dividend distribution ratio in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange | میلاد ایروانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۲۳ |
Business credibility and cost stickiness with emphasis on the interactive effect of agency cost and customer focus | حسین عبدی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۲۶ |
Investigating the impact of corporate governance on the relationship between covid-19 and profit management - commitment and actual - in Iraq | یسری هادی ابراهیم النیف | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۷-۲۶ |
Effect of customer-base structure on board risk-taking with the modifying role of some of board features of listed companies in Tehran stocks | مریم خمر | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۲ |
The impact of the Auditor Proposed Adjustments on Audit fees, audit quality and audit report lag | علی انصاف | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۲ |
Study the relation between Gender of the Board of Directors and Related Party Transactions:Evidences from the adjustment rule of auditor expertise | نگین نظرزاده | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۳ |
The Effect of Applying Public Sector Reporting Standards on Preventing Public Sector Financial Deviations and Helping to Fulfill the Accountability of Government Managers | یونس مسعودی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۳ |
Providing knowledge sharing model to improve audit quality | صفیه بخشانی | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۸ |
Factors affecting organizational integrity among auditors of audit firms | علی محلی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۸ |
Investigating the relashionship between cost sticknessand dividend policywith respect to the quality of corporate governance | امیرحسین نجاتی یزدی زاده | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۹ |
Investigating the views of managers, accountants and auditors on the impact of company innovation and information technology on financial resilience | فرهمند اولادی قادیکلائی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۹ |
Real profit management and stock returns: with emphasis on the role of moderators | علی زاهدپور | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۱۹ |
The Modeling of Valuation of Technical Knowledge and User-centric Approach in its Financial Reporting Based on Grounded Theory and Fuzzy Delphi Analytical Hierarchy Process method | محمدحسین ذوالفقار آرانی | دكتوراء | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۰ |
Investigating the Relationship between Workplace deviance, Organizational Injustice, repeated work and Physical Environment with Audit Quality Reduction Behaviors | افسانه افشارحسین آبادی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۰ |
The Moderating Effect of Product Market Competition on the Relationship between Social Capital and Cost Stickiness | حامی آدینه ئی لطفعلی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۰ |
The role of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) on the auditor’s professional skepticism | نگین شریفی خاکساری | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۲۰ |
The impact of some macroeconomic variables in the sanctions periods (before and after the JCPOA) on the performance indicators of the companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange (selected industries) | هاشم منظرزاده تمام | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۳۰ |
Comparing the Effect of Intangible Assets and Macroeconomic Parameters on the Stock Prices in Firms Listed on the Stock Exchange of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq | کرارحمزه عبدالهادی | دكتوراء | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۳-۰۹-۳۰ |
The Relationship of Customer concentration and Social responsibility with Emphasizing on government and foreign customers | خدیجه پوراکبری | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۲ |
The moderating role of family ownership on the relationship between working capital management and corporate profitability | زهرا رضازاده | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۲ |
Audit quality and investment efficiency: Evidence from Iraqi stock exchange companies | احمد محمد ابراهیم الحدادی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۱۸ |
The effect of US-economic sanctions on some aspects of auditing | عادل واحدی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۳-۱۱-۰۵ |
the gap between accounting education and the profession's needs: Examining educational curricula, identifying challenges and providing solutions | اعظم بیک بشرویه | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۳-۱۱-۱۵ |
The impact of financial reporting distortions on the risk of stock price fall in the future with an emphasis on audit quality in Iraqi stock exchange companies | حسین صلاح جلال | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۱۲-۰۳ |
The relationship between the ownership structure and the performance of companies with the moderating role of stock liquidity in Iraqi stock exchange companies | ستار حسین محمد السبع | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۳-۱۲-۰۳ |
The Relationship between Sustainable Development as measured by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4) indicators, and financial performance of banks through Controlling for the Interactive Impact of Corporate Governance: An Empirical Study in Emerging Financial Markets | علی محمد عباس الجنابی | دكتوراء | ساعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۱-۱۴ |
A Study Of The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Performance Of Companies Listed On Stock Exchange Indices | مائده خاک زاد | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۱-۱۴ |
Investigating the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and conservatism with the role of financial leverage | مجید جمالی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۰۴ |
Establishment and usage obstacles of operational budgeting in thirteen top universities of the Ministry of Science according to The role of the moderator of Covid-19 | بهنام حمیدی پور | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۰۴ |
The application of big data to study the performance of capital market of Iran and to identify anomalies occurred in it in order to modeling investors behavior using technical and fundamental analysis | سولماز عارفی اصل | دكتوراء | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۷ |
The mediating role of innovative performance on the relationship between the use of information technology and competitiveness in small and medium enterprises | امیرحسین آرمین کیا | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۷ |
A comparative Study of the Impact of the Presence of ISIS and the Epidemic of Covid-19 on the Motives of Fraudulent Reporting and Audit Quality in Iraq | محمود عبدالله محمود الجبوری | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۸ |
The effect of resilience on the independence and professional scepticism of auditors | انسیه خبازنوغانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۲-۱۸ |
Developing a model to optimize GDP forecast error using accounting data: value-added statement approach | ایرج میرحسینی | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۴-۲۲ |
investigating the impact of auditing on reducing Tax avoidance: evidencefrom pre-approval and post-approval audit financial statements | علی دهنوی | ماجستير | ساعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۵-۰۵ |
Examining profit management methods and the role of corporate governance and independent auditing: a comparative study of Iraq and Oman | یقظان عبد علی کریم وهب | دكتوراء | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۵-۰۷ |
Evaluating the point of view of managers and accountants regarding the impact of culture (organizational, social) and capital (intellectual, human, social, spiritual) on the establishment and implementation of accounting information systems with the mediating role of their personality types in Iraq | صادق حسون موزان | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۱۰ |
The effect of intellectual, social and Islamic capitals on the audit expectation gap | فروتن رحیمی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۱۱ |
The moderating effect of audit committee characteristics on the relationship between non-interest income and bank risk | مارال آسیائی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۱۲ |
Identify organizational factors affecting on Intrinsic motivations of auditors and their role on the auditors willingness to raise audit issues | زکیه مرندی | دكتوراء | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۱۸ |
A Study of the Effect of Using Blockchain on Financial Reporting and Auditing | میروحید پورربی | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۲۲ |
Effect of Revising the Structure of Core Financial Statements on its User's perception and Decision making using Eye Tracking Data | فرهاد نسیم طوسی | دكتوراء | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۶-۲۴ |
A Study Of The Relationship Between Financial Constrained And Restating Financial Statements According To The Moderating Role Of Corporate Governance | حسین ندیمی | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۴-۰۷-۰۲ |
Investigating the role of financial limitations in the effectiveness of operational risk from the phenomenon of financialization in non-financial companies in Tehran Stock Exchange | جواد دادخواه | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۷-۰۲ |
Examining the relationship between individual characteristics of the CEO and type of ownership with innovation: the role of CEO change | معصومه ملکوتی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۰۹ |
The relationship between cost stickiness and sustainability factors | سجاد عجم زیبد | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۰ |
The role of life cycle in the volatility of stock returns according to the moderating effect of macroeconomic variables | امیرمحمد طالب روحی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۰ |
Investigating the effect of Dividend Policies and Financing on the Speed of Firms’ Capital Structure Adjustment | ندا حضرتی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۱ |
Financial reporting as a Competitive Strategy in Listed Companies | صادق رزاق خضیر ال عنید | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۵ |
Comparison of the factors influencing the audit quality before and after the corona virus epidemic in the companies admitted to the Iraqi Stock Exchange. | زید جواد عبدالمحسن العذاری | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۵ |
Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting the Type of Auditor's Report Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Companies Listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange | حازم طالب کریم العیساوی | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۵ |
Investigating the relationship between the number of branches of audit institutions on market competition | سجاد عبداله زاده درودی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۶ |
Examining the relationship between the psychological characteristics of the board of directors and the risk of falling stock prices with regard to the role of corporate governance | حامد سلیمانی طرقی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۷ |
The relationship between audit quality and readability of the board of directors' activity report, considering the moderating role of company strategy. | حبیب رستم سلطانی | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۱۷ |
Investigating the impact of social crises on the quality of manager’s financial decision-making | محترم بیژنی زاده | ماجستير | باقرپور ولاشانی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
The relationship between institutional ownership, information technology and market reaction | محیا وکیلیان آغوئی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۲ |
Investigating the effect of audit branches on audit quality | احسان رحیمی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۳ |
Investigating the relationship between accounting information technology and the qualitative characteristics of information and identifying the problems and obstacles of using information technology in the manufacturing companies of the industrial town located in Herat Province, Afghanistan | حامد مهدیزائی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۳ |
Pathology and Examination of the Relationship between Job Demands and the Affective Suffering of Audit Trainees | مهدی نظریان | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
effect of gamification on the job performance of auditors and accountants with the role of mediating knowledge sharing | الناز محمدی لزرجانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
Investigating the impact of the consequences of the disclosure of kay audit matters on the market reaction and the financial statements of the companies admitted to the Stock Exchange Organization | محمد شمسی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
The effect of types of accountability on the quality of financial decision making and judgment | نگار جولائی فلاح | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۲۴ |
The moderating effect of institutional stockholders on the relationship between customer concentration and social responsibility | مهدی یار نجارزاده | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰ |
Investigating the relationship between ethical leadership and employees' trust in managers and partners with knowledge sharing, emphasizing the mediating role of organizational justice | حسین اسدی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۰۹-۳۰ |
Investigating the effect of political uncertainty on the idiosyncratic volatility of companies' returns, considering the role of information quality and managerial ability | حجت صادقی پناه | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱ |
Investigating The relationship between financial performance and corporate governance mechanisms on the quality of earning of companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange | مرتضی حسین عاشور الشریفی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱ |
Designing a model for silencing the auditors of the Supreme Audit Court | سعید بذرافشان | دكتوراء | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۱ |
Investigating the effect of managerial ability and the readability of the auditor's report on the company's liquidity and cost of debt | مجتبی پورشایگان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
Examining the effect of the tenure of the CEO on stock price fluctuations according to the company's competition | سیدفتاح شاطرحسینی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
The relationship between the characteristics of the audit committee and earnings management with the role of financial distress and company size | زهرا شورورزی | ماجستير | عباس زاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۲ |
Designing a Model for Internal Audit Expectations Gap | معصومه شهسواری | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۰۳ |
Challenges of open innovation in small and medium companies | زینب باستانی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۰-۱۳ |
The impact of metaverse on financial reporting | اصغر خان محمدی | ماجستير | صالحی | ۲۰۲۴-۱۱-۲۰ |
The role of Institutional and Geographic Ties in the publication of accounting scientific research articles | فاطمه اعتمادی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۴-۱۲-۱۰ |
Investigating the Relationship between Abnormal Inventory and the Performance of Manufacturing Companies with Emphasis on the Moderating Role Institutional Shareholders | ام البنین رضائی کلاته | ماجستير | مرادی | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۰۸ |
The impact of corporate governance, market discipline, ownership structure and political connections on bank performance | حسین فاضل رشید طیار | دكتوراء | کاردان | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۰۸ |
A Study of the Relationship Between Conservatism and Measures of Financial Constraints with the Moderation Effects of Liquidity and Bankruptcy Risk | مصطفی رمضان پورنامقی | ماجستير | ودیعی | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۲۶ |
The effect of corporate governance on the relation between product market competition and investment efficiency | سهیل فرج زاده زنجانی | ماجستير | نصیرزاده | ۲۰۲۵-۰۱-۲۷ |
Presenting a financial stability model for Iraq companies | نرجس عبدالکریم ابراهیم الفرطوسی | دكتوراء | صالحی | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۰۲ |
The impact international financial reporting standards and the public sector on economic freedom | محمد ایرجی | ماجستير | حصارزاده | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۷ |
The effect of analysts' attention on tax avoidance considering the moderating role of social responsibility | سیدحسین هاشمی | ماجستير | لاری دشت بیاض | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۷ |
Analysis of changes in banks' assets, liquidity, and liabilities on the type and amount of facilities granted by banks - Case study of Parsian Bank branches | آفرین فاطمیان | ماجستير | کاردان | ۲۰۲۵-۰۲-۱۸ |