Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
Investigating the relationship between the quality of work life and the performance of Mashhad Bus organization staffHamidreza KarimoueeM.Sc.Kazemi1956-02-11
بررسی تاثیر هوش عاطفی بر چابکی نیروی کار درون سازمانM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2009-09-19
اثر چرخه زندگی خانواده بر نفوذ نسبی زوجها در تصمیمگیری خانوادهSorush SepehrM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2010-01-25
Applying the philosophies of social marketing in voluntarily blood donors with using the theory of planned behaviorM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2010-05-11
Investigating the Contribution of the Factors Affecting the Online Shopping of Train Tickets: (Students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)basheer alsabriM.Sc.Mehraeen2010-07-22
Cognizance and analysis efficiency by composition of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Variance Inflation Factor model (VIF):zahra nikkhah farkhaniM.Sc.Kazemi2010-09-09
applying QFD model to determination of manufactured product`s quality characteristics and determination of customer`s needs priorization in medical industries productsM.Sc.Kazemi2010-09-18
Determination and evaluation of organizational factors in the development and testing model in order to achieve agility in manufacturing firms Carpet)Study: manufacturing companies in Mashhad Carpet(Somayeh Mohebi NajmabadM.Sc.Kazemi2010-10-07
the impact of website content aspects on E-marketing effectiveness via E-tust.Jaleh Farzaneh HassanzadehM.Sc.Rahimnia2010-10-28
the effect of environment on export performance through price adaptationseyed javad mirjahanmardM.Sc.Rahimnia2010-11-08
Application of fuzzy multiple Criteria decision making approach in evaluating and ranking the branches of Ansar bank based on customer satisfaction The case of Ansar Bank branches of Mashhadmoslem mohmoudiM.Sc.Kazemi2010-12-04
Examining the Impact of Congruence of CEO’s and Board of Director’s Viewpoint on OCB: Agency and Stewardship TheoryM.Sc.Mortazavi2010-12-13
The impact of supply chain strategy on SCM Performance By Using balanced scorecard Modelsamira keyvanipoorM.Sc.Rahimnia2010-12-14
Variables Affecting Employees’ Readiness for Knowledge ManagementNaser PourazadM.Sc.Shirazi2011-01-01
شناسایی و ارزیابی مؤلفه های مؤثر بر کیفیت، برمبنای معیارهای TQM و تعیین اولویت آنها با اسـتفاده از AHP گروهی- فازی مطالعه موردی: صنایع جوادالائمه (علیه السلام)amirhosein okhraviM.Sc.Nazemi2011-01-01
Identifying factors influencing outsourcing and decision choosing by fuzzy multi attribute decision making methodreza shamsoddiniM.Sc.Kazemi2011-01-03
• The evaluation effect of technology management factor on productivitymohammad nejadhosseinM.Sc.Kazemi2011-01-04
Performance Evaluation of Battery industry at Khorasan Razavi province, using a combination of balanced scorecard model and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process techniqueFarzad FahimiM.Sc.Nazemi2011-01-29
Measuring Relative Efficiency of General Hospitals Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach and Examining Relationship between General Hospitals Official Evaluation Scores and Relative Efficiency (Hospitals under Supervision of MUMS)Alireza IlbeigiM.Sc.Kazemi2011-01-29
investigating and analyzing the influence of managerial motivation on the managers performancemaryam nooriM.Sc.Mortazavi2011-02-27
The effect of organizational trust on employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors at the North Khorasan Gas CompanyElham KHodaverdianM.Sc.Shirazi2011-03-14
examine the influence of four factors (personal trust, institutional trust, perceived control and experience) on permission-based mobile marketing.mina ramezaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-04-19
investigating the effect of service quality perceived by shareholders via satisfaction and trust variables on loyalty in mashhad stock brokeragesashraf naderzadeh ostadM.Sc.Mortazavi2011-06-13
recognition of affecting the capability of knowledge infrastructure on Knowledge management processamene kiarazmM.Sc.Mortazavi2011-08-24
Impact of web site satisfaction on purchase intention the moderating role personality characteristicszahra toosi moghadamM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-09-20
The effect of Psychological contracts on organizational commitment through organizational trust (case study: Ghaem hospital nurses in city of Mashhad)samira pourM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-09-20
The institutionalization of knowledge transfer activities within industry–university collaborative venturesnahid sadriM.Sc.Mortazavi2011-11-30
The effect of attitude on the perceived value of internet users according to gender rolesTahereh NabizadehM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-12-04
Customer segmantation based on customer life time value using data mining based on RFM modelali alizadeh zoeramM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-12-18
Optimizing and Management of Lighting in Urban Streets with simulation by DIALux software (Case Study: Tehran- Gisha region)Ali YaghmaeiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2011-12-21
Study of The effect of organizational climate on organizational citizenship behaviorakram khosroyarM.Sc.Shirazi2012-01-02
Investigation the effect of market organization on performance of organization with emphasis on role of market-based resourceMaysam RaissM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2012-02-02
The intermediary role of internet service quality between relational Internet marketing strategie and customer trust(the case of mashhad travel agencies)marjan aminiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2012-02-02
The effect of organizational culture on market orientation with attention to conflict (within big and middle industrial companies in Qom- Iran)seyyed ahmad fateminasabM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2012-02-02
The Effect Of Export Commitment And Market Similarity On Promotion Adaptation Strategy And Export Performance Of Exporting Firmsmohammadali heidaryM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-03-06
Determining Appropriate Nanotechnology Transfer Method for Self Cleaning Surfaces; the Case of Municipality of MashhadVahid hosni hanzayiM.Sc.Nazemi2012-03-14
Study of the mediator role of brand equity in successful customer relationship and brand image (case of five star hotels in Mashhad city)zahra fatemiM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-04-09
Analyzing the position of Urban Good Governance in Shiraz city with SWOTmojtaba hamidiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2012-04-19
Emotional labor impact on individual well-bing workers according to moderating role of emotional intelligenceshahram abbasiM.Sc.Mortazavi2012-04-23
The impact of website quality on customer relationship performance through customer satisfaction and trust (The case of EqtesadNovin in Mashhad)zahra abdiM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-06-06
sales orientation-customer orientation\\\\\\\'s impact on sales force performance: with emphasis the moderator role of selling skillsmostafa mehrafroozM.Sc.Mortazavi2012-07-02
Effective Factors On Intention To Adopt Banking Recommender System By Employees Working In Bankmohammad gol mohammadiM.Sc.Mortazavi2012-07-07
Review the role of emotional intelligence of managers in impact of the transformational leadership style on the contextual performance of staff (case study: Girls\' schools in areas of education, Mashhad, 6 and 7)nastaran gharehbaghiM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-07-10
Influence perceptions of trust on loyalty in outsourcing relationships with emphasis on the role of a mediator between trust and perceived commitmentamin javidiM.Sc.Shirazi2012-07-25
The influence of buyer attitude on brand equity by mediating role of buyer-seller relationship qualityMahdi FakhriehM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-09-15
The role of cultural barriers in the relationship between open-mindedness and organizational innovationzahra mollaeiM.Sc.Mehraeen2012-09-29
the effect of internal marketing on customer orientation: the moderating effects of job satisfation and organizational commitmentfatemeh dorbanaeeM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-10-01
affect ofghasem eslamiM.Sc.Rahimnia2012-12-26
Investigating the moderating role of personal characteristics and critical incident on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyaltysareh bavanatiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-01-16
The effect of relationalism in marketing channels on marketing strategiesminoo afshaniM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-01-21
The use of LRFM model for customers segmentation based their cycle to improve customer relationship managementnayyere moslehiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-01-31
The Effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Market Orientation on Performancemeissam sadeghi toroghiM.Sc.Kazemi2013-02-03
The impact of Newcomers\\\' Proactive Behaviors on Socialization Outcomes in private banks: An Interactionist Socialization PerspectiveAhmadreza Karimi MazidiM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-02-05
The influence of brand personality on trust, attachment, and commitment to the brand among Sony’s customers in Mashhad, Iranakram arabnezhadM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-02-05
Mediating Role of Organizational Structure and Knowledge Management in Relationship between Environmental Uncertainty and Innovationabdollah hasaniM.Sc.Kazemi2013-02-05
the impact of customer factors on commitmentbehnaz shiraziM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-02-09
Effect of market orientation culture and organizational structure on customer satisfaction by market orientation activities (case study: Saipa authorized agencies in Mashhad)nayereh khodaeiM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-02-09
Evaluating and ranking suitable scenarios to improve the performance of emergency ward using simulation and AHP- PROMETHEE techniquesAli SibeveihM.Sc.Kazemi2013-02-15
survey effecy of Costumer satification Services Marketing on Perception Spactator Attendance Expectation Club. Performance FansTeam IdentificationDisconfirmationzeynab maleki mareshkM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-05-13
Design and product selection using fuzzy QFD and fuzzy MCDM approachesmonireh ahmadi maneshM.Sc.Tavakkoli2013-05-19
Comparison of staff burnout values with respect to the demographic factors in Omolbanin hospitalzahra hoseinzadeM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-05-21
The effect of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Private bank’s in Mashhad.hosniyeh tabatabaeeM.Sc.Nazemi2013-06-08
Investigating the mediating role of Entrepreneurial marketing behavior in relationship between Entrepreneurial Thinking and Organizational Performance of Mashhad Small EnterprisesELHAM BORUMANDM.Sc.Nazemi2013-06-09
The impact of critical success factor of TQM on organizational performance through operational performance (case study: SME’s in the industrial town of Tus Vufsedigheh abavi torghabehM.Sc.Kazemi2013-07-03
Relationship between critical success factors in front-end phase of product development and market success(case of food industry of Mashhad)ashraf hassanzadeh rahnM.Sc.Nazemi2013-07-17
diagnosis and evaluation of effective indexes of the selection of finance projects contractors in water and wastewater organization of mashhadyounes mazaherizadehM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-08-23
Evalution of barriers and strategies to the development of electronic services to citizens, from the perspective of urban managers (case study: municipality of Mashhad).fatemeh ghasemi adkanM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-08-26
Investigating the Relationship between employees personality traits and cyberloafing (Case study: administrative staff of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Ali HasanpurM.Sc.Nazemi2013-09-04
Investigating the mediating role of Total Quality Management in relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance (Case study: Khorasan Science and Technology Park Companies)amin afsharM.Sc.Nazemi2013-09-04
Using hybrid AHP and Mont Carlo simulation method for locating Bank branches(A case study in Pasargad bank)zeinab lotfalipourM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-09-07
The Effect of Privatization on Firm Effciency Using Data Envelopment Analysis (Case Study Mashhad Telecom )Mahsa KazemiM.Sc.Kazemi2013-09-08
Using hybrid AHP-PROMETHEE and Mont Carlo Simulation for prioritizing and selecting appropriate target marketAmir KariznoeeM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-09-09
the mediating role of market orienttation and enterpreneurship orienttation on the relationship between top managment viewpoint and performance of govermental banksHamid Reza RezvaniM.Sc.Maharati2013-09-11
Examining the mediating role of marketing capabilities in the relationship between strategic orientations and organizational performancemalihe purrezaM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-09-14
Investigating relationship between Psychological Empowerment (Meaning, Competence, Choice, Impact) and Employment job Satisfaction (Case Study: Zone 4 Co-op and gas transfer)suzaneh sehatiM.Sc.Kazemi2013-09-15
perceived value, behavioral intention, satisfactionhedieh loghmaniM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-09-16
Examination of the effect of service quality on spectator behavioral intentions through their satisfaction (Case Study :spectators of Mashhad Farsh – Ara futsal team in Iran Premier League )mohsen toosiM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-09-17
Impact of perceivedvalue, services quality, corporate image on customer loyalty in mellat bank branches in mashhad citySEDIGHE BAGHERI GHALE JUGHIM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-09-17
An Investigation of the security and privacy effects on the trust and commitment in internet bankingzinat shahrokhi fakhrabadM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-09-18
Refining Kano model by incorporating adding customer’s perceived value factor.Yavar Nozari AvalM.Sc.Nazemi2013-09-18
Proposing and examine a model of determining executives information requirement in public sector (Case study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)OMID MILANI FARDM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-09-21
customer satisfaction, behavior intention, internet service qualityarezoo taherpourkalantaryM.Sc.Rahimnia2013-09-21
An investigation of barriers effecting on Physically Handicapped access to e-government servicesfateme imani tehraniM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-09-21
investigating of the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance in telecommunication centers of khorasan razavi telecommunication company with moderating role of perceived environmentmorteza amraeeM.Sc.Maharati2013-09-22
The Investigation of the Mediating Role of Valence of System Suggestion in Relationship Between Interactional Justice and Motivation to Submit SuggestionMohamad Rasoul HeshmatiM.Sc.Khorakian2013-09-22
the mediating role of readiness for sale on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation & customer orientation with FLE performance of ICT of mashhadmajid sharififarM.Sc.Maharati2013-09-22
Effects of organizational communication on turnover intention: A case of 4 & 5 star hotels of MashhadMahdi Kahani MiriM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-09-22
Developing an integrated model to improve the performance of Kansie engineering by factor analysis, group technology and analytic network processFiroozeh TaghikhahM.Sc.Pooya2013-09-22
the mediating role of marketing capability on the relationship between strategic orientations and performance of chain stores in iranmaryam baghishaniM.Sc.Maharati2013-09-22
The Prioritization and selection of service providers for outsourcing of maintenance activities of FUM by FAHPMohammad Amin Mashhadi FarahaniM.Sc.Kazemi2013-09-29
Impact of TQM and organizational learning on innovation performanceomid kheirabadiM.Sc.Kazemi2013-09-29
Impact of Individual and Situational Factors on employee\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s career progress by mediating of Ingratiatory Behaviors (The case of employees of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad)hamid rezazadeh barfoueiM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-10-01
Assessing Impacts of Environmental Attributes and Moderating Role of Board of Directors\\\\\\\' Characteristics on Strategic Decision Makingamir ardalan abolfathiM.Sc.Pooya2013-10-01
Surveying the effect of implementing expert and integrated sale system In terms of capillary distribution procces over sale\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s amount (Shahsavand Company)Hamid Reza MohandesM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-10-02
Effect of marketing capability on market performance by variation of the creation of superior customersomaye norollahiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-10-02
Designing a Dynamic model for evaluating different safety stock and lot-sizing policies scenarios to reduce the Nervousness of MRP systemnadiye fakhlaeiM.Sc.Pooya2013-10-02
Representative of behavioral indicators of Reliance on God and investigating their congruence whit managers’ decision making styleelahe shiezadeM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-10-05
The Impact of Organizational Culture and Structure on Organizational Effectiveness: Mediating role of Knowledge Managementsamane sadeghianM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2013-10-05
Evaluating and selection of the most appropriate logistics service provider using an integrated QFD and fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS method. Case study : Pooya Gostar companyamir roohbakhshM.Sc.Kazemi2013-10-06
The Mediating Role of Market Orientation and Intrapreneurship Behavior in Relationship between Business Strategy and Organizational Performance Of Medium and Large Industries In Mashhad.Seyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini Moghadam Ghouchan KohnehM.Sc.Kazemi2013-10-06
Investigating Relationship Of Internal Structure of Country Image and Product Attitude in potential buyer students of ferdowsi university of mashhad 92-93neda shakooriM.Sc.Nazemi2013-10-06
Identification and prioritization of bottlenecks to improve rail maintenance Depot (Case Study: Mashhad Urban Railway Depot))Abolfazl NejatiM.Sc.Kazemi2013-10-07
Optimal allocation of funds and project selection using combination of fuzzy AHP model and fuzzy goal programmingsomayeh sadat mousavi moghadamM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-11-05
An Investigation on the role of organizational capabilities in creating value for the customer (Case Study: branches Managers of Mehr eghtesad Khorasan banks)MOHAMMAD HASAN DEHNAVIM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-11-12
The Moderating effect of Employees Organizational Identity on the relationship between Job Resources and Work Engagement in Mergers: The Case of Jihad and Agricultural Organization(Mashhad)Mojdeh MehrganradM.Sc.Mortazavi2013-11-23
The Impacts of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance with the Mediating role of Customer Relationship Management and Innovation (Case of Study; Shiraz’ Private Banks)Milad NajafiM.Sc.Khorakian2013-12-10
an investigation of the factors affecting individuals knowledge sharing behaviorRAHIM MEHDIZADEHM.Sc.Mehraeen2013-12-11
Evaluation and Carrier Selection using a combination of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Mathematical Programmingmahboobeh dehghan zibadM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-12-16
Ranking E-readiness of 13 areas in mashhad municipality based on TOPSIS methodShima AlikhaniM.Sc.Naji Azimi2013-12-28
Design and evaluated Assembly Line Balancing alternatives With Equipment selection using integrated branch and bound Algorithm and AHPatieh felfelaniM.Sc.Tavakkoli2014-01-07
Taxonomy of operational strategies and operational systems in Health care and select a suitable strategy for each system Case study: The departments of hospitals in Mashhadreihaneh shahrakiM.Sc.Pooya2014-01-08
Designing the market future scenarios of mahan sepahan steel companyHAMED HAJAGHAMEMARM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-01-12
The impact of factors affecting on customer brand loyalty through customer-brand identification (Case of: Customers of Toyota dealers)SHIRIN FEIZ MOHAMMADIM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-01-20
Investigating the moderating effect of organizational justice on the relationship between career growth and affective, normative and continuance organizational commitment. The case of: Khorasan regional electricity companymaliheh bazrgariM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-01-21
Investigating the Critical Success Factors of Information Technology Management; the case of IT and software enterprises in Mashhadsadegh eskandariM.Sc.Kazemi2014-01-21
Developing strategic marketing of PEX-a Poliran in the Behine Sazan Apadana companyadel ghavami lahijiM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-01-21
Selection and prioriztiing of maintenance strategies using Interval AHP & Linear Programming (A case study: TOOS CHINI Factory)Mahsa MoghaddassM.Sc.Kazemi2014-01-22
Application of Multi-Objective Decision making Model for Optimization the Time-Cost-Quality by Considering Environment Factor in Urban projects with Fuzzy Approach (Study Case: Project of Regenerating the Isfahan’s Imam Ali (AS) Square)Mohammad Ali ChitsazzadehM.Sc.Kazemi2014-01-27
Investigating the impact of green perceived value, green perceived risk on Automobile’s purchase intention through green trustmahdiye salemiM.Sc.Nazemi2014-01-28
An approach for manufacturing strategy development based on fuzzy AHP_QFD (Case, Pooya Gostar Khorasan Company)Elaheh ValinezhadTabriziMoghaddaM.Sc.Pooya2014-01-29
Effect of management variables - structure (leadership, Centralization, Formalization) and organizational climate (cohesion) in product innovationfatemeh bitarafM.Sc.Nazemi2014-01-29
THE effet of CRM on customer satisfaction with the mediation role of innovationseyed mojtaba baradaran mohsenianM.Sc.Khorakian2014-01-29
ITHamed Shegofteh aghkarizM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-01-29
The effects of relationship quality and switching barriers on Irancell customer loyalty in Mashhadpouya nazariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-01-29
Investigating the moderating role of religious orientation on impact of brand trust on brand credibility and customers loyalty (Case of: Foreign brand clothing stores in Mashhad)pegah radpourM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-01-29
The investigating of the mediating role of human resource management practices on the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and performance of manufacturing firms in Yazd Provincesid mojtaba mousavi zadeM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-01-29
investigation of the relationship between perceived organizational entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction with the mediating role of organizational learning in islamic azad university of mashhadreza borzooeiM.Sc.Khorakian2014-01-30
The mediating role of service readiness in the relatioinship between interpreneurial orientation and performance of employeesaida khodabandeh baygiM.Sc.Maharati2014-01-30
BANKhossein mirmoeiniM.Sc.Maharati2014-01-30
taxonomy of marketing strategy for the hotel and hotelapartemant of mashhadnazanin jafarzadeh kermaniM.Sc.Pooya2014-01-30
Investigating the impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating role of human resource developmentfateme adeli nasabM.Sc.Shirazi2014-02-01
The mediating role of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on relationship between psychological empowerment and customer orientationreza salasiM.Sc.Shirazi2014-02-02
Grouping operational objectives of hotel industry using IPA matrix and DEMATEL methodasiyeh paridadM.Sc.Pooya2014-02-03
The evaluation and ranking of customer requirements and determining the technical characteristics of products using the combination of Kano model and QFD(Case study: Toos porcelain corporation of Mashhad)Jaber HajitabarM.Sc.Kazemi2014-02-04
Investigation the effect of entrepreneur’s perceived fear on their performance in small manufacturing frimszohre mohammadzadeM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-02-04
perceptions of academics and industrial experts to the barriers of knowledge transfer in university – industry interactionMarzieh GholamiM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-02-08
A framework for assessing and developing innovation capability through system dynamics approachmohammad hasan bachari salehiM.Sc.Kazemi2014-02-08
Investigating the impact of customer relationship management on customer lifetime value through relationship quality in five-star hotels of Mashhadmehdi malekM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-02-09
An Investigation on Drivers and Barriers in applying an integrated enterprise resource planning systems for manufacturing companies from the perspective of managersreza kafshkananM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-02-09
Design the dynamic model of productivity in Mashhad Food and Drink Industry for recognition the productivity's effective factors in their evolutional procedureNAZANIN REZAEI GARKANIM.Sc.Khorakian2014-02-09
Investigating the role of Quality of Work life In Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Job Performance (Case of Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company)samira seyedabadiM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-02-13
Investigating the effect of perceived service quality on patient loyalty with mediating role of patient satisfaction in Mashhad \\\'s Private Hospitals.mohammad hosein karimi kolukhiM.Sc.Shirazi2014-02-14
investigating of readiness for implementing knowledge management in khorassan razavi telecommunication company.sareh bagherpourM.Sc.Maharati2014-02-28
Impact of marketing strategy creativity and marketing strategy implementation effectiveness according strategic orientation on firm’s performance: Case of food industry of Mashhadmohammad zamaniM.Sc.Nazemi2014-03-04
Identify and prioritize the factors affecting customer loyalty using Analytical Hierarchy Process Groupsaba aliakbarkhaniM.Sc.Tavakkoli2014-04-27
Investigating the Effects of perceptions of organizational politics and personality characteristics on knowledge sharing through employee,s job satisfaction. Case Study: Employees Ferdowsi University of Mashhadroghayeh ahiM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-05-04
The impact of fraud prevention on attitudinal loyalty mediated by the relationship quality (case of: customers of Eghtesad Novin Bank-Mashhad branches)masoumeh naghd aliM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-05-12
investigating the factors affecting the acceptance of goverments back- office courters e-service as the servies channel in mashhad citymahmood pourbagheriM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-05-28
barriers to strategic planning implementation;mashhad electricity distribution companySajjad Torkaman AsadiM.Sc.Nazemi2014-06-12
Investigating the role of knowledge absortive capacity as a mediator in the relationship betweenELHAM SHAHMIRI LAKEHM.Sc.Khorakian2014-06-17
Prioritizing service marketing strategies (7p) based on a hybrid model DEMATEL and ANPfatemeh basirinejadM.Sc.Pooya2014-06-24
Examining the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational commitment moderated by quality of work lifeelham faghaniM.Sc.Shirazi2014-06-24
The Impact of Leaders’ Competencies on Employees’ Job Satisfaction with of the Mediating Role Leadership Stylesaeede khodadadiM.Sc.Shirazi2014-06-24
Survey of effect the moderating role of marketing intelligence in the relationship between the effects of the quality of working relationship on adaptive selling behavior of sales forcearmita elahiM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-06-28
investigation of feasibility of the establishment knowledge management in higher educationshideh nessariM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-06-30
The mediating role of managers’ Perceived Emotional Intelligence in the relationship between Transformational Leadership and employees’ Quality of Work Life (Case Study: Water and Waste Water Company of Mashhad)amir nikkarM.Sc.Shirazi2014-07-01
Investigation The effect of service qualitty , product and satisfaction on behavioral of football spectators with sport marketing approachReza shokri ghadikolaieM.Sc.Khorakian2014-07-02
Mediating role of customer cynicism between personality traits and customers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' market behaviors considering the moderation of brand trustMojtaba Golestani niaM.Sc.Nazemi2014-08-30
Locating the selling branches using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Model and Geographic Information System; case of Mashhad Gandom Dasht companyhanzaleh zeinvand lorestaniM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-09-01
Investigating the effect of personality of cultural entrepreneurs on the perceived effectiveness of Persian language courses of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Lebanon.Davood HosseiniM.Sc.Maharati2014-09-06
Exploring the moderating role of organization cultural barriers and personal growth value in the relationship between open-minded context and organization\'s innovationElahe NasserinejadM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-09-09
The comparative investigation of concerning aspects of agility in manufacturing sector and Hotel services (Case study: Manufacturing companies located in the Toos Industrial Estate and the three, four and five star hotels in Mashhad)Amirhossein AfsharM.Sc.Pooya2014-09-09
Investigating the moderating role of market dynamics in the relationship between environmental marketing strategies and performance of freight transportation companies in Khorasan RazaviMahnaz Aslami nezhadM.Sc.Maharati2014-09-10
Evaluating the Success of Enterprise Resource Planning Based on the Model of Chein and Tsaurmohammad reza shahin senowbariM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-09-11
Investigating the impact of work engagement on innovative behavior of IT experts: the mediating role of knowledge sharing behaviorMostafa JahangirM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-11
The impact of Strategic orientations on the performance of Khorasan Science and Technology Park`s company with mediating role of organizational Innovationatefeh sajjadM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-09-11
The impact of value received and organizations ethical reputation on customer loyalty with mediating role of customer satisfaction (Case of: Parsian bank)zahra khademM.Sc.Nazemi2014-09-13
Solving the Generalization of Personnel Assignment Problem in Uncertain Situationsamir ghorbani poorM.Sc.Naji Azimi2014-09-13
Exploring the influence of green innovation on the success of green new product with the mediating role of Competitive advantage green product in plastic and polymeric industry.mahsa jandaghiM.Sc.Nazemi2014-09-14
Investigation the influence of top management team vision and work team characteristics on innovation in technological firmsnavid sedighiM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-16
Selection of Maintenance Strategies Based on AHP &TOPSIS Technique in Nashhad Urban Railwayhadi EhrampoushM.Sc.Nazemi2014-09-17
Survey of brand equity effect in codification of hospital marketing strategySAMANEH SADAT MOUSAVI YAZDM.Sc.Poursalimi2014-09-17
The Investigation of the Mediating Role of Work engagement in Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Innovative Behavior in The Pharmaceutical Industry of Khorasan Razavi ProvinceLaiea FaryadM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-17
The impact of creative personality and organizational work environments on workers' creative performance (The case of Iran Khodro industrial group)seyed mahmoud ghaffarianniaM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-18
The effect of Organizational capabilities of hotels on their competitive advantage( the mediating role of environmentally) ( case study : 3,4&5 star hotels in Mashhad)Vahideh Saleh NezhadM.Sc.Maharati2014-09-18
Investigation of the effect of Iranian hotel managers’ perception towards relationship marketing on likelihood use of Customer Relationship Management through the likelihood use of relationship marketingNaser MesbahM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-18
Investigating The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing on Operational Knowledge Application in a High-Risk Organization(case study : N.I.O.P.D.C (zone of mashhad and sabzevar))Mohammad EisazadehM.Sc.Maharati2014-09-18
The Effects of TMT Connectivity on TMT Resilience with Mediator Role of TMT Strategic Decision Comprehensiveness.Yashar MoradianM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-09-18
The effect of innovation leadership and knowledge sharing on organizational performance with mediating role of strategic fit (Case of: Subsidiaries and affiliated Tavanir )solmaz elhamiM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-09-18
Design & Evaluation of the purchase process improvement scenarios by employing business process re-engineering, simulation & cost-benefit analysismohammad akhgariM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-20
competitive strategy- fuzzy- ahp- topsiselham dadras moghadamM.Sc.Pooya2014-09-21
Evaluation and selection of suppliers, through the integration fuzzy hierarchical analysis (FAHP) ، quality function deployment (QFD) and VIKOR ( Case Study: Aida ceram factory)kolsum mahmudiM.Sc.Kazemi2014-09-22
investigation of organizational entrepreneurship effect on performance in gavermental organizational in mashhadjavad Yazdi MoghadamM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-22
The impact of organizational identification and employee-customer identification on job engagement with mediating role of customer orientation (case of: Eghtesad Novin Bank in North East of the country)effat moeini aslM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-09-22
The Mediating Effects of Service Charge Transparency on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Behaviour(Case of: Customer Communication Services Administration in city of Mashhad)khaironesa ghahramani mahmoodiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-09-25
Investigating the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on Job Rotation and Divulging Creative Behavior;azadeh badiliM.Sc.Khorakian2014-09-30
E-learning Readiness Assessment at Hakim Sabzevari UniversitySAKINEH MOHAMMADIM.Sc.Poursalimi2014-09-30
Identifying and prioritizing the factors influencing organizational commitment in employees using AHP (Case study of Toos industrial zone)Narges AfzaliM.Sc.Tavakkoli2014-09-30
Investigation on effects of electronic participation value variables on citizen participation in local governance(citizen of zone 9th of Mashhad)Farnaz DokhanchiM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-10-01
The effect on the success of risk management in the construction industry in MashhadBEHZAD AHMADIANM.Sc.Kazemi2014-10-02
Investigation on Quality factors affecting customer loyalty by satisfaction in banking services (Refah bank)nasrin sheibani noghabiM.Sc.Poursalimi2014-10-02
Variables affecting the adoption of e-learning university of Mashhad using a modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2)mahdieh bazoobandiM.Sc.Hadadian2014-10-02
Investigating The Relationship Between Organization Culture And Quality Work Of Life In Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (IKRF)Abbas Lashkari Ghassem DokhtM.Sc.Farahi2014-10-04
An Investigation Of Affecting Factors On Telework Adoption ( the Case Study of Astan Quds Razavi )azar ghasemiM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-10-04
The effect of emotion on the willingness of employees to be entrepreneurial managers Travel Agents in Mashad Considering the role of moderator of these confidenceHamid Shahamati ZibadiM.Sc.Maharati2014-10-07
Investigating the role of organizational culture as a moderator in relationship between implementing accreditation and hospital performancereihaneh nourian shirvanM.Sc.Khorakian2014-10-07
The impact of ethical sales behavior on customer loyalty with mediating role of relationship quality (Case of: passengers of internal flights of Taban airlines in Mashhad)zahra moradiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-10-07
The effect of electronic customer relationship management on customer satisfaction with mediating role of E-service qualitysaeed HAGHANIBAGHBANIM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2014-10-07
Classify Customer based on the level loyalty after receipt of damage by using of data mining:(case study:Dey insurance company)tahmineh habibi senobariM.Sc.Tavakkoli2014-10-07
Identification and ranking the Critical success factor for implementation of knowledge management (Case Study: Jihad-e keshavarzi Organization in Sistan and Baluchestan Province)maryam sobhkhizM.Sc.Poursalimi2014-10-07
Design of a Fuzzy Multi Objective Linear Programming Model for Production Planning (Case study: The Factory of Golchekan Zamani )parisa khodaei ardakaniM.Sc.Pooya2014-10-07
Investigating the effect of teamwork on innovative performance mediated by organizational commitments and employee performance (case study : Khorasan regional electricity company(farideh parvishM.Sc.Maharati2014-10-19
Survey of effect of Advertising Spending on Brand Loyalty with mediating role of Brand Image and Perceived Quality (Case of Saderat Bank in kashmar city)Atefe ZibaieM.Sc.Rahimnia2014-10-28
The mediating role of Creativity on Psychological Empowerment and Employees CommitmentHAMIDEH PARISHANIM.Sc.Mortazavi2014-10-29
An Evaluation Of Organization Steps In Business Understanding Phase For Implementing Data Mining Projects ( Case Study: Alis Company)marzieh fakhriehM.Sc.Mehraeen2014-11-12
Investigating the impact of consumer-based brand equity on brand loyalty and satisfaction ( case study: water waves land)somaye fattahiM.Sc.Poursalimi2014-11-15
Agility evaluation on constructing of south pars gas refineries using fuzzy DEASamira Khalesi BenhangiM.Sc.Kazemi2014-11-19
Investigating the effect of environmental and personality factors on individual creativityRayhaneh PakravanM.Sc.Khorakian2014-11-26
Investigating the effect of perceived online service quality dimensions on customer’s e-loyalty with the mediating role of e-satisfaction and e-trust in Mashhad branches of Mellat BankSalim SepehriM.Sc.Nazemi2014-11-30
Investigation the effect of reward systems, intrinsic motivation, and goodwill trust on employee creativity (Case study: Firooze tile corporation)farahnaz attariM.Sc.Khorakian2014-12-03
Examining the relationship between personality dimensions and organizational commitment of police officers with the role of mediator staff satisfaction (Case Study :The police officers of police power in the Shirvan city)arya naderiM.Sc.Shirazi2014-12-07
Investigating the Effect of Self-Conscious Emotions (Pride, Shame and Guilt) on the Creativity of Ferdowsi University StudentsAli GarayaliM.Sc.Khorakian2014-12-10
Examining The Effect of Hindrance and Challenging Stressor on sales and marketing staff's job performance in Parsian insurance: the mediating role of work engagementhossein abbasiM.Sc.Hadadian2014-12-14
Investigating the effect of partner complementarities of university and industry on knowledge transfer effectiveness with mediating role of partner attributes of university and industry and relationship factors from the university perspective (Case Study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)shiva khaleghiM.Sc.Maharati2014-12-24
Investigating the influence of sale management control on sale performance through mediating role of sale department innovativeness ( the case of firms operating in Mashhad food industry)heidar nazemiM.Sc.Maharati2015-01-03
Investigating the effects of knowledge sharing on Innovative behavior: analysis the moderating effect of social capital (Case study: Toossab consulting engineering company)soodabeh gholizadehM.Sc.Khorakian2015-01-11
Investigating the mediating role of perceived risk in relation between consumer innovation and trust in the use of internet bankingmarzieh ghaffarianM.Sc.Khorakian2015-01-11
Investigating the effect of conflict management on employees’ job satisfaction and innovation performance in Korasan Science and Technology Parkfatemeh houshmandM.Sc.Khorakian2015-01-12
The impact of working relationships in the via role of intrinsic motivation on creativity of frontlines employees of Iran Insurance Company in North KhorasanHaniyeh HooshmandM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-01-12
Investigating the medeiating role of customer commitment in the relashinship between defensive strategy of Mellat Bank and customer loyaltyHosein Moshtagh KhorasanyM.Sc.Maharati2015-01-13
Alignment between business environment characteristics, competitive priorities, supply chain structures, and firm business performanceAli JafaripourM.Sc.Nazemi2015-01-14
Servey of the of reputation on customers responses to services failure according to the role of failure attribution (Case of: Students of Language institutes in North Khorasan)marziyeh yazdaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-01-18
The Effect of Service Innovation onBehaviouralIntentions of Customers with Mediating role ofExperiential Marketing Case of: Five-Star Hotels in MashhadLeila BasirM.Sc.Rahimnia2015-01-18
Effects of perceived employee emotional competence on customer satisfaction and loyalty with the mediating role of rapportnafiseh khaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-01-18
Impact of technology acceptance model on online brand experience and Online brand relationshipZahra SaadatmandM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-01-19
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction and Corporate Image. (Case Study: Sina Bank's Branches in Mashhad)Hossein NikooM.Sc.Tavakkoli2015-01-20
the impact of brand trust and brand identification on word of mouth mediated by brand passionMansoureh DehghanM.Sc.Rahimnia2015-01-20
The impact of occupational self efficacy through of role mediating of human resource development climate on work engagement of the nurses of Torbat-Heydarieh hospitalsAFSANEH KHOSHKERDARM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-01-20
Identification and Ranking of effective factors on student satisfaction with using AHP technique ( case study : Ferdowsi university of Mashhad ,international campus )narjes saleh nezhadM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-01-20
Study Factors affecting Knowledge Management implementation in the Iron ore mines in Irantahereh bavandianM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-01-22
examining the effect of perceived service quality on home airline passengers dedication (the meditation role of customer satisfaction)Fahimeh Rashidi ToroghiM.Sc.Hadadian2015-01-24
survey effect transaction trust on e_commerce relationships between travel agenciesmohammad sadeghifarM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-01-28
Identify and prioritize the factors affecting the success of manufacturing companies implement value engineering in the city of Mashhad By using Delphi technique and AHPjalal izadiM.Sc.Tavakkoli2015-01-28
An empirical study of Customers’ Perception of Electronic Commerce Implementation in Steel Industry (Case of Study: Toos Steel Co.)Amin BoskabadiM.Sc.Hadadian2015-01-29
Investigating the role of selling orientation and expertise of the salesperson on Sales person Performance with the mediator role of customer trust: case study, selling agencies of the imported vehicles in Mashhad.sanam hosseiniM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-01-29
Examining empowerment of heads of households women working in home jobs plans covered by Imam Khomeini Emdad Committee(The case of: Mashhad city)SAED MOHAMAD AMIR KAKHKIM.Sc.Hadadian2015-01-29
Investigating the moderating role of human capital on the relationship between organizational support and innovative performance of companiesMohammad sharif Ghaseri zahanM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-01-29
Identify and rank barriers to empowerment, sales and marketing TOPSIS method (case study MOGHAN ELECTRICAL &INDUSTRIAL TRADE)somayeh alaviM.Sc.Tavakkoli2015-02-06
Marketing Capabilities Moderating Effect’s on Relationship Market Orientation and Bank Branches PerformanceAfsaneh ShafieiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-02-08
Investigating The Effect Of Emotional Intelligence On Perceived Organizational Health, Considering The Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction Case Study: Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Companyforough AminalroayaeiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-03-10
study of success fctors in implementing strategic changes in manufacturing companiesMohammad Hamzeh BalavarM.Sc.Khorakian2015-03-10
Examining The Effect of Brand Awareness on Customer Loyalty - With mediating role ofzakieh fathikarizakM.Sc.Hadadian2015-03-15
Investigation the effect of knowledge management capabilities on performance through supplier relationship management in mapna group companiesHASSAN BARZANOONIM.Sc.Hadadian2015-03-15
Investigating The Impact Of Extra Individual Efforts On Intention To Purchase Green Product With The Mediating Role Of Attention To Human Needs And Country Of Origin In Sanitary Consumers.Roohollah Mirzaei faizabadiM.Sc.Nazemi2015-03-15
Examining the moderating role of personality traits on relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviorkazem zavvar sahl abadiM.Sc.Farahi2015-04-19
The impact of Transformational leadership on Work Engagement via intermediary role of Organizational justice(Distributive and Interactional justice) : A case of study the nurses of Kashmar public hospitalsrahele bagheri najarM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-04-26
Effect the national identity on the perceived value of the product through evaluation of perceived productarezu ouni asbforushaniM.Sc.Hadadian2015-04-29
Investigating the moderating effect of Self-efficacy on relationship between Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict on employee Creativity: The case of the employees of Mashhad Electricity Distribution Company.faride rafieiM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-05-03
Examining the impact of organizational factors on the preservation keeping engineers in infrastructure projects in Khorasan Razavi Provincereza madadiyanM.Sc.Shirazi2015-05-10
Examining The Effects of the Big Five personality factors on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and corporate image(The case of:tejarat bank)Ali GharaeipourM.Sc.Hadadian2015-06-01
Impact consumption values on brand loyalty of personal care products(A study on Undergraduate girl students of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University)khadijeh kordestani kang zeytoonM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-06-06
Configuration of manufacturing strategy decision areas and competitive priorities in line production systemsReza ShahhoseiniM.Sc.Pooya2015-06-09
Using Q-methodology in identification and grouping customers requests in Kansei engineeringamir nasiraeiM.Sc.Pooya2015-06-14
The Clustering of storage items and solving the Storage location assignment problem (case study: Housing Factory)Morteza MohajerM.Sc.Pooya2015-06-14
Investigating the effect of mediateing role of customer orientation on personality traits and innovative behavioral (case study: 4 & 5 stars hotels in Kish Island)atena ghasemiM.Sc.Maharati2015-06-16
Investigating The impact of personality on innovative behavior through work engagement in Parsian Insurance Company in Mashhad.nasibeh bagherzadehM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-06-21
Investigating the influence of perceived trust and service quality on customer retention with mediating role of switching cost (case of: user of Irancell in mashhad)azin seyediM.Sc.Nazemi2015-06-27
Investigating the Mediating Role of employee knowledge-sharing behaviors in the relationship between goal orientations and innovative behavior (Mashhad Mehr Eqtesad Bank)reihaneh salahmaneshM.Sc.Maharati2015-06-29
Investigation the effect front line employees behaviors on the trust, perceived value and commitment s customer of Mellat Bank in mashhad cityHossein KhoshkharamM.Sc.Maharati2015-06-30
Investigating mediating role of corporate social responsibility in the relationship between market orientation and organizational performance (case of: Mashhad hotels)marzieh moshtaghi yazdi nejadM.Sc.Nazemi2015-07-01
Optimizing Cost – Time – Quality trade-off in Construction project management under influence of material and labor selectionvahid alikhanzadehM.Sc.Kazemi2015-07-29
Investigating The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty through the Mediating Role of Customer Trust and Customer Satisfaction Case of Travelling Mashhad City Tourism Travel Agencieszahra asghariM.Sc.Nazemi2015-08-28
Survey the effect of Export Commitment on Export Performance by Mediating Role of Adaptation of Marketing Tactics (The case of exporting companies of Mashhad)mahmoud sepasiM.Sc.Hadadian2015-09-06
Effect of organizational factors on innovation performance through strategic decision speed by the moderator role of team orientationhoma molaviM.Sc.Rahimnia2015-09-06
Impact of Coaching on Employees Performance Through the Mediator Role of Customer Orientation and Sales Orientation (Case of: Melat Bank brances of Mashhad)soodabeh goldoost sorakiM.Sc.Nazemi2015-09-06
Investigation Market Orientation on Performance with mediating role of Relational Capabilities of small companies and medium-size city of Mashhadmasoud monazzami borhaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-09-08
Investigating the Impact of Relational Benefits on Customer Loyalty With Mediating Role of Switching Barriers and Perceived Value Case of Customers of Shandiz Eram Restaurant of Mashhadatefe shojaM.Sc.Maharati2015-09-08
Examining communication skills effect on efficiency of selling agencies (the case of: LG home appliance agencies)shila monazam ebrahimpourM.Sc.Kazemi2015-09-09
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Positive affection on with Mediating role of Organizational Commitment with Customer Orientation (case of: the employees of mashhad pharmacies)fatemeh bazregarM.Sc.Nazemi2015-09-09
Investigating the Mediating Role of Employees Relationship Quality between Relationship Marketing and Its Consequenses in Pasargad Bank’s branches in Tehranhamid bahrpourM.Sc.Nazemi2015-09-09
Prioritizing mixed marketing indicator elements to find problems exporting hand made carpets of khorasan state of iran by using impotance - performance analysis modelYaser Taghizadeh MehnehM.Sc.Hadadian2015-09-12
Investigating the effect of brand communication and brand experiences in building brand loyalty through the mediating role of brand trust (Case study: Mehr Eqtesad Bank)Seyedeh Sara SeyediM.Sc.Khorakian2015-09-12
Predict success of Iran Khodro Khorasan Enterprise Resource Planning implementation by using cause and effect relations and ranking success factors.Elmira ZahmatdoostM.Sc.Pooya2015-09-12
investigating the effect of transformational leadership on the employees proenvironmental behaviors through mediating role of autonomous motivationmahsa tavassoliM.Sc.Malekzadeh2015-09-13
Investigating the effects of firm affective commitment to loyal customers on customers citizenship behavior by mediating role of customers affective commitment to firmjalil safehianM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2015-09-13
Examining the impacts of the dimensions of customer relationship management on organizational performance ( the case of : 3 to 5 star Hotel in Mashhad)sahar akhbarianM.Sc.Nazemi2015-09-14
Study the effect of flying service quality on repurchase intention due to mediating role of trust and passenger satisfaction in Mahan airlineshassan esmailianM.Sc.Hadadian2015-09-16
Examining the the effect of individual initiative and skill variety on creativity of Bojnord municipal employees with the moderating role of knowledge specificity and creative resourceshasan yosefifarM.Sc.Maharati2015-09-16
Investigating the impact of manager' perception of top manager's arrogant, on work engagement, turnover intentions and self-efficacy of them (Case study: Khorasan Regional Electricity Company)Faezeh AminoroayaeiM.Sc.Mortazavi2015-09-19
Study of Critical Factors for E-invoice Service Adoption Customer (Case of Study: Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company)narges naderiM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-09-19
The effect of emotional intelligence on job performance and job satisfaction of salesperson in carshops with the role of creativity as a mediatorrasul hassaniM.Sc.Khorakian2015-09-21
The analysis of moderating role of implementation instrumentality and networking ability in relation between creativity and implementation of ideas (Case of: Taghdis Porcelain company)somaye mirtavakoliM.Sc.Khorakian2015-09-21
Analysis of the Destination Image to Improve the Satisfaction of Tourists: Case of Mashhad CityArian AnzanpourM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-09-21
The effects of citizenship behavior of nurses on patient's satisfaction with the mediatory role of understanding patient's quality of service (Case study: Mashhad Ghaem Hospital)Kourosh MozaffarpourM.Sc.Shirazi2015-09-22
Investigating the effect of the CIO's roles and responsibilities in E-government development Khorasan Razavi Power Industry)Arezou TabriziM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-09-28
Investigating the effect of differentiation and cost leadership strategies on firm performance by considering mediating role of the responsive market orientation and proactive market orientation in Medium and Large firms In Mashhad.omid shaban boroonM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-10-13
Investigating the effect of Emotional intelligence on Entrepreneurial performance by the mediating role of attitude toward entrepreneurship and personality characteristics (case study: corporates of university’s incubator centers of Mashhad )mahdi armanM.Sc.Khorakian2015-10-25
Prioritizing target markets for Iran Saffron export using Analytical Network Process(ANP).mahsa salimiM.Sc.Tavakkoli2015-10-27
the effect of market orientation as mediator to strategic planning practices and performance relationship.leila shobeiriM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-11-03
The impact of Products actual component on Performance Exportation with Moderating Role of foreign markets knowledge: Case Study, Food Production Companies Of Mashhad Industrial Estates.iman ghorbani jagharghM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-11-10
The influence of internal marketing on customer-oriented behavior:Through the mediating effect of emotional laborbahare banikhalilM.Sc.Khorakian2015-11-17
Investigating the readiness of Karbala’s banks in implementing e-Customer Relationship ManagementRAWAA ISAM JAMEELM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-11-18
The Effect of E-Service Quality on Customers Coninued Usage of E-Government Services via Trust (Active brokerage firms in Tehran Stock Exchange)alie pirahamM.Sc.Mehraeen2015-11-24
Examine the effect of ownership structure on firm performance Mining Companies in Khorasan Razavi considering the intermediary role of organizational culture and organizational structuremehrdad niazmandM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-11-28
Examining the Factors influencing adoption of mobile marketing by users (The Case of: Mashhad food industries customers).razieh salehabadiM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-11-28
Investigating effective of Brand’s Credibility on Customer Loyalty with The mediation Role of Service Quality (Case Study: Hyundai Car customers (2-5) years in the Mashhad AgenciesMohammad GohariM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-11-28
Investigating the Impact of Organizational Change Context Factors on Predicting Pro-change Behavior through the Mediating Role of Organizational Justice.Maliheh GhorbaniM.Sc.Khorakian2015-12-09
The investigation of the impact of the role of managers’ decision-making styles (Rational, Intuitive) as mediators on the relationship between emotional intelligence and innovative behavior (case study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad managers)zahra ghorbanijajarmM.Sc.Malekzadeh2015-12-09
Examine the effect of supply chain collaboration on Competitiveness and performance From supply chain capabilities ( case study: managers of Manufacturing, industrial parts and tools company)sedigheh barati golkhandanM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2015-12-14
Investigating the mediating role of market orientation in the relation of change oriented leadership and organizational commitment in the Ansar bank branches in Mashhad.Ebrahim RahimiM.Sc.Poursalimi2015-12-22
Investigating The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation on The Relationship between Organization structure and top management risk-taking and performance of banks in Iraq ( Case Study: Karbala Banks)IHSAN DAHAWI ABBAS AL QURAISHIM.Sc.Maharati2015-12-26
Investigating The Mediating Role of Market and Entrepreneurial Orientation on The Relationship between Organization structure and performance of governmental banks in Baghdad ( Case Study: AL-Rashid Bank and AL-Rafedain Bank)YASEEN KHAZAAL QASIM AL MADHKHOORIM.Sc.Malekzadeh2015-12-27
Investigating the impact of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on performance of Baghdad banks with moderating role of cultural DimensionsKADHIM MAHMOOD ABDULQADER AL KAMALIM.Sc.Maharati2015-12-28
Study of effect of affordance-based beliefs and innovation diffusion theory on internet banking adoption- based beliefs (Case Study: Mashhad Saderat Bank Customers)maryam ashoury keyvanyM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-01-02
The dynamic model of relationships between factors in evaluating the performance of the Bank with Balanced scorecard approachElham AsadpoorM.Sc.Pooya2016-01-05
Investigating the impact of mobile banking perceived ease of use and usability on customer's loyalty through the mediating role of trust(case of Mashhad Pasargad bank customers)Afshin Rafatpanah BaygiM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-01-06
Investigating the effect of job attitudes on knowledge sharing, whith mediating role of organisational citizenship behaviouratieh hooshyarM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-01-06
Investigating the relationship between source perceived support,affectivecommitment to company – union and knowledge sharing: case of the employees of fariman sugar factoryelnaz shareyM.Sc.Pooya2016-01-06
The Investigating Effect of Job Characteristics on Psychological Empowerment with the Moderating Role of need for Growth and Powerparvin khaliliM.Sc.Farahi2016-01-09
The impact of Service personal values on customer loyalty through satisfaction among policyholders of Toos industrial town of Mashhadsomaye homayooniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2016-01-09
Investigating the role of nurses internal locus of control as an moderator on relationship between job stress with job burnout and job satisfactionMaryam HajianM.Sc.Mortazavi2016-01-09
Identifying Effective Negotiation's Tactics in Commercial Negotiations; A Study on Senior managers of Mashhad City's Automotive And Dependent IndustriesMohammad ali NekahiM.Sc.Farahi2016-01-09
Examining The impact of Customer-related Social Stressors and Work Environment-related Stressors on Customer Orientation with mediating role of Emotional Exhaustion (The case of Iran Zamin Bank in North East of the country)zahra rahimianM.Sc.Hadadian2016-01-10
study of the strategic thought interface role on the relationship between organizational calture and Marketing Performance, case study: Managers of non-metallic mineral Tous Industrial Estate MashhadHamid MozafariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2016-01-10
Resource allocation to strategies of quality management with FANP and Goal programming approachElham RezaeeM.Sc.Pooya2016-01-10
Study the impact of perceived organizational support on quality of pharmacy services with the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviormahla beihaghiM.Sc.Farahi2016-01-11
Efficiency Evaluation with Introduction of an integrated model of Data Envelopment Analysis and Artificial Neural Network (A Case Study: Branches of Maskan Bank of Khorasan Razavi)Maryam Mortezazadeh JagharghM.Sc.Kazemi2016-01-12
Exploring The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Empowerment on Organizational Commitment(Case of Real Estate Registration Office in Mashhad)hamideh bakhshiM.Sc.Farahi2016-01-12
Assessment Of Metro Passengers' Satisfaction Using Model QFDAMIR DANESHMANDROKHIM.Sc.Nazemi2016-01-16
Investigating the effect of self-Esteem and brand love on purchase intention through the mediating role of brand jealousy among the customers of Apple mobile phones in MashhadShokoofe LoqmaniDevinM.Sc.Hadadian2016-01-17
Implementing of statistical process chart of defects for controling fuzzy attribute in imen khodro shargh companysomayeh fadaeiM.Sc.Pooya2016-01-17
Investigating the effect of innovation characteristics and individual characteristics on intention to use of mobile banking with mediating role of customer readiness (case study: user of Saderat mobile banking in Mashhad)mahrooz ataee charmiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-01-19
Investigating the Effect Of Brand Experiences and Service Quality In Building Brand Equity through the Mediating Role Of Brand Loyalty (Case Study: Mellat Bank Branches In Mashhad)FATEMEH PARKAMM.Sc.Hadadian2016-01-20
Examine the Organizational ethical climate of organizational silence by perceived organizational support (case study: selected Melat bank branches in Mashhad)masumeh jaefarzadehM.Sc.Malekzadeh2016-01-20
Examining the effect of perceived quality and brand associations on brand equity with mediating role of brand loyalty. ( The case of : The key costomers of mellat bank in mashhad)ali reza attaran zadehM.Sc.Hadadian2016-01-20
Investigating the impact of electronic word of the mouth on Purchase Intention by moderating role of brand image (case study : Customers smart phone)ehsan raouf khosh fetratM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-01-20
The impact of psychological capital of faculty on students satisfaction through the mediating role of positive emotions of faculty ,problem solving qualities of faculty and perceived justice of studentsElaheh Sadat Bagher pourM.Sc.Maharati2016-01-20
Conceptual modeling of medical tourism expansion from the perspective of phisicians by using the Content analysis and decision making trial and evaluation laboratory in Mashhad citymaryam esfandiari ghale zouM.Sc.Kazemi2016-01-23
Investigating The effect of trust in ISs outsourcing projects success By sharing knowledge (case of study: Mashhad toos industrial town companies)firoozeh abbas abadiM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-01-24
Identifying and Prioritizing Factors Affecting the Hotel Selection According to the local Tourists and Hotel Managers (simultaneously) Using MADM Techniques( Case of Mashhad Five Star Hotels )toktam khaliliM.Sc.Tavakkoli2016-01-24
Investigative of the effects of project management information systems quality on project success by success model of IS(Delone & Mclean) –Study on: Water & Waste water co.maryam fatoorechiM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-01-25
Pathology of selecting participant unit of analysis in survey research-Meta-Analysis Selected Management PapersSIMIN GHOLAMIAN GHOUZHDIM.Sc.Pooya2016-02-09
designing a fuzzy inference system to measure participations of operational workers about work site healthsaeed malekinezhadM.Sc.Tavakkoli2016-02-14
Investigating The effect of Contextual Factors on Creativity of Frontline Employees in Iran Insurance branches of Mashhad: ( Considering The Mediating Effects of Role conflict and Role ambiguity )maryam azodiniaM.Sc.Maharati2016-02-15
Investigating the Impacts of Knowledge Management on Mashhad constructral Componies Organizational Performance Through the Mediating Role of InnovationBabak PirataM.Sc.Khorakian2016-03-01
Investigating the effect of job satisfaction and workplace friendship on innovative behavior through the mediating role of knowledge sharingmaryam vahidi noghaniM.Sc.Hadadian2016-03-02
Generating a selection system of the best knowledge management techniques for improving the project risk managementMona MoradpourM.Sc.Khorakian2016-03-09
Investigate The Factors Influencing Market Performance Through The Use Of E_Commerce In Small And Medium Sized companies Of Industrial city Of Toos Mashhadfarzane sharifian noghM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-03-12
Examining the role of relationship marketing on Iran hotel customer loyalty with mediating role of quality relationshipSasan Assadzadeh MojaverM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2016-05-10
Assessment and Prioritization of Existing Challenges and Opportunities in the Export of Technical and Engineering Services in Construction IndustryELAHEH AZIZIM.Sc.Kazemi2016-06-05
Investigating the Effect of Job characteristics on Intrinsic Motivation in Online Knowledge Sharing through an Affective Commitment (Case study: University Libraries in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Nogol MesgaraniM.Sc.Shirazi2016-06-06
Evaluation of Social Marketing Application in Household Water Consumption Reduction Using The Theory of Planned Behavior (the case of shahrekord city)GHODRAT FADAEIM.Sc.Hadadian2016-06-06
The Impact of Perceived Organizational Levers on Innovation in Information Systems with the Mediating Role of Individual Absorptive Capacitymarzie zarqiM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-06-21
Investigating the Impact of Top Management Role on Performance of Baku Banks Through Entrepreneurial Orientation with Moderating Role of National CultureZahra AsgarbayliM.Sc.Maharati2016-06-21
A longitudinal study on Pattern of change in manufacturing strategy configurations at manufacturing firms (Case Study: manufacturing companies located in the industrial town of Toos)Bahareh YazdaniM.Sc.Pooya2016-06-21
Designing of performance evaluation model (DEA) for hierarchy DMUs with weighted Indicators. (case study: Person Hyper Market)raziye mirnezhadM.Sc.Pooya2016-07-05
Investigating the Effect of brand equity on customer loyalty with the role of Moderating of innovation(case study: Mashhad Razavi hospital patients)fereshteh heidariM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-09-05
clothing market segmentation based on purchase decision making styles and determining the differences between attitudes of each segment toward marketing mix (The Case of: consumers of clothing foreign brands in Mashhad)leili tabakhiyanM.Sc.Hadadian2016-09-06
Investigating The effect of affective and cognitive trust on the use of social network and sharing of knowledge on individual learning (case of the Teachers' schools of Mashhad)maryam rajabiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-09-06
Examining the effect of internal marketing orientation due to mediating role of external market capabilities on the organizational performance and moderator role of network ties (the cace of: mashhad hotels)Abolfazl Safayi MovahhedM.Sc.Hadadian2016-09-06
Investigating factors affecting the readiness of Mashhad Water and Wastewater Company on Implementing Knowledge Managementhashem talebiM.Sc.Shirazi2016-09-06
Investigating the Effects of Marketing Expenses, Age of the Firm and Age of the Brand on Brand Equity for Firms of Tehran Stock Exchange.Reza LotfiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2016-09-07
Investigation the effect of Internal Market Orientation on the Customer Value Proposition with the Mediating Role of Employee Value Proposition in private banks branches in Mashhad.Mahboobe GhaneiM.Sc.Farahi2016-09-07
Investigating the influence of emotional intelligence on creativity via Mediating role of confidence and Perceived co-culture of human creativity among faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhadsamira soufi hassan abadM.Sc.Khorakian2016-09-07
Investigation the Role of Emotional And Spiritual Intelligence on the Job Performance of Bank of Mehr Eghtesad's Employees With Mediating Role of Personal Innovatiinseyyed mohammad bavandi saniM.Sc.Malekzadeh2016-09-07
Examining the Effect of Customer Power and Normative Pressure on Performance by Mediating role of Intensity of E-Business Adoption in Mashhad Tours and Travel Agencies.fatemeh ghaemmaghamianM.Sc.Hadadian2016-09-10
Investigating the impact of fun at work on job satisfaction and work engagement through the mediating role of innovative behaviorNargess RanamaM.Sc.Khorakian2016-09-10
Investigating the role of reasonable price as a moderator in the relationship between quality, satisfaction, trust and customer return in health tourism industry (Case of Health tourism in Hospitals in Mashhad)Naeme Parvin MohebbiM.Sc.Khorakian2016-09-10
Identifying and ranking of critical success factors in business process management projects using Fuzzy AHP technique. Case Study : Housing Investment company (North East)seyed mostafa javidhosseiniM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-09-10
Investigating Effects of Subjective Career Success on Employee Engagement with Mediating role of Organizational Commitment, Case Study: Employees Emam Reza hospital of Mashhadsomayeh zareiM.Sc.Nazemi2016-09-11
Investigating the factors affecting the desire to use of hospital information systems by nurses (The case of: Taleghani Educational Research and Treatment Center of Mashhad)setareh nezamiM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-09-11
A Survey Identifying the time delay factors and prioritizing them in the big building projects of private sector in Mashhad city using ANP method: case of private Construction project in Mashhadabdorreza fazliM.Sc.Pooya2016-09-11
Multiple Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with emphasis on laboratory samples transportationseyedehleila rahimibaygiM.Sc.Naji Azimi2016-09-11
Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on export performance with the mediating role of innovation performance and organizational learning capability of the exporter firm's in the city of mashhad.nahid saneiM.Sc.Maharati2016-09-13
Identification of Staffing, Compensation, Training, and Performance appraisal policies optimized for Insurance Marketers in Mashhad Insurance Agentsfarzaneh soleimani radM.Sc.Farahi2016-09-13
Investigation the effect of job characteristics on knowledge sharing with the moderating role of Job Attitude ( Job satisfaction and organizational commitments)in khorasan Razavi Gas Company .akram abdolahianM.Sc.Farahi2016-09-14
Examine the evolution of the concept of organizational effectiveness based on historical scientific evidence by meta-analysis method and Grounded theorymaryam rahmanniaM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-09-14
Examining the intermediate role of Rational Decision Making in Relationship between Top Managers’ Demographic Characteristics and marketing Performance (Case of Study: Food industry executives of Tous Industrial Estate)shaghayegh toluniaM.Sc.Mortazavi2016-09-14
impact of Exploratory and Exploitative Strategy on brand image and commitment with mediating role of brand performance (Case Study:students of Ferdowsi university of mashhad)zahra hosseinnejadM.Sc.Nazemi2016-09-17
Design the dynamic model of sustainability assessment of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology in Mashhad Medium and Large sized Industriesnegar kadkhodaM.Sc.Khorakian2016-09-17
The effect of customer satisfaction on customer repurchase intention through trust and loyalty of customers in Mashhad reputable online shopsندارم ندارمM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-09-18
Investigating the Effect of Satisfaction and Complaints Handling on Customer Loyalty With Regard to the Role of Moderating the Customer Perception of the Hotel Environment (Case Study: Apartment Hotel of Mashhad).SHAHRIAR SHEIKHM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-09-18
Identification and ranking factors in success of cellular manufacturing system by using hybrid technique of ANP and QFDseyed mohammad amin javidM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-09-18
The impact of Entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of knowledge based small and medium enterprise with mediating role of innovation speed (case study: Mashhad Growth centers & Science and Technology Park`s companies)parisa sadat hasani radM.Sc.Maharati2016-09-19
The effect of marketing strategy on the sale performance by the moderating role of orientation customer (Case of: Shargh Cement company)malihe dehghan banadakiM.Sc.Poursalimi2016-09-20
Application of Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment metod for product design in the carpet industry (case study: Handmade carpets of Quchan cityakram omidvarM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-09-20
Exploring dimensions and components of professor'sseyed mojtaba hashemianM.Sc.Rahimnia2016-09-20
A study on the effect of organizational learning culture and psycological empowerment on employees job attitudes (case study:Mashhad Municipality of region 3 isimin goliM.Sc.Malekzadeh2016-09-21
Examining Influence the generation and dissemination of export intelligence on strategic export performance, taking into account the changing role of intermediary firms export market intelligence responsiveness in South khorasan exporting companieszahra abasi shahrestanakM.Sc.Hadadian2016-10-03
The effects of meaningful work on employees’ organizational commitment: The mediating role of job engagement, case of Kashmar Hospital’ Nursesfatemeh hooshmandM.Sc.Nazemi2016-10-24
Investigating the factors effecting on the readiness of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad to become the Entrepreneurial Universityfereshte sadeghiM.Sc.Maharati2016-10-30
Examining Effective Factors On Adoption Of Electronic Tax Operating Systems By Using The Social Coginitive Theory (Tax Payers Of Tax Administration Of Khorasan Razavi Province)Afsaneh YousefpourM.Sc.Mehraeen2016-11-08
Investigating The Impact of Internal Brand on Brand Commitment through the Mediating Role of Job Satisfactionmaryam gerivaniM.Sc.Khorakian2016-11-16
Approach Consolidated Model to choose a quality management system based on the benefits of their applications in the automotive industry using Fuzzy Dematel Technique and Analysis Network Processelham galehdarM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2016-12-06
) investigation the effects of job and home resources and demans on organizational commitment and job burnout of female employees in medical centers based on d_r modelfaezeh esmaeelzadehM.Sc.Farahi2016-12-18
Presenting a Conceptual Model of Effective Factors in Establishing Knowledge Management in Project-based Organizations (Case Study: Fulmen Company)Najmeh SaeediM.Sc.Kazemi2016-12-25
effect of Dimension of brand equity on brand preference by mediating role of perceived physical risk and brand perceived value.marjan karimi torqabeM.Sc.Hadadian2017-01-01
Human reliability analysis with an integrated approach HTA and fuzzy CREAM method (Case Study: Mashhad Subway Company)fariba mahdi rezaeeM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2017-01-07
The Effect of Brand Loyalty and Brand Awareness on the Percieved image of Razavi Hospital Mediated by Role of Brand Equity (Case Study: Mashhad Razavi Hospital Foreign Customers)Mona Alimohammadi SalmaniM.Sc.Shirazi2017-01-08
Design a Fuzzy Export System to Selection Strategy in Agriculture section Shirvan cityVahid ghadimiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2017-01-08
Extraction of customer profitability function with genetic algorithm and customer clusteringAdeleh EdalatiM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-01-11
The planning of patient assignment to operating room under uncertainty (case study: Gheam Hospital)nastaran goldaniM.Sc.Naji Azimi2017-01-14
The effect of perceived organizational commitment and job satisfaction on learning organization aspects, through the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior along with provide solutionsMajid SafariM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-01-21
The impact of market orientation on perceived quality service by mediating role of perceived innovation(Case of Arab passengers of jazeera airways flights to Mashhad).SEYED MOHAMMAD SHAHABDOLAZIMIM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-01-23
Organization jobs separation according to Strategic References Points to Human Resource Strategies Codification based on Stewart and Brown Model (Case: Nian Electronic Company)MOHAMMAD ALI CHAMANIANM.Sc.Farahi2017-01-23
Investigating the effect of Transformational leadership on employee creativity Mediating role of creative self-efficacy and moderating role of knowledge sharingmohammad khabiriM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-01-24
The effect of trust in employees mediating in the relationship between corporate image and customer loyalty and perceived value (Case Study: Iran khodro after sale services representatives customer in the city of Mashahd)samaneh mousaviM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-01-24
Investigating the Effects of Human Resource Management Capabilities on Innovation through the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Capacities (Case: Toos Industrial Zone of Mashhad)SAEED KAMALI FAHIMM.Sc.Rahimnia2017-01-24
The effect of technostress on perceived organizational commitment through mediating role of job satisfaction (Case Study: Central library of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Mashhad University of Medical Sciences' libraries)seyed hesam hashemi naslM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-01-25
Investigating of perceived organizational justice effect on personnel innovation capability by mediating role of knowledge sharingfariba sarbazM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-01-28
The effect of servant leadership on Positive psychological capital (PPC) , Service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (SOCB) and customer value co-creation (CVC) in Iran Insurance branches in Mashhad city.Mostafa LotfiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-01-28
QSPM MATRIXKimiya TorkamaniM.Sc.Kazemi2017-01-28
Investigating the effect of strategic knowledge and structural power of chief information officers on organizational performance mediated by Enterprise system assimilation (The case of government organizations in Khorasan Razavi province)yasaman noruzinikM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-01-29
Investigation The effect of job characteristics on knowledge sharing of experts' Razavi Khorasan Gas Company with the moderating role of personality traitsshiva malekiM.Sc.Farahi2017-01-30
The Effects Of Managerial values(self-transcendence & self-enhancement) On Employee`s Commitment To Supervisor Via Managerial skills( Case Of: Mellat bank branches in Mashhad)Fatemeh Hossein pourM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-01-30
Investigating the effects of individual learner characteristics and interactive learning environments on self regulation in e-learning environments through mediating role of perceived usefulness (case of students of Electronic Learning Center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)naeimeh ramezaniM.Sc.Khorakian2017-01-31
The impact of brand experience on brand loyalty with the mediating role of cognitive dimensions of brand equity and hedonic emotion (Case Study: Samsung mobile phone users in Mashhad)sepideh morid ahmadiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2017-01-31
Investigating the effect of customer participation on the return intent with the mediating role of value co-creation and the affective commitment (case of study: Mellat Bank’s customers in Mashhad)Seyedeh Saman FatemiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2017-01-31
The Impact of Using Social media on customer Intention to buy: Mediating role of Trust and Perceived usefulness( case of: E-shop Customers in city of Mashhad).fatemeh fanaei jizabadM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-01-31
Investigating the effect of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value on customer loyalty through the mediating role of customer relationship management quality (Case study: Bank Meli 's customers in city of Neyshabour).Mehrnoosh NorouziradM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-02-01
Effect of Customer Orientation on Salesperson Performance through Value-Based Selling (Case Study: Salesperson of Tehran Afrand Atlas Company)Akram RamezaniM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-02-01
Effects of ethical sales behavior on customer Loyalty with mediation of Relationship quality and Relationship commitment( case of : Customers of Iran insurance company in Mashhad)saiedeh hosseinzadehM.Sc.Nazemi2017-02-01
Investigate the effect of simplicity & interactivity on brand loyalty due to usability of samsungs mobile phone (Case of study: Afghanistans Herat Users).Ali Reza ZareM.Sc.Rahimnia2017-02-04
Recognizing and prioritizing barriers of women promotion to managerial positions using Fuzzy MCDM (case study: tax adminstration of Khorasan-e-Razavi)nahid ghavamiM.Sc.Tavakkoli2017-02-05
Investigating the effect of relationship marketing on customer loyalty with the mediating role of customer trust and commitment (Case study Branches of Bank Saman in the city of Mashhad)Mozhgan HassanzadehM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-02-06
Evaluating trains from passengers perspective(case study:Tehran-Mashhad passengers)fj ghanbarzadehM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2017-02-07
Investigating the effect of innovation on customer loyalty with the role of mediating perceived value and the role of moderating customer satisfaction.(Case of Mashhad branch of Tejarat bank)elahe pasbanM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-02-07
Investigating the trust and its effect through perceived risk on intention of using electronic governmentsajjad hosseiniM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-02-11
Investigating the effect of consumer innovativeness on green consumption behavior with the mediating role of green consumption intention(Case of Cosmetic Consumers in Mashhad)nasrin shahnoushiM.Sc.Khorakian2017-02-11
Evaluation of organizational justice dimensions effect on occupational performance with intermediate role of mutual relations of leader and follower (case study: Mashhad water and Sewage)maryam talebiM.Sc.Khorakian2017-02-13
The Impact of Evaluation , Satisfaction and loyalty on brand With mediating role of relationship with brand (Case study: NIVEA cosmetics)mohammad kazem eskandariM.Sc.Nazemi2017-02-14
The effect of IT capabilities on the innovative performance-brokered entrepreneurship and the moderator of the intensity of competition (Case Study: Companies active in the industrial city of Mashhad Birch)morteza faramarzi radM.Sc.Maharati2017-02-18
Investigating the mediating role of person-job fit and readiness for service in the relationship between customer orientation and intrepreneriual orientation on employee performanceFarshad Zamanian NejatzadehM.Sc.Maharati2017-02-18
Investigation the Effects of Proactive and Reactive Strategies on Competitiveness With Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Cost-cutting Measures(Case of: House developers of Mashhad)mona khakzadanM.Sc.Nazemi2017-03-01
Investigating the impact of personal values on creativity of employees with moderating role of organizational commitment and customer orientation ( case of : Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)sima helmiM.Sc.Maharati2017-04-04
The impact of international marketing standardization on business performance with the moderating role of B2B model (Case study: Legrand group companies)SEYEDHANI HOZHABROSADATIM.Sc.Hadadian2017-04-08
Study the effect of service quality on the student success in private universities of Herat, Afghanistan through student satisfactionRoya HossiniM.Sc.Maharati2017-04-16
Investigating the Impact of brand communication and brand image on brand loyalty through the mediating role of brand trust (Case of: Costumers of branches of Mellat bank in Mashhad )mohammad mohammadzadeM.Sc.Khorakian2017-05-13
Product plot optimization using integrated fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and zero-one integer programmingvahide bafandegan emrooziM.Sc.Kazemi2017-05-13
The Effect of Perceived Quality of Self-Service Banking Services on customer satisfaction Through Trust and Perceived Value Taking into account the role of technological readiness (Case study: Branches of the New Economy Bank in Mashhad)mehran abed khorasaniM.Sc.Pooya2017-05-23
Investigation of the effects of job demands and resources on individual performance with the mediating role of job burnout and organizational commitment (case study: water authority of Iraq)raya Al jammasM.Sc.Farahi2017-06-03
E-readiness assessment Diwaniyah, Iraq municipalities to provide electronic servicesBAQER TALIB ABDULKADHIMM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-06-11
Investigating The effect of psychological ownership on innovative behavior by the mediating role of affective commitment (case of : employees of Khorasan Regional Electricity Company)Mahdi AbbasionM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-06-19
Investigating the effect of rganizational commitment on erformance by the mediating role of innovation (Case Study: Private Banks in Najaf)JASIM ALI HASAN HASANM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-06-21
The effect of customer trust through transparency of information on customer purchase intention on insurance companies in Khorasan Jonoubi provincefatemeh khayyatM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-06-24
Comparative study of different age groups based on characteristics of fuzzy Kano model in the mobile phone market (case study: Samsung)soroor hoorzadM.Sc.Kazemi2017-07-01
The effect of marketing tacit knowledge management on acquisition of competitive advantage with regard to the intermediary role of customer relationship: case studies (employees of 16 Rashid Bank in Diwaniyah, Iraq)Thaer ALHARGOSEM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-07-04
The effect of co-worker support on job performance through mediator role of job resourcefulness and customer orientation (Case of study: Rafidain bank in Samawa city of Iraq)Alaa Abdulzahra Alag Al DhaherM.Sc.Maharati2017-07-04
Investigating the effect of employees work engagement on customer loyalty by mediating role of Perceived service climate (Case Study: Private Banks of Bojnourd city)azadeh rahmaniM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-07-05
Survey of effect of Dimensions Marketing of Place on ReligiousTourist Iraq country case study: Karbal city touristTareq Hasan AbdulwahdM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-07-05
An Investigating The Effects of Proactive Personality on Employee`s Intrinsic Motivation through Perceived Job Complexity. ( Case Of: company employees NIAN ELECTRONIC )toktam arshyaM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-07-08
Investigting The moderating role of innovative behavior in relationship between perceived organizational services orientation and employee customer orientation (the case of study: Rafidain Bank Main Branch of Iraq)Mahmood Sabr MeftenM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-07-23
Investigation The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between internal marketing and employee engagement (Case Study: National Centre for Occupational Health and Safety staff in Iraq)Jalal Khalaf HanashM.Sc.Mortazavi2017-07-23
Investigating the effect of internal marketing on organizational learning through the trust and Organizational commitmentAlaa Mohammed AdhamiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-08-12
Investigating the recursive impact between job satisfaction and motivation on organizational commitment .(case study:Headquarter and branches of tourism bank in Tehran)arezoo ghiyaeiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-08-19
Investigating the impact of service brand evidences on brand attitude through the mediating role of customer satisfaction (Case of: Costumers of branches of Mellat bank in Mashhad)kourosh mehriM.Sc.Rahimnia2017-09-06
Using hybrid method of SWOT and Monte Carlo simulation to Identify the strategic position of critical management in Ferdowsi University of Mashhadsamira ebrahimi farM.Sc.Naji Azimi2017-09-09
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Justice on Organizational based Self-esteem of Staff by the Mediating Role Organizational Identification (Case Study: Nongovernmental Bank Branches of Boroujerd)majid goodarziM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-09-10
Investigating the effect of corporate social responsibility on patient’s loyalty by mediating role of corporate reputation (Case of study: patients of Mehr Hospital)maryam gholami vasmejaniM.Sc.Shirazi2017-09-10
The Mediating Role of university identification in Relationship Between of Personality, Knowledge, Brand Prestige and satisfaction of university (Case of Study: Graduate students of Ferdowsi university)asiyeh rahimi dehvariM.Sc.Hadadian2017-09-11
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Value on Marketing Performance with Mediating Role of Corporate Image (Case of Study: Shahr Bank Branches of Mashhad)Nooshin MollazadehM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-09-11
Studying the effect of different levels of job demond on behavioral consequences whit the mediating role of job resourcestoktam shivaM.Sc.Farahi2017-09-12
Survey of agility domain of Mashban Bank branch managers in Khorasan Razavi provinceahmad khoshkhooM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2017-09-12
Investigating the effect of university service quality on emotional attachment to brand by mediating role of total experience (case of study: M.A students of self managed of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Mostafa VahidiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-09-12
Presenting a Weighted Aggregate Production Planning Model by Applying Data Envelopment Analysis and Goal Programming MethodsSeyed Ali Naji Nasrabadi YazdM.Sc.Kazemi2017-09-13
Assessment of readiness for exporting in Shahid Hasheminejad Gas Processing Company in Sarakhsjavad kharaziM.Sc.Maharati2017-09-16
Identifying Risks of Construction Projects Using the Content Analysis Method, Assessing and Prioritizing them with Fuzzy Topsis Technique (Case Study: YAS Commercial Tower, Mashhad)sina akbarzade miriM.Sc.Kazemi2017-09-16
Investigation of the effects of pre-purchase factors of customer experience to increase brand loyalty in Five-star hotels of MashhadSeyed Javad MortazaviM.Sc.Khorakian2017-09-17
The Effect of Relationship Marketing on Perceived Value and Customer's Intent to Stay in 4 & 5 Star Hotels in Mashhadhosein noroziM.Sc.Hadadian2017-09-18
( Evaluation of the leagile on chinese industry(case study Maghsoud Factories Group)elmira rajei palakoeiM.Sc.Kazemi2017-09-19
Investigating the effect of strategy process (organizational culture and execution of strategy) on organizational performance by mediating role of innovationfatemeh razavizadehM.Sc.Rahimnia2017-09-19
The effect on the performance of customer-oriented business Mashhad room with mediating role of service quality and customer lifetime value by BSCMohammad amin GhorbanbeygiM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-09-19
Title: Investigation and ranking of factors affecting customer trust in the electronic sale of tourism services providers in Mashhad using Delphi techniqueseyed vahid afzali boroujeniM.Sc.Farahi2017-09-19
Assessing maturity of business process management in dimensions of strategy and processshiva mohammadiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2017-09-19
The Effect of Effective Factors on Admission of E-Learning with the Role of Mediation Student Satisfaction (Case Study: Students of Karbala University)Mayasah AljawdahM.Sc.Poursalimi2017-09-20
The Mediating Role of Brand Love and Brand Loyalty in Relationship between of Brand Image, Brand Experience, Brand Trust on Positive Word of Mouth (Case of study: Mashad Laether customers)mojtaba naddaf sharghM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-09-20
Evaluating the role of e-marketing acceptance in the implementation of e-marketing by social media (Case study: Facebook social network)MOHAMMED HASANM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2017-10-03
Factors affecting technology adoption and its impact on the intended use of e-services among health tourism in Mashhad, Razavi Hospitalseyede farima taghavi sabzevariM.Sc.Mehraeen2017-10-10
Designing the Conceptual Model of Relationship between the Elements of Supply Chain Agility using Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling (FISM) and Prioritizing the Elements of Agility by applying Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP)ahmad shalchianM.Sc.Kazemi2017-11-07
Investigating the mediating role of Individual Innovation on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Job Performance in Sumo Oil Marketing Company in IraqNabilah Al-malikiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2017-11-11
The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Employees’ Empowerment on Knowledge Sharing with Mediating role of Organizational Learning At Ferdowsi University Of Mashhadseyedetoktam pishvaeiM.Sc.Maharati2017-11-28
Evaluation of the role of strategic partner and its competencies in Human Resource unit of Public organizations city of Mashhad and its impact on organizational performanceamir nekodariM.Sc.Farahi2017-12-05
Investigating the effect of perceived innovative organizational climate on innovative behavior through the mediating effect of learning organization (case of : Bank of Industry & Mine’s employees in Iran)Mahmoud AbbasiM.Sc.Khorakian2017-12-13
Investigating the effect of ethical leadership on innovative behavior through the mediating role of voice behavior and leader-member exchange in knowledge and technology based corporations in Science and Technology Park of Khorasan-e- Razavimalihe najibiM.Sc.Khorakian2017-12-19
Investigating Effects of E-CRM on customer-bank Relationship quality:Case study:customers of keshavarzi bank of mashhadnadiyeh mehranpoorM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-01-02
(Modeling of new product development process and proposing some solutions to improve development time by employing system dynamic approach in a science based company (Case of Nian Electronic Companyneda attarmoghaddamM.Sc.Khorakian2018-01-09
Investigating the effect of work engagement and psychological capital on workplace deviance behaviors through the mediating role of job embeddednessnarjes yazdaniM.Sc.Khorakian2018-01-16
Investigating the influence of punishment and communication opportunities on job stress with mediating role of organizational silence (case of: Internal Airlines staff in Mashhad)Toktam GhorbaniM.Sc.Shirazi2018-01-20
Investigating the effect of interactive Environment & Customer Perceived Value on customer Loyalty through the role of customer's satisfaction as a mediator (case of study: Professor Bazima Science Park)majid sadeghianM.Sc.Khorakian2018-01-20
Investigating the relationship between innovative organizational climate and organizational job engagement with customers perceived Royalty by the mediating role of organizational citizen ship bahavier of female employees (Case Study: Rafidain Banks in Baghdad City)shams al-rubayeM.Sc.Malekzadeh2018-01-22
(The impact of e-WOM participation on loyalty with the mediation role of personal and social site identification(Case of study: Customers of Digikala websiteShahryar TatariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-01-23
Investigating the Effect of Perceived customer orientation on customer satisfaction with the role of intermediation customer behavioral commitment (Case studies: Martyr Baghdad Foundation)ISMAEL MNEHILM.Sc.Poursalimi2018-01-24
Effect of job crafting on innovative work behavior with mediation role of person-job fit and innovation trust in employees of R&D units (Case of companies located in the industrial Estate of Toos Mashhad)mehran akbariM.Sc.Khorakian2018-01-28
Investigating the moderating role of market turbulence and competitive intensity on the relationship between innovation strategies and business performanc (Case of: Industrial machinery and equipment companies in the city of Tabriz)farshad ghaderi khashendaraghM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-01-29
Investigating the impact of brand value and brand satisfaction on brand commitment through the mediating role of brand trust (case of: users of Irancell in Mashhad)simin massoudiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-01-30
Strategy alignment between HRM, KM, and corporate strategy and its influence on KM effectiveness (The case of manufacturing firms in Toos industrial estate)Somayeh MardaniM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-01-30
(Designing a dynamic model for determining the price level of residential units of private section (Zibasaze Toosgam construction company depended on Melal Credit Institutiseyyed saeed sajjadM.Sc.Pooya2018-01-30
Evaluation the role of change agent and its competencies in Human Resource unit of Public organizations and its effect on organizational Learning in Mashhadhediyeh rahmaniM.Sc.Farahi2018-02-03
Selecting the model of sale contract to wholesalers for agriculture products with the aim of maximization the profit of supply chainjavad bagherzadehM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2018-02-04
Investigation the effect of role identity on sale performance with the mediating role of customer orientation and adaptive selling behavior (case of study: insurance salespersons in Hamadan)Ziba GolfamM.Sc.Farahi2018-02-04
Configuration Of Production Decision and Competitive Priorities In Job Shop Production Systems (Multiple Case Study)nahid salarbabakhaniM.Sc.Pooya2018-02-04
Examining the effect of perceived quality of healthcare services on patients' loyalty mediated by satisfaction and trust (The case of Pastor Private Hospital)Nastaran DavoodiM.Sc.Shirazi2018-02-06
Study of the factors affecting the acceptance of electronic registration system demand for electricity branch subscribers using UTAUT and categorizing them using IPAfreshteh davoodi rezvaniM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-02-06
Optimaizing the time-cost-quality and risk in manufacturing product project (A case study : Screen Filter production project at Arina water and industry company)hadis farazmandM.Sc.Kazemi2018-02-06
Investigating the impact of perceived quality and brand awareness on brand equity with the mediating role of loyalty to brand (Case Study: Female patients of mehr hospital in Mashhad)mozhgan nejatM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-02-10
introducing a model for measuring innovation in bankSaeid NosratiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2018-02-14
Investigating effects of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance through the mediating role of cost leadership. (case of: international freight forwarding firms in Afghanistan.)Danial keftanzadahM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-02-14
Examining the Effects of the Higher Education Brand Image on Student Lifetime Value mediated by Student Satisfaction (The case of: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)heydar katebM.Sc.Hadadian2018-02-18
Analysis and explanation the role of employees and leadership on brand development with the mediating role of customer(case study: Financial and Credit Institute of Melal in Mashhad)ّّFateme AlianM.Sc.Maharati2018-02-19
Effect of Social Media on personnel Accountability and customer satisfaction by exchanging information on sales B2B (Case study: Oil company Sumo)Mohanad Abdulabbas Jasim Al - JanabiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-02-25
Investigating the impact of internal marketing on perceived services quality with the mediating roles of organizational identity and empowerment in branches of Khorasan razavi Electric Distribution Companysajad bazriM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-03-03
The Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Brand Loyalty By Intermediary Brand Trust (Case Study: Mashhad State Banks)zeinab daemolkhadamehM.Sc.Hadadian2018-03-10
Investigating the effect of knowledge management on CRM success through the mediating role of organizational factors in 3- 4- and 5-star hotels of Mashhad cityAzadeh MazloomM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-03-11
Optimization of Human Resources Planning at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Educational groupsALI BIRJAND MOSHIRIM.Sc.Pooya2018-04-22
Investigating the impact of Social Media Capability on Selection of Study Field and Suitable University through Higher Education Marketing (The Case of Iraqi Students in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Saleemah Najm Abdullah AlimariM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-06-19
Investigating Effects Of Export Marketing Mix Strategies On Export Performance Through The Mediating Role Of Competitive Advantages (Case Of: Export Companies Of Kabul and Herat ‘ Cities)Banafsheh FarahiM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-06-26
Classification of Emotional Elements in Consumer Purchase Intention (Case Study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Students)seddigheh sadeghiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-09-04
Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on corporate performance through the mediating role of competency of executives (case: knowledge based enterprise in Mashhad Science and Technology Park`s companies)mohsen sadeghiM.Sc.Maharati2018-09-05
Investigating the effect of employees goal orientation and their self perceived employability on performance with mediating role of employees work engagement (Case of: Nurses of Farabi and Hefdah-e-Shahrivar Hospitals in Mashhad City).elahe saberiM.Sc.Maharati2018-09-05
Investigating the Impact of Marketing Information System Technology on the Performance of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange by Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantagemotahare hashemianM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-09-08
Investigating the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance by mediating role of costumer knowledge management (The case of study: knowledge-based and innovative Companies in the Incubator of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Syed Nusrat RazaM.Sc.Hadadian2018-09-08
Investigating the mediating role of Brand Love and Brand Knowledge between Experience and Loyalty to Brand (The case of students of Postgraduate in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)behroz azimy fardM.Sc.Hadadian2018-09-08
The effect of emotional intelligence on job stress through moderating role of trust in God and spiritual health (Case of study: Fire Stations of Mashhad City)marziye hosseiniM.Sc.Maharati2018-09-09
The effect of materialism on purchase intentions via risk of embarrassment toward counterfeit productsMahdi KafiM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-09-09
Policies to change the capacity of hospital equipment to improve the patient's flow through the system dynamics approachvajihe asghariM.Sc.Pooya2018-09-09
The application of fuzzy QFD and AHP to rank the Mass Customization Enablers (Case Study: Lamal Electronics Co.)asieh shahpariM.Sc.Pooya2018-09-09
Prioritizing and Evaluation of employment value proposition (EVP) and Employer Brad of Government organization among talented students of Ferdowsi University of MashhadAmin HosseiniM.Sc.Farahi2018-09-10
A Fuzzy Inference System for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Riskkatayoun dolatkhahiM.Sc.Kazemi2018-09-11
Investigating the Impact of Social Network on Customers' Purchasing Behavior through brand credibility (The case of: Consulting and Construction Companies in Mashhad)sepehr mobaiyenM.Sc.Hadadian2018-09-11
The effect of advertising electronic word of mouth and social media usage on buy intent with mediating role of consumer trust. (case study: customers Bamilo site )narges shokoohiM.Sc.Poursalimi2018-09-11
The effect of service quality dimensions on customer's repurchase intention through affective commitment and continuance commitment of customers in Mashhad 4 and 5 stars hotelsmohammad reza rezazadehM.Sc.Poursalimi2018-09-11
Application of QFD and AHP techniques to improve ergonomic productionnastaran abdiM.Sc.Tavakkoli2018-09-11
Evaluating the quality of the services of the e-Learning system of Ferdowsi University using the standard ISO 9126 model and Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP)ramin kashi toroghiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2018-09-12
Investigating the effect of sensory innovativeness on innovative behavior through the mediating role of domain specific innovativenessmona kardaniM.Sc.Khorakian2018-09-12
Examining the effect of customer orientation on export performance with mediating role of behavioral commitment, and communication (The case of: companies in the food industry in Khorasan Razavi province).Hamed AelamiM.Sc.Poursalimi2018-09-15
Investigating perceived political interventions and organizational politics in human resource management and its impact on organizational commitment in Bojnourd Municipalityshahla dartoomiM.Sc.Farahi2018-09-15
Identifing functional effective human resource strategies of NGO's in Razavi Khorasaniman BaghbanM.Sc.Farahi2018-09-15
Investigating the effect of regretting the brand on behavioral intention via satisfaction and consumer brand identification as a moderator in the best sport clubs in mashhadtahmine sarvariM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-09-16
Investigating the impact of social media, transparency and social responsibility on business performance with mediating role of sustainable brand (The case of food industries located in Toos industrial town of Mashhad)mohadese sistaniM.Sc.Shirazi2018-09-16
Investigating the effect of fun at work on innovative work behavior through the mediating role of employee involvement and absorptive capacity in the fashion industryOmolbanin HashemizadeM.Sc.Khorakian2018-09-22
.Investigating the effect of virtual social networks on employee’s job performance through role organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution CoReza BehnoodM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-09-22
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Change and Resistance to Change on Preparing for Change and Success of Change in an Organization with the Moderating Role of Organizational Pessimism (the case of the National Iranian Airlines)saeideh sezavarzakeranM.Sc.Khorakian2018-10-07
Investigating the effect of authentic leadership on turnover intention through the mediator role of workplace incivility and organizational cynicism (Case of: conventional employees of electricity distribution company of Mashhad)abbas ghomanjaniM.Sc.Khorakian2018-10-07
Investigating the effect of Antecedents, mechanisms, and consequences in the supply chain risk information processing system: The case of Iran Khodro CoMAEDEH ZARENEYSHABOURIM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-10-16
An Study of Prioritization Factors Affecting the Formation of Electronic Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty to Purchase Virtual networkselahe tofigh tabriziM.Sc.Mehraeen2018-10-16
Investigating the effect of percieved risk, advantage and disadvantage on satisfaction and re-purchase intention of Internet goods and services (the Case of non-native students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)ظهور تکنولوژی ارتباطات و اطلاعات، مدل‌های کسب‌وکار سـنتی را تغییـر داده است. ازاین‌رو، شرmaryam arabM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-10-17
Investigating the mediating role of employees’ mutual recognition respect in the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and affective Commitment (Case off: Mashhad Imam Reza hospital nurses)forough ahmadiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2018-11-04
Investigating the effect of strategic performance measures on performance of public organizations regarding the mediating role of strategic decision-making (case of: public organizations of South Khorasan)MOHARRAM ABRARY ROOMENJANM.Sc.Rahimnia2018-11-17
Investigating The effect of employee’s artistic interests and Artistic characteristics of workplace on Creative behavior with the mediating role of emotional intelegence of employees in Strategic Planning departments of Mashhad Municipalitysohrab safaM.Sc.Farahi2018-11-20
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational variables on Green behaviors of employees through the environmental attitude (case study: Mashhad Municipality Employees)nadia rashidi kermaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2018-12-11
Investigating the Effect of Marketing Mix Elements on Acceptance of Super-Absorbers in Service deputy and Urban Environment of Mashhad Municipalityzahra mahdavikiaM.Sc.Poursalimi2018-12-11
Investigation of personalization on customer perception of electronic educational services with customer loyalty mediationSaeed SaadatianM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2019-01-08
Investigating the effect of employees' silence on individual performance through organizational citizenship behavior (The Case of Sepah Bank employees in Mashhad)mahshad shamsM.Sc.Malekzadeh2019-01-28
Investigating the moderating Role of Infrastructure and Organizational learning Capacities in the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance (Case of: Food Industry Companies of Toos Industrial Estate)reza parsaieM.Sc.Rahimnia2019-01-28
Identifying And Prioritizing The Criteria Which Are Employed To Choose Applicant Companies In Incubator Centers And Assessing Selected Companies (Case Of Study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Samaneh DehnaviM.Sc.Kazemi2019-01-28
Investigating the effect of percieved social capital on employees` job burnout by the mediating role of job stress (Case of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)somayeh janiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2019-01-29
Investigating the effect of Affective Commitment on Resistance to Change through the mediating role of Attitudes toward Change and Readiness for Change among the employees (Case of study: Branches of Mellat Bank of Mashhad)Nafiseh Sadat SadrM.Sc.Khorakian2019-01-29
Study the impact of 3d printing on supply chain performance through dynamic systems modeling (the case of home appliance industry)Nazanin Hosseini ArianM.Sc.Pooya2019-01-30
Organisational strategy selection and pioritizing with Freeman model and using Fuzzy AHP techniqueAmir Hosain ChitsazzadehM.Sc.Kazemi2019-02-03
Increasing the capability of services to customers through improving mobile banking services by employing combination of FMEA and TODIMelham gorouhiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2019-02-05
Segmentation of Social Media Users of Telegram Based on Factors Affecting the Diffusion of Nonprofit Organizations Messagefatemeh sadat barid nikpourM.Sc.Shirazi2019-02-05
Investigation the effect of marketing capabilities on the export performance with mediating role of relational capability (Case of: mashhad food companies)Raziye Afzali NiaM.Sc.Poursalimi2019-02-12
Investigating the Impact of Ethical Leadership on Cyberloafing with Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Culture.Negar HosseiniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2019-02-16
Examining the effect of spirituality in the work on employee’s social capital with moderating role of transformational leadership (case of study Social Security Organization of Mahshad)behruz jafariM.Sc.Poursalimi2019-02-17
Investigating the effect of internal branding and organizational socialization on organizational citizenship behavior through the mediating role of person-organization fit (Case of study: Staff of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)mohammad reza mashreghiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2019-02-18
Clarifying the position of strategic management paradigm based on strategy paletteMohsen NorouziM.Sc.Kazemi2019-02-18
Using data envelopment analysis to prune defeated fuzzy rulesseyed hosein nabavi targhiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2019-02-19
Investigating the Impact of Marketing strategies on online intention purchase through the mediating role of product quality and price risks and consumer trust in the travel agency in Mashhad.somaye dehghaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2019-02-19
The Effect of Social Responsibility and Internal Marketing on the Turnover Intention by mediating role of Organizational Commitment of Road Administration of Khorasan RazaviNeda KhorasaniM.Sc.Shirazi2019-02-28
Investigating the effect of responsible human resource management practices on employee's job satisfaction by moderating role of gender (case of: Nurses of Ali ibn Abi Talib Zahedan Hospital)fatemeh zeynaliM.Sc.Shirazi2019-03-07
Comparative study of human resources policies and practices in Mashhad online taxi companiesBehzad EslahtalabM.Sc.Farahi2019-04-20
Investigating the impact of monitoring and punishment on employee”s deviance the mediating role of procedural justice(case of: the employee in Shahrebabak and Sirjan cities banks)Fatemeh Asadi koromM.Sc.Malekzadeh2019-04-29
Investigation effect of pereceived organizational support and proactive personality on employee creativity with mediating role of meaningful work. ( The case of Four five- star hotels Mashad. )soghra bameriM.Sc.Maharati2019-05-04
Investigating the effect of monitoring and punishment On employee deviation with mediating role of Organizational justice.(The case of Imam Reza (as) hospital in Mashhad)Mohsen FazeliNezhadM.Sc.Shirazi2019-05-05
Inventory Modeling in LARG Supply Chain by using System Dynamic (Case Study: Mashhad Negin Moquettemotahare sagharidoozM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2019-05-19
Investigating the effects of perceptions of knowledge sharing on employees innovative performance with the moderating role of social capital ( case study: part lastic industrial group)zahra alamdaranM.Sc.Kazemi2019-05-28
Investigating the Effect of Ethical Leadership on Individual Creativity by mediating Role of psychological empowerment and Voice behavior(The case of Staff of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)fateme jame kordkandiM.Sc.Maharati2019-05-28
Investigating the impact of job characteristics on employee’s intrinsic motivation by the moderating role of empowerment leadership style and justice in pay perception in Khorasan Regional Electric Companymajid tabandehM.Sc.Farahi2019-06-02
The Multi-period Portfolio Optimization Using Possibilistic Entropy and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)marzie mazaheri zaveM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2019-06-18
Identifying the effective HR strategies through the best practices approach in small and medium-sized knowledge enterprises by using Delphi Methodzahra kaldaniM.Sc.Farahi2019-07-02
(Designing Optimal Control Model for Finite Capacity Continuous Multi Stage MRP System Of Deteriorating Items with Production Lead times and Possibility of Reworking (Case Study: Mashhad Panel Barsava ManufaMahdi MiriM.Sc.Pooya2019-07-02
Provide a Frame For Acquisition Of Tacit Knowledge To Identifying Opportunitis And Threatsniloofar jahanaraM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2019-07-06
Investigating the Effects of Collaboration and Egalitarian on Innovation Performance through the Mediating Role of Organizational Knowledge Absorptive Capacity (Case of: Food Companies in Toos Industrial Zone of Mashhad) By:Mahsa JavdanmehrM.Sc.Rahimnia2019-09-02
Investigating the impact of brand image and website quality on purchase intention with mediating role of trust (case of: Digikala website users in Mashhad)Mohammad Javid AhmadiM.Sc.Hadadian2019-09-02
The effect of person-organization fit on turnover intention, mediated by job engagement, person-group fit and person-job fit, among Mashhad public specialty hospitals nursesbaratali namdarbadlooM.Sc.Shirazi2019-09-02
Impact of psychological sense of a brand community and transcendental experience on consumer delight mediated by customer gratitude (Case of Study: noosheen brand)arezo najarkhodatarsM.Sc.Poursalimi2019-09-02
Impact of brand Attachment on customers brand on brand equity in social media with mediating role of brand credibility and customers satisfaction (Case of: customers of Ayandeh Bank in Mashhad)mahdis moghimiM.Sc.Rahimnia2019-09-02
locatioan and capacity optimization problem of the facilities in the resilient supply chain network under hybrid uncertainty conditions.maryam sarghaniM.Sc.Kazemi2019-09-02
Investigating The effect of brand-consumer social sharing value on customer engagement in social media by mediation of brand gratitude ( Case of: user of social media in mashhad)nasibeh sahranavard boghmechM.Sc.Rahimnia2019-09-04
Investigating the effect of individualism, social trust and self-efficacy on intention to share knowledge by mediating role of attitude towards knowledge sharingmona hedaiativahidM.Sc.Mehraeen2019-09-08
Investigating the Impact of Perceived Green Human Resource Management on Environmental Citizenship Behavior by Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility (Case of :Employees of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Akram GhezelbashM.Sc.Rahimnia2019-09-11
Investigating the mediating role of job satisfaction in relationship between HRM practices perception and employees productivity (Case of study: Employees of Melli Bank first rank Branches in Mashhad)ali reyhaniM.Sc.Shirazi2019-09-11
Determining The effect of E-Recovery service on customer satisfaction with E-recovery service regarding the mediating role of perceived justice per customer and moderating role of co-creation(case study: Tejaret Bank’s customers in Mashhad)farzaneh ghorbani moghadamM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2019-09-11
Investigating the impact of Perceived Altruistic Leadership on Innovative Behavior through the mediating role of Knowledge Sharing Behavior and Enjoyment In Helping Othersamirhosein raoofM.Sc.Shirazi2019-09-18
(The effect of organizational innovation on export performance with mediating role of technological innovation (case study: export companies in the food industry in MashhadFarhad Ekrami talabM.Sc.Hadadian2019-09-21
Modeling Timetabling and Vehilce Scheduling Problem of ‎Public Transport Simultanously (case study: mashhad bus ‎organization)‎seydeh simin mousaviM.Sc.Pooya2019-09-21
Choosing Optimal Composition of Electronic Marketing Channels in Startups with Mathematical Programming Approach (case study: CHAPIROUS)seyedeh safoora seyed shobeyriM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2019-09-22
The Impact of Perceptions of Managers' Political Behaviors on Organizational Citizenship Behavior through the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Perception of Career Growth Case Study: Faculty members of Herat University of AfghanistanVEDA SALAR RAHIMIM.Sc.Farahi2019-09-22
Investigating Factors Affecting Social Media Use and Its Impact on Organizational Performance Results (The Case of: Active Growth Centers of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)amir hoseyn aghaeeM.Sc.Mehraeen2019-09-22
Investigating the effect of Toxic Leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and turnover behavior with moderating role of organizational commitmentmahdieh moghadamM.Sc.Maharati2019-12-04
Survey the Effect CRM & ERP on the Market Performance With Mediating Value of Electronic Business in Mashhad's Beauty Clinicsrashid rostamiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-01-07
Investigating the effect of Perceived organizational policy, nature of the job and the attitudes of marketing and sales employees on job performance with the mediating role of job motivation (The case of: Asia Pharma Co-Afghanistan).Anwar Shah AmaniM.Sc.Hadadian2020-01-26
Identification and ranking of affecting factors on non-performing loans in Khorasan shomali branches of Mellat bankmahboubeh eslamiM.Sc.Kazemi2020-02-08
Investigating the impact of Talent Management Perception on Job Performance with a moderating role of Locus of Control through Job Satisfactionmohsen ramezani saniM.Sc.Shirazi2020-02-09
Investigating the Effect of Marketing Management Capabilities with the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage on Export Promotion Performance of Afghan SaffronSayed Mohammad AkhlaqiM.Sc.Maharati2020-02-09
Modeling and solving University examination timetabling problem with New Constraints of Interaction between Examinations of Professors and Coincidence of Examinations with Common Questions (Case Study: Department of management of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)saeedeh bazariM.Sc.Pooya2020-02-09
Investigating Impact Customer Values on Customer Relationship Management Performance by mediating their satisfaction and modulating brand Loyalty -Case Study: Company Behnoosh-FAEZEH ALIZADEHM.Sc.Poursalimi2020-02-10
Investigating the role of extrinsic motivations on social commerce information contributing through the mediator effect of customer intention to contribute social commerce information (case study: Iranian Customers of Mosafer Salam hotels reservation system in the geographical area of Mashhad city)shirin maleki khalilabadM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-02-12
Investigating of Employee’s Empowerment and Knowledge sharing on Employee’s Innovation with the mediating role of Intrinsic motivation and moderating role of Extrinsic motivation (Case study: Part Lastic Company of Khorasan)parvin arjmandM.Sc.Kazemi2020-02-12
Identifying and Prioritizing the Requirements of assessment and Development Centers in Public Organization of Khorasan Razavi Province and Assessing the Level of Readiness for that Centers in State Tax AdministrationArmaghan GhaemiM.Sc.Farahi2020-02-12
Investigating the effect of Knowledge management governance (KMG) in organization efficiency with mediating role of organization culture, (The case of of the international non-governmental organization (INGO) charity of the Abshar-e-Atefeha)hamed shaterzadehyazdiM.Sc.Maharati2020-02-15
Optimizing Service Recovery Considering the Expenditure and the Quality Using Multi-Objective Mathematical Modelnazanin tatariM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2020-02-19
University Course Timetabling by providing an Integrated optimal allocation model for lecture, lesson, Time. Case Study: Department of Management of Ferdowsi University Of Mashhadfateme fasanehM.Sc.Pooya2020-02-19
Investigating of the effects Firm Generated Content on Purchase Intention through brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, eWOM -The case of Social Media users of the Digikala Website-Reza TaymooriM.Sc.Mehraeen2020-03-01
Investigating The Impact Of Investment In People Standard On The Firm Market Performance With The Mediating Role Of Human Capital And Employee Value Propositionrouhollah hassanzadahM.Sc.Farahi2020-03-11
Investigating the Effect of Using Marketing Analytics on Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage from the Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities, Considering the Mediator Role of Market Acuity and Product Development Management (Case of: Software companies in Iran)Masoud AbyarM.Sc.Rahimnia2020-05-05
The impact of staff empowerment and capability development on innovative behaviors with the role of moderator of creative self-efficacymahnaz niromandvojdaniavalM.Sc.Maharati2020-05-18
investigating the level of maturity of talent management and identifying effective talent management strategies in small and medium enterprises growth center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhadomid ramezaniM.Sc.Farahi2020-05-19
Investigating the effect of brand experience on supportive behavior by mediating brand identification (case of: graduated students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Fatemeh GoudarziM.Sc.Rahimnia2020-06-24
Investigating the mediating role of operational marketing capabilities in relationship between dynamic marketing capabilities and organizational performanceshadi zohourian azadM.Sc.Rahimnia2020-06-30
(The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction and Job Engagement (Case of study: Branches of Keshavarzi Bank of ZahedanSeyed Mohsen Hesam AmiriM.Sc.Shirazi2020-07-21
Investigating the effect of Electronic Trust on Customer-brand identification with Mediating Role of Brand attitudes and Electronic word of mouth (The case: customers of Mellat Bank Branches in Mashhadsara mabhootM.Sc.Maharati2020-09-06
Investigating the impact of Entrepreneurial mindset on service readiness and employee performance through the mediating role of Entrepreneurial orientation and moderating role of psychological safety in relation between Entrepreneurial orientation and employee performanceMOHAMMED SAMI MOHSIN AL_ZUBAIDIM.Sc.Maharati2020-09-06
Investigating the Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Marketing in the effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Brand Equity ( The Case of: Food and drinking Industries in Toos Industrial Town of Mashhad (Mahshid Haji abadiM.Sc.Maharati2020-09-06
Investigating the effect of customer experience on loyalty due to the mediating role of lifestyle and conspicuous consumption (Case of: Young customers of Mashhad coffee shops)fatemeh sadeghzadeh maarefiM.Sc.Rahimnia2020-09-08
The impact of Electronic Word-of-mouth Quality on Repurchase intention by The Mediating Role of Customer Participation Behavior And Customer Satisfaction (Case of Study: Refah Chain Store in Mashhad)Fatemeh sadat HashemiM.Sc.Poursalimi2020-09-12
Implementation of a two-stage fuzzy quality function deployments technique to transform Clients’ satisfaction through their requirements to building technical specifications )case study: Pazh Design and Construction Consulting Company(mahshid behzadM.Sc.Pooya2020-09-12
The effect of internal marketing on job satisfaction with the mediating role of organizational commitment (Case study: Employees of three-star, four-star and five-star hotels in Mashhad city)Sina Rajabi AslM.Sc.Poursalimi2020-09-12
The effect of students ' engagement behavior on brand image and reputation of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with the mediating role of students' value-creating behaviorzoha yousefiM.Sc.Pooya2020-09-12
Investigating the effect of perceived warmth and perceived competence of private hospital staff on the image of health tourism destination with the mediating role of hospital prestige and the moderating role of intermediaries (Case of study: private hospitals in Mashhad)Massoud kordestani mahaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-09-14
Location Detection for Educational Centers Using Combination of Geographical Information System and Analytical Hierarchy Process and WASPAS Method(Case Study: Mahan Language Center in the City of Mashhad)faeze sadat hajivosoughM.Sc.Kazemi2020-09-14
Providing the dynamic model of the relation between university and society based on the systems dynamics approach Case Study Ferdowsi University of MashhadJAVAD NAZARIAN JASHN ABADIM.Sc.Pooya2020-09-15
Investigating the Impact of Social Media Advertising Content and Social Media Sales Promotion Content on Consumers’ Behavioural Intention with the mediating role of Hedonic and Functional Brand Images (Case of: Consumers Of Chery brand)negar ghanaatM.Sc.Rahimnia2020-09-15
Investigating the effect of Social Media Contents on Customer Purchase Intention by mediating role of Brand Signature on Brand Awareness among Mashhad leather customerssamaneh soltanahmadiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-09-15
Identifying effective marketing mix strategy for organic food with Delphi methodseyed hamidreza hosseiniM.Sc.Hadadian2020-09-15
Investigating The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management on Developing Human Resources Competencies with the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Culturemahdi bahramiM.Sc.Latifian2020-09-16
Investigating the Impact of Internet Marketing Capabilities on Export Investment Performance by Mediation Effectiveness of Marketing Distribution, Marketing Communication Efficiency, International Strategic Orientation and International Network Capabilities (Case Study: Saffron Exporting Companies)Arezoo VasseghM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-09-19
Identifying and categorizing experts' perceptions of the value and challenges of using big data in the public sectormohammadi arshadM.Sc.Mehraeen2020-09-19
Investigating the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing in the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Workplace Friendship whit Innovative behavior (Case study: faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)soheila mehmanparast noghondarM.Sc.Mehraeen2020-09-20
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational justice on employee 's attitudinal loyalty through the mediating role of affective trust, cognitive trust and affective commitment (case of study:telecommunication company of Khorasan Razavi province)Mousa OnvaniM.Sc.Khorakian2020-09-21
Identifying Potential of Industrial Wastes for Energy Production and Prioritizing Raw Materials Using ARAS Method (A Case of Toos Industrial Zone in Mashhad)fatemeh najafiM.Sc.Kazemi2020-09-21
Factors Of Not Having Strategic Roles of HRM and Prioritizing them in Mashhad Public OrganizationsMahla EslamiM.Sc.Farahi2020-09-21
Evaluation of operational risks in the FMEA-modified tile production processHOSSEIN rabieiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2020-09-26
Designing a model of factors affecting the functions of mentoring and testing it in the electricity industry (case study of Khorasan Regional Electricity Company, Mashhad)negar sadat mousavi taghiabadiM.Sc.Kazemi2020-09-27
Improving human resource reliability using the product design structure matrix in the rail transport system(Case study: Mashhad Urban Railway terminal operator)parastu fakharzadehM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2020-10-04
Applying the combined approach of value engineering and SWARA using gray number theory to improve value engineering (Case study: Leading the private bus fleet in MashhadSara GhaaniM.Sc.Kazemi2020-10-06
The Effect of Workplace Spirituality and Connectedness on Subjective Happiness with Mediating Role of Loneliness (The Case of the Staffs at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)faezeh poorsaniM.Sc.Maharati2020-10-14
Investigating the impacts of Business Process Re-Engineering on organizational performance through mediating role of ICT Capacities (The Case of General Directorate of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Khorasan Razavi)atiye shariatfarM.Sc.Mehraeen2020-10-18
Determining the optimal cultivation pattern in lands around water resources Underground renewable (Case study: Gonabad Qasabeh Qanat lands)sedigheh safariM.Sc.Pooya2020-10-20
The impact of strategic leadership on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediating role of social capital, strategic flexibility and innovation ambidexterity in growth center enterprises of the Ferdowsi University of MashhadMohammad Sadegh Akbari NooghabiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-10-21
Investigating the effect of factors on performance of industrial companies in Mashhad through supply chain resilience performanceAhmed Mohammed hasan Noori Al-AsdiM.Sc.Kazemi2020-11-10
Identify and ranking the key Success Factors in Implementing IT Governance in Iraqmuslim alghrrawiM.Sc.Bagheri2020-11-28
Investigating the impact of Market Position Assessment on the Demand for Educational Services by mediating Marketing and Diversificationmehrdad movahedM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2020-12-06
The investigating Impact of Work-Life Balance on commitment with mediatory rule of family satisfaction, psychological distress and wellbeingMOHAMMAD SHAH KHAIRIM.Sc.Maharati2020-12-09
The Investigation Impact of Monetary Incentives & Non-Monetary incentives on performance with mediatory role of work involvement (The case of: Asia Pharma Co-Afghanistan).faizahmad rahimiM.Sc.Khorakian2020-12-20
The Investigation Impact of Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict on Job Satisfaction with the Mediatory Role of Work-Life Balance (The case of: Sales Staff of Asia Med Co- Herat-Afghanistan)Mohammad Tariq FazlM.Sc.Eslami2020-12-20
time, cost and quality tradeoff in project planning considering rework activity and tardiness costjavad ahmadiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2020-12-20
Selecting a service restoration action in the hotel industry using a fuzzy inference systemHosein Moafagh HasanAbadiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2020-12-22
Investigating effective outsourcing with mediationing Customer diversity and quality on loyalty of carpet customers in Iraqqasim alzuhairiM.Sc.Poursalimi2020-12-29
Investigating the effect of perceived service quality on the green impulsive buying with the mediator role of flow experience (Case of: Retail stores of organic products in Mashhad)Melika GhariM.Sc.Khorakian2020-12-29
investigation the effect of internal market orientation on individual performance of sales personnel with the Role of mediating Job Satisfaction in Etisalat Afghanistan Telecommunication companySHARAFUDDIN TIMORYM.Sc.Farahi2021-01-03
Investigation the Effective HR strategies for Sales Force Management based on Best Practice ApproachMOHAMMAD GUL HAJIZADAM.Sc.Farahi2021-01-05
.((Investigating the effect of “Spiritual Leadership” on Participation in “Religious Tourism Events” with the Mediating Role of “Servant Behavior” and moderating Role of “ Demographic Characteristics of Servants.(Case study: Ms. Naeem Rezvan's servants in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (ASElham kasraeeM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-01-10
Investigating the effect of social media marketing on customer satisfaction with mediating social identification and perceived value (the case of : fiction book buyers in Mashhad city)ruhollah namaziM.Sc.Hadadian2021-01-10
Investigating Impact Perceived Green Production on Competitive Advantage by Mediation Brand Image (Case of: Customers of Himont Pharmaceutical Company)FARDEN RAHIMIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-11
The effect of management style on ability of individual innovation by mediating behavioral satisfaction and employee commitment and moderating social exchange relationships (Case Study: area Harat Breshna Company)SHAFIQULLAH TAHERIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-11
Investigating the effect of job crafting on job satisfaction mediated by job burnout and moderated by perceived organizational support among elementary school teachers in the city of DargazFaraj Aghasy AbasghaleM.Sc.Shirazi2021-01-12
Investigating impact of service quality, customer expectations and company image on brand loyalty with moderating customer satisfaction (Case Study: Clients Afghan Bar Association)FARAIDOON RAHIMIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-18
Evaluation the performance of Mashhad Train Operating Company with Fuzzy BWM and BSC modelsepideh barjastehnezhadM.Sc.Kazemi2021-01-19
Investigating the Impact Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Customer Value on Loyalty with Mediating Customer Relationship Management Quality and Moderating Brand Image (Case Study: Breshna Company Subscribers in Herat City)ABDUL GHAFOOR RASOOLIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-20
Investigating impact service quality, environmental quality, authenticity and price on behavioral intentions with mediating customer satisfaction (Case Study: Customers of Herat Water Supply Corporation)ABDUL TAWAB SABERM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-20
Investigating Impact Production Technology and Lean Production Methods on Executive Performance Factors(Case Study: Food Production Companies in Iraq)jaafar mohammed jaber alawadiM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-01-26
Investigating the effect current market capability and performance on efficiency with mediating marketing differentiation and moderationing Competitive Intensity (Case of study: export companies in Afghanistan)ZIAULHAQ POPALM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2021-02-02
Investigating Effect social capital on customer-oriented performance organization with role of moderating supply chain resilience and mediating capacity absorb orders In Iraqi textile industryali alsultaniM.Sc.Bagheri2021-02-06
Investigating the effect brand awareness on brand loyalty mediated by customer commitment (Case Study: Customers brand Samsung in Babylon of Iraq)mohammed alfayyadhM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-02-07
Investigating Impact Customer Response on Customer Satisfaction by Mediating Perceived Corporate Performance(Case of Study: Breshna Company Subscribers in Herat City)ABDUL LATIF SAFIDRWANM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-02-07
Assessment of Competence in Manpower Recruitment Using HFLTS Based Decision Making (Case Study: ATATOOS Engineering & Technical Services Company)Hossien Arami ToroghiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2021-02-08
Pathology Chapter (10) of the Civil Service Management Law from the perspective of service compensation system In the executive organs of Khorasan Razavi provincemohammadreza gaftiM.Sc.Farahi2021-02-09
Investigating the effect of abusive Leadership on employees creativity by mediation of knowledge hiding -the study of General Department of Taxation of Razavi Khorasan province-jamile keshmiriM.Sc.Eslami2021-02-09
Detection of attributes of data services by Delphi method and prioritize detected attributes by Fuzzy based importance-performance analysis (case study: telecommunications of khorasan razavi)Hossein Kateb DamghaniM.Sc.Kazemi2021-02-09
Investigation The Effect Of Job characteristics On Organizational Silence With The Moderating Role Of Psychological Needssousan kamyabM.Sc.Farahi2021-02-13
Propose a model for multi-criteria decision making according to the requirements of the objectivezahra rezaeiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2021-02-13
Impact of employees training on customer service quality as mediator of job satisfaction and transfer of training at the Melli Bank of MashhadMohammadreza zohdiM.Sc.Shirazi2021-02-15
Identifying and prioritizing the factors influencing international students’ choice and presenting higher education marketing methodss.amirhossein razaviM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-02-15
Survey impact Perceived marketing orientation from a customer perspective and marketing orientation on intention buy customers with mediating chang consumer behavior (Case Study: Mashhad leather Customers)Fatemeh YaqoobiM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-02-16
Investigating the effect of customization quality on intention to repurchase by mediation of perceived risk, trust, and value (the case of customers of Digikala online shop website)Homa KavariM.Sc.Khorakian2021-02-16
Analysis of scheduling policies for the periodic preventive maintenance and repair services of absorption chillers in the cooling systems with a system dynamics approach (Case study: Chillers in Almas Shargh Mall)jafar kasraeiM.Sc.Pooya2021-02-16
Identifying opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in the supply chain of medical equipment and suppliesSEYEDMOHSEN MADADIMOUSAVIM.Sc.Eslami2021-02-16
Investigating the effect of sellers' work ethic and conscience on customer perception of services with the mediating role of customer commitment and loyalty in life insurance and providing Atieh Pasargad Khorasan RazaviAmir Mohammad ToutouniM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-02-17
Investigating Impact Buyer's intellectual preferences on Seller Performance by Mediating Customer Commitment and Modifying Customer Purchasing Strategy and Buyer trust(Case Study: Foreign car market in Herat city)AHMAD FAZEL FAHIMM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-02-17
Investigating the effect of customers’ perception of corporate social responsibility on their extra-role behaviors by mediation of brand attachment and moderation of spiritualitysaadat mostafaviM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-02-17
Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on competitive advantage and performance of startups in TehranMahdi SabooriM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-02-18
Investigating of the affecting factors on consumers` attitude and continued intention to use of IoT technology in healthcare productsnazgol anvariM.Sc.Mehraeen2021-03-02
Studying the effects of social networks on knowledge sharing process from experts’ point of view (Case of Study: East Oil and Gas Production Company)Alireza SaeediM.Sc.Kazemi2021-03-09
Investigating the effect of feedback to the seller for approaching the optimal order point in the supply chain with competitive conditions (by choosing the type of contract)Mahdi KhawariM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2021-03-10
Investigating Effects of Instagram influencers endorsement on purchase intention of Iranian females with Mediating role of trustworthiness, brand attitude and envy and moderating role of self-discrepancy -case study: user of beuty products-mahdi gholamiM.Sc.Eslami2021-05-02
Investigating the impact of the omnichannel integration quality and omnichannel perceived value on customer loyalty through the mediating role of customer satisfaction and customer engagement -Case of: Customers of private banks in Mashhad-Zinat ParsaeiM.Sc.Eslami2021-05-03
Prioritizing indicators of Sustainable design and development of green buildings by incorporating stakeholders criteria using two-stage fuzzy quality performance deployment approach -QFD-Approach-MOHAMMAD SHAMSHIRIM.Sc.Eslami2021-05-05
Investigating the effect of high performance work systems on the implementation of creativity with the mediating role of psychological capital and psychological security -case of study: Herat International Super Cola Factory Group-Wahid rahmatiM.Sc.Eslami2021-05-05
A Stochastic Mathematical model of Six-level supply chain network design with a LARG Approach (Case Study: Electric Khodro Shargh)neda khanderouM.Sc.Pooya2021-06-01
Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior based on psychological safety. (case study: mental health center's staff in Herat)ALIREZA HASSANZADAM.Sc.Shirazi2021-06-13
Investigating the effect role of development, application and quality of management information systems on effectiveness management decisions (Case study: Sumer University in city Al-Rifa'i)AHMED ALRIKABIM.Sc.Bagheri2021-06-13
Investigating the Impact of Mechanisms control on performance Iraqi clothing companies by modulating quality risk managementhusham almusaediM.Sc.Bagheri2021-06-14
Locating public parking using BWM & EDASMajid KhaliliM.Sc.Pooya2021-06-22
Investigating the effect of information quality, system quality, electronic trust on marketing performance with mediating role of intention to use and user satisfaction (The case of: Al-Tanmiya Bank customers in Iraq)amjad salim abdulsada jaberiM.Sc.Maharati2021-06-29
Investigating the effect social media marketing activities on customer satisfaction with mediating social identity and perceived value (Case of: LG Household Appliances Products in Iraq)ayad alsaediM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-07-06
Investigating the effect customers' attitudes toward neural marketing with the mediating customer-oriented brand equity and word of mouth on purchase intention (Case of: Soprano brand customer equipment in Iraq)zainab abdulazizM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-07-06
Investigating the Impact of Internal Marketing Strategy, Competitive strategies and Environmental Factors on Performance with Mediating Internal Processes and Education Development (Case of: Al-Qadisiyah University in Iraq)nadia kadhim ALDAMAJIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-07-13
Investigating the Impact of Behavioral Market Orientation on sales performance through the Mediating Role of proactive service behaviour (Case Study: Asian Insurance Agencies)MOHAMMAD SAEED RAHIMIM.Sc.Eslami2021-07-13
Investigating the mediating role of psychological ownership and employee knowledge sharing in the relationship between humble leadership and employee job performanceMobeen QaderiM.Sc.Eslami2021-07-13
survey Impact Organizational Justice and Job Factors on Employee Loyalty with Mediating Employee Satisfaction (Case Study: Harat Bershena Corporation)AIMAL SHAHZADM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-07-19
Exploring the impact of perceived ease of use and social influence of Instagram application on purchase intent with mediation role of perceived usefulness and attitude towards the applicationrafat khodayariM.Sc.Maharati2021-07-20
Investigating the Impact of market knowledge whit mediationing customer voice and moderating brand reputation organizational performance Llmshrvbat Alghazyh Baghdad Company in Iraqmuataz janzeelM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-07-25
The influence of perceived social media marketing elements on brand knowledge with the mediating role of consumer-brand engagement (The case of social media users of smartphone brands)Sara AsadiM.Sc.Mehraeen2021-07-27
Investigating the effect of lean manufacturing methods on company performance with mediating process innovation in petrochemical industry of Iraqhasan yahya sekeb ALJADYAWIM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-09-01
Investigating the effect of internal marketing factors on employee satisfaction, employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction with role of mediating service qualityahmed abd ali mahdi chaabM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-09-08
Investigating the Effective of perceived corporat Culture on Administrative Corruption through the mediating role of perceived Organisational TrustALIAHMAD AMIRIM.Sc.Eslami2021-09-11
Investigating the effect of effect of servant leadership on employees job satisfaction given the mediating role of organizational self-esteem and work engagement -The study of Herat Education Office in Afghanistan-Ramin GhafooryM.Sc.Eslami2021-09-11
The effect of the factors influencing the decision to buy housing in Mashhad moderating role of advertising and brand credibilityElyas mousaviM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-09-13
Investigating the effect of perceived risk elements on intention to invest in the online platform by mediation role of investor’s trustIman PjoulM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-09-19
Investigating the Impact of Quality of Services on Customer Satisfaction through Distributor's Expertise and Knowledge (Case Study: Iron Ore Mines in Khorasan Province)Abolfazl Rashid NouqabiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-09-19
Investigating The Effects of Perceived social responsibility on loyalty with mediating trust, satisfaction and reputation-Case Study: Customers of Zain Al-Iraq Telecommunication Company (Baghdad)hiba al-musawiM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-09-20
Investigating the Effect of Strategic Organizational Thinking on Agility with the Role of Intermediary Business Intelligence among Toos Industrial Town in Mashadhamid erfanian parsaM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-09-21
Investigating the effect of consumer brand engagement on brand loyalty by the mediating role of relationship quality and brand attachmentatefe rezaieM.Sc.Rahimnia2021-09-21
Investigating the effect of brand Investment on brand Fidelity with the mediating role of customer commitment (Case of: Customers of UPVC door and window profile companies)zinat rokniM.Sc.Rahimnia2021-09-21
Investigating the Effect of Information Sharing on Innovative Employee Work Behavior with the Role of Job-Based Learning Interface and Interactive Learningamir soveziM.Sc.Malekzadeh2021-09-25
Identifying and Prioritizing the Barriers, Drivers and Promotion Strategies on the Sustainable Development of Construction Industry in Mashhad Citynegin ghodsM.Sc.Mehraeen2021-09-28
Investigating the effect of dynamic capabilities on competitive advantage with the mediator role of agility in the supply chain (Mashhad food industrial townzahra NabizadehM.Sc.Kazemi2021-09-29
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational spirituality on knowledge sharing attitude with respect to the mediating role of psychological flourishing and organizational trustMohammadHossein ParsiMoodM.Sc.Eslami2021-10-02
Investigating the Impact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty with the Mediating Role of Customer Participation and Trust (Case Study: Bank Melli Bojnourd Customers)Maryam keramatiM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-03
The Impact of Social Media on Marketing with Mediating Organizational Capabilities in Small and Medium Industries in Iraq (Case Study in Baghdad)hasan obaidM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-03
Designing a dynamic model to increase the share of bus operators in public transport (case: Mashhad Municipality Bus Organization)Neda AbrishamiM.Sc.Pooya2021-10-03
Investigating the effect of negative work place gossips on OCB, by considering the moderating role of impression management tactics and self-monitoringFatemeh OrsiM.Sc.Eslami2021-10-04
Evaluation of the perceived effectiveness of e-commerce platforms (PEEP) on sustainable consumption (SC) through economic benefits and the role of moderator of fear of covid-19 diseasefatemeh hosseinzadehM.Sc.Eslami2021-10-04
Investigating the effect of knowledge management activators on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of knowledge management processes and innovation -Case study: Manufacturing companies of toos Industrial Park in the mashhad-Nazanin Rajabi AhmadAbadiM.Sc.Eslami2021-10-06
Systems analysis based on systems dynamics approach to improve reliability indicators in Mashhad power distribution networkRouhollah RadM.Sc.Pooya2021-10-06
Investigating the Impact of Perceived High involvement HRM practices on Innovative Work Behavior, with the Mediating Role of Employees' Functional Flexibility Case study Khorasan Razavi Agricultural Jihad Organization)masoumeh shahrakiM.Sc.Shirazi2021-10-09
Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on customeroriented behaviors with mediating role of work commitment and moderation social capital(Case study: Harry Dunya Food Company in Afghanistan)ahmad jawid rahimiM.Sc.Hadadian2021-10-09
Investigating the Impact of Internet Skills on IoT Skills and IoT Use: According to the Role Acceptance of IoT and attitude (Case Study: Official and Contract Staff of Mashhad Municipality)MAHYAR NAJAFIM.Sc.Bagheri2021-10-09
Investigating the effect of social media usage characteristics on brand equity with mediating role of e-WOM and trust (Case study: Asiacell brand customers in Iraq)zahra hussein kadhimM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-10
Investigating the mediating role of absorption in the effect of marketing innovation on export performance (Case study: Export companies of Mashhad city)hanieh shahpariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-10-10
Investigating the effect of perceived channel coherence and perceived social responsibility on the quality of brand relationship and brand loyalty through the quality of customer experience Case study: Private banks in Mashhadsayed abulfazl hossainiM.Sc.Hadadian2021-10-11
Investigating the Impact of Social Motivation, Reward and Empowerment on Online Shopping Intimacy Through Trust (Case Study: Instagram Social Network Users)Ali Khanalizade LasakiM.Sc.Hadadian2021-10-12
Investigating the Impact Internal Marketing on Quality Educational Services in University of Montserrat with mediating role of Employee Motivationruaa almalikiM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-12
Investigating the impact of Gamification on Entrepreneurial Intention through the Flow, hedonic value and utilitarian valueAmirhossein Alizadeh MoradiM.Sc.Khorakian2021-10-12
Optimizing capabilities allocation to technical sector and facilities disruptions using design structure matrixnajme salmani poorraboriM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2021-10-12
Investigating the effect of student satisfaction and experience on power brand with mediating loyalty Baghdad Universityali alwaeliM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-13
Investigating the effect factors of Educational services marketing knowledge on perceived performance with role of mediating perceived quality of Communication with student unit in Al-Mustansiriya University Baghdadhusam abedM.Sc.Poursalimi2021-10-13
Investigating the effect of emotional buying behavior on sale performance mediating by brand attachment (Case study: Customers of Hypermy chain store in Mashhad Page Center)monther neamah kabiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-10-13
Investigating the effective factors on the use of IoT technology with the mediating role of trust and perceived risk in the field of health in the Case of citizen of Mashhadfatemeh hematinejadM.Sc.Bagheri2021-10-13
Investigating the effect of training and development on employee preformance through the mediating role of job satisfaction (Case of study: employees of Herat-Afghanistan International Deputy Board)PARISA ADIBM.Sc.Khorakian2021-10-16
Investigating the effect of Abusive supervision and psychological contract violation on employees’ cynicism by mediation of workplace gossipHASIBA RAHMATIM.Sc.Eslami2021-10-17
Grouping Supermarket Items by Cluster analysis and providing a Shelf Allocation Model for themtoktam jannatM.Sc.Pooya2021-10-17
identify the factors affecting the attractiveness of the metro in public transport of intercity travel And increase the metro's share by using systems dynamics(Case study: Mashhad Urban Rail Transportation Organization)Parvaneh EftekhariM.Sc.Kazemi2021-10-20
Investigating the effect of brand awareness and brand meaning on the intention to take up e-learning courses with the mediating role of brand equity (The Case of users of DaeeM.Sc.Mehraeen2021-11-09
Investigating the effect of perceived abusive supervision and customer incivility on the turnover intention of employees through the mediating role of emotional exhaustionNasim JahedianM.Sc.Khorakian2021-12-07
Investigating the impact of IT competence and data management capability on CRM performance mediated by customer response capability and business analysisNaiime OliaeeM.Sc.Khorakian2021-12-11
Investigating the Effect of human capital on competitive advantage By mediating Market sensing capabilities and brand management capabilityMostafa KhaleghiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2021-12-12
Modeling pregnant women meal plan by fuzzy linear goal programmingalireza izadiM.Sc.Kazemi2021-12-26
Organization performance evaluation and ranking by using an integrated model of BSC,DEMATEL,ANP and TOPSIS (case study: mashad power distribution company)Ghazale KalbasiM.Sc.Kazemi2022-01-04
Investigating the effect of perceived information quality and perceived risk on the Cryptocurrencies usage intention mediating by electronic word-of-mouth advertising (The Case of Mashhad’s Citizens)Ehsan Sahi ZadehM.Sc.Hadadian2022-01-08
Investigating the effect of Big data on firm performance with the mediating role of market-directed capabilities and moderating role of business strategy )The case of Big data technology-based startups(melika shahrabadiM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-01-09
The effect of information quality, perceived risk and social media usage habit on purchase intention from social media -Case study: Social media buyers of Mashhad-Murtaza TawasoliM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-01-25
Investigation the Effect Customer Experience on Customer Happiness and Brand Power by Considering the Mediating Role of Customer Loyalty (Case study: Customers of Sepah Bank in Mashhad)zahra mohseni nikM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-01
The effect of green human resource management on environmental performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment and employees’ ecofriendly behavior (Case study: Three, four, five-star hotels in Mashhad )akram jahaniM.Sc.Shirazi2022-02-01
Investigating the effect of social medias’ads interactivity, informativeness, and hedonic motivation on purchase intention from instagram (The case of Mashhad’s citizens)Ali AhmadiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-02-05
Examining the effect of perceived meritocracy and perceived organizational culture on employees’ performance mediated by job satisfactionHomayoun NoorzaiM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-02-06
The effect of green transformational leadership on employees' green creativity with the mediating role of green self-efficacy and green organizational identityfatemeh ghorbaniM.Sc.Shirazi2022-02-06
Identifying and prioritizing the administrative health barriers in public organizations of Afghanistan Herat provinceAbdull Rafi AnsaryM.Sc.Farahi2022-02-06
Designing a conceptual model of factors affecting panic buying during covid-19 pandemic utilizing grounded theory and fuzzy cognitive mapSeyedeh Hengameh MostafaviM.Sc.Kazemi2022-02-08
Investigating the impact of authentic leadership and meaningful work on psychological well-being of employees with the mediating role of psychological capitalmona khojastenezhadM.Sc.Rahimnia2022-02-12
Investigating the impact of Customer social responsibility on customer loyalty through company customer identification (Case Study: Loghman Hakim Hospital)MOHAMMAD SHARIF TahirM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-02-12
Investigating the effective factors of techno-stresses on burnout with the moderating role of mindfulnesszahra majidianpourM.Sc.Shirazi2022-02-13
Investigating the effect of perceived professional ethics on customer loyalty with consideration the mediating role of reputation and trust is understood (Case Study: Asia-Pharma Medical Goods Manufacturing Company in Herat Province)Mohammad Rafi RahimiM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-13
Identification of Individual Development Planning (IDP) Tactics of SME`s ManagersMohammad GolmohammadiM.Sc.Farahi2022-02-13
Investigating the Impact of Social Media Marketing Factors with mediating role of cultural values on Business Productivity (Case Study: Ccl Brand Pharmaceutical Company)kianosh kianiM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-14
Investigating the effect of buyer emotional intelligence on customer loyalty with role of mediatoring Continual Intention and Modulating Satisfaction Online Shopping(Case Study: DEM aF Clothing Online Store in Afghanistan)Hamidullah KarimiM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-16
An Investigation of the Effects of Intelligent Big Data Analytics on the Managerial Performance of Customer Relations with the Mediation of Mass Customization and the Moderation of Marketing AbilitiesHamede Hazrat AliM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-02-19
Investigating the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Business Performance wtth Mediation role of Costumer Voice (Case Of: Health Clinics in Khorasan Razavi Province)roohallah eslamifardM.Sc.Rahimnia2022-02-19
Investigating the effect of social media on brand equity with role of mediating dimensions brand attachment power(Case study: Jami Private University in Herat Province)ZAINAB RAHIMIYANM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-19
Investigating the effect of empowering leadership on self-learning behaviors with the moderating role of perfectionism )Department of Afghanistan Education )Wahidullah SametM.Sc.Farahi2022-02-20
Investigation the Effect of high performance human resource management system on Employee Happiness with mediating role of perceived Organizational Justice and attractivenessMahdi Yazdani ZiaratM.Sc.Maharati2022-02-20
A Quality Function Deployment approach for reselience improvement in Miami Hotel Of MashhadReza AfsharM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2022-02-20
Investigating the effect of employees psychopathy on job engagement by mediation of anger and moderation of abusive supervisionMARI HERATIM.Sc.Eslami2022-02-22
Identifying and prioritizing indicators of optimal performance at the individual and organizational level in health clinics in AfghanistanNazir ahmad QasemiM.Sc.Farahi2022-02-22
Examining the effect of internal marketing and job satisfaction on intention to stay considering the mediation of Generation Y employees commitment a study on employees in Herat UniversityAtiqullah AtaieM.Sc.Hadadian2022-02-26
Investigating the effect of humble leadership on the active behavior of employees through the Mediating Role of psychological empowerment -Case study: Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan-sultana ahmadiM.Sc.Eslami2022-02-28
Evaluateion of Sunich Co. advertising effectiveness in Instagram based on AIEDA modelArash SheydaeiM.Sc.Hadadian2022-03-05
Investigating the effect of personalized advertising on brand equity of advertised brands in FacebookMohd Zaman RafatM.Sc.Hadadian2022-03-05
Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and attitude towards entrepreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial intention with a moderating role of gender and family background (Case study of students of Al-Kufa University, Iraq(MURTADHA JEBURM.Sc.Maharati2022-03-06
Investigating the effect of using business analytics (BA) capabilities on organizational performance through the information quality, innovative capability, organizational agility, and competitive advantageSeyed Sajjadoreza NoeeM.Sc.Khorakian2022-04-17
Investigating the effect of perceived human resource management practices on employees performance through the mediating role of innovative work behavior -Case of Herat Municipality Organization-sebghatullah habibiM.Sc.Khorakian2022-05-07
Investigating the effect of HRM practices on employees’ performance mediated by job engagement and job crafting (The study of Action Aid Non-profit International Institute)ABDUL WAHED AZIZIM.Sc.Khorakian2022-05-11
Investigating the effect of portfolio strength, portfolio fit with the mediating role of portfolio development capability on brand attractiveness (Case of: SDI State-owned Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries Company)AHMED GHAFFAR HUSSEIN AL-HILALIM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-05-24
Investigating the Effect of Employees' Perception of Brand Originality and Proportion of Company Brand Value on Employee Citizenship Behaviors Mediated by Organizational Commitment (Case of: Taihad Sugar Refining Company in Babol)Khalid Kadhim Mohammed M.Sc.Poursalimi2022-06-21
Identification and ranking of effective factors in creating job stress in financial managers (zihesaban) of Khorasan Razavi public officesSeyyedHosein EmadiSorkhiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2022-06-21
Investigating the effect of attractiveness, customer experience and trust on purchase intention through the mediating role of brand equity for Iranian car brand in IraqHuda AlbumohammedM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-07-06
Investigating the effect of Leadership orientation on change mobilization with the mediating role of distributed leadershipJAWID QAMAYM.Sc.Bagheri2022-07-06
Investigating the effect of coaching on employee performance with the role of mediator of reward and Recognition , commitment and employee learning(Case study: Golestan Province Gas Company)Mohadeseh MohammadiM.Sc.Maharati2022-07-06
Assessing the readiness of Rahant Internet Services Company to establish Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)saeed haidariM.Sc.Maharati2022-07-18
Investigating the effect of smart tourism on behavioral intention through the mediating role of destination image and moderating the information searchyeganeh nasiraeiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-08-28
Study the effect of ethical leadership on employee participation, walfare and performance of employees according to the mediating role of ethiacal cultureBus Bibi ShakoryM.Sc.Bagheri2022-08-30
Investigating the Impact of Perceived Advertising on Return with the Mediating Role of Customer Attitude and Customer Admiration (Case Study of Sehat Hospital Clients in Western Afghanistan)safiullah sorooshM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-08-30
Investigating the effect of Perceived Organizational Justice on Employee Engagement through the mediating role of Psychological Safety and Psychological Ownership among the employees of Mashhad Hashemi nejad International AirportAlireza BayatM.Sc.Khorakian2022-08-31
Identifying Human Resource Planning Challenge in Afghan Organization (case Study: Herat Charities)NOOR AHMAD QORAISHIM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-08-31
Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on citizenship behavior and perceived organizational innovation of employees with the mediating role of psychological empowerment (Case study: Herat Salam Telecommunication Company employees)Sekina YawarM.Sc.Malekzadeh2022-09-03
Investigating the effect of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior through the mediating role of psychological empowerment -A study in Herat Public University-Khatera HabibiM.Sc.Eslami2022-09-04
Investigating the mediated role of relationship quality and brand loyalty in relationship between consumer-brand engagement and repurchase intention (Case of: Asia insurance in Mashhad)younes khormaliM.Sc.Hadadian2022-09-04
investigating the effect of popular affirmation on brand equity through the mediating role of self-brand connection -the case of Novinleather Brand-Maryam GhaffaryM.Sc.Rahimnia2022-09-05
Examining the effect of balance of job demands and resources on psychological well-being mediated by workplace bullyingMANSURA AHMADIM.Sc.Eslami2022-09-05
Investigating the effect of employees creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior by moderating role of perceived entrepreneurial leadershipABDUL SHAKOR ESARM.Sc.Eslami2022-09-05
Investigating the Effect of Innovation on Competitive Advantage with Mediating Role of Organizational Flexibility (Case of: Four and Five star Hotels in Karbala and Najaf)IBTIHAL NEAMAHM.Sc.Rahimnia2022-09-06
The effect of training and development, compensation and work process on Employees'perception of organizational support mediated by interpersonal justiceesmaeil salimiM.Sc.Shirazi2022-09-06
The effect of human resource management practices on work participation and the intention to leave the nursing jobObaidullah YosufiM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-09-06
Investigating the effect of fear and anxiety on impulsive buying mediated by lack of Perceived control and moderated by government announcements (The study of citizens of Mashhad)Siamak JafariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-09-07
The effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Information Technology usage on Empowerment and Productivity of Employees Due to the mediating Role of Social Capital in Rahab Institute of Mashhadamirhasan safaeeM.Sc.Bagheri2022-09-07
Investigating the Impact of Structural and Relationship Social Capital on Innovation Performance with Role of Mediating Women Entrepreneurs in HeratSALMA MOHSENIM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-09-10
Investigating The Impact of Electronic Services Quality dimensions on behavioral Loyalty and attitudes of users through satisfaction and trust in the 3070 in-person Services Plan of the Social Security Organizationamir aayaniM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-09-11
The Effect of Green Transformational Leadership on Green Creativity by the Mediating Role of Green HRM Practices and Green Organizational Identity and Moderating Role of Resource Commitment (The Study of Mashhad Milk Powder Industries Company)mahla gholamreza neghadM.Sc.Shirazi2022-09-11
Identifying and prioritizing the obstacles to establishing Lean start-up model in Iranian startup companies active in the ICT industryYashar KhakshoorniaM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-09-12
The Evaluation of technology commercialization performance of companies located in the growth center of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad based on BSC, BWM and COPRAS methodsSomayeh ChankoukM.Sc.Naji Azimi2022-09-13
Investigating the effect of electronic word of mouth marketing on tourist revisit intention through the image of destination and Trust in the destination of medical tourism (Case study: Selected Hospitals in Mashhad)behrouz khademiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-09-13
Investigating the effect of Perceived Ethical Leadership on Knowledge Hiding with the mediating role of psychological safety and meaningful work and the moderator role of harmonious work passion (The case of: Iran Khodro Diesel Factory)Fereshteh ImaniM.Sc.Eslami2022-09-13
The effect of supply chain information management and information system infrastructure mediating the role of supply chain integration to production performance in Heblex Razavi Companyarman kazemiM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-09-14
The effect of perceived service quality and value on citizens' intention to continuously use smart municipality services (Case study: users of electronic services in the 12th district of Mashhad Municipality)Elahe NejatM.Sc.Mehraeen2022-09-14
Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Development of IoT Technology in Iran’s Home Appliances IndustryALIREZA NAGHEHCHI SALMASSIM.Sc.Kazemi2022-09-18
Factors affecting the satisfaction of customers of electronic registration services in counter offices in Mashhad based on the Kano modelHamideh JamshidiM.Sc.Bagheri2022-09-19
Investigating the Effect of Mutual Norm and Network Traits on Ethical Consumption Behavior Considering the Mediating Role of Corporate Trust (The case of Instagram Users)nastaran sharakiM.Sc.Hadadian2022-09-20
Investigating the effect of “Employee value proposition” on “teachers' Professional commitment” with the mediating role of “Employer brand” and “Perception of social status” (Case study: Mashhad teachers)Amirreza HazratiM.Sc.Farahi2022-09-20
Investigating the Impact of Intending to Accept Gamification on Customer interaction with tourism destinations with moderation complete game and tendency to gamification ( The Case of Customers of Travel Agencies in Mashhad)Rashed WafaM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-09-20
Investigating the Influence between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Performance with Mediation of Knowledge Creation Process and the Role of Organizational Structure and Environmental characteristics as Moderator vriables (The case of Mashhad's food companies)seyed ali mortezaniaM.Sc.Maharati2022-09-20
Investigating the Impact of Perceived Confidence Advertising, Perception Advertising Professionalism and Perceived Attractiveness Advertising on Customer Loyalty by Mediated Company Image(Case study: Aria Apollo Private Hospital)Abdulhai AqilM.Sc.Poursalimi2022-09-21
Investigating the effect of ethical leadership on employees citizenship behavior by mediation of organizational commitment and moderation of flexible human resource managementMursal YarzadaM.Sc.Eslami2022-09-21
The effect of customer satisfaction and brand image on brand loyalty in manufacturing industries in Herat (case study of Super Cola Company)KHALEDA MOSLEHM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-09-21
Investigating the Impact of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Justice on Employees’ Commitment Mediated by Internal Motivation in Herat University StaffAsadullah KakarM.Sc.Farahi2022-09-22
Investigating the Effect of Dynamic Capabilities on Marketing Performance with the Mediating Role of Human Capital and Service Innovationzahra samaei yektaM.Sc.Maharati2022-09-22
Investigating the Impact of Brand Reputation on Voluntary Behavior of Customer Knowledge Sharing with the Role of Mediating Customer Perception of the Brand and Adjusting Social Status Search (case Study: Herat Food Industries)Abdul Karim NiaziM.Sc.Maharati2022-10-02
Prioritize households supported by the Relief Committee based on food security using multi-criteria methodszahra baghaiM.Sc.Naji Azimi2022-10-18
Investigating the impact of perceived ethical leadership on Facilatating knowledge sharing whit respect to the mediating role of organizational concern and the moderating role of impressio managementLida MohammadiM.Sc.Eslami2022-10-18
Investigating the Impact of Opportunity Identification, Opportunity Development and Opportunity Utilization for Entrepreneurship Decision Making Mediated by Entrepreneurship Ashtia (Case Study: Start-up Companies in Baghdad Science and Technology Park)Wael Khudhair Abbas Al-humairiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-10-22
Investigating the Effect of Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Brand on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Customer Relationship Management by Mediation of Quality of Work Life (Case of Private Hospitals in Mashhad city)Shafi AhrariM.Sc.Hadadian2022-10-25
Investigating the Impact of Perceived Norms, Attitudes and Perceived Behavioral Components on Purchasing Intention (the Case of: Social Businesses in Iraq)bushra hameed safar al-rajabM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-11-01
Investigating the Effect of Subjective Norms and Knowledge on Construction Waste Reduction through the Attitude and Behavioral Intention (Case of study: Architects Working in Mashhad)Masoume EsfandiyariM.Sc.Khorakian2022-11-15
Identifying and prioritizing obstacles to promoting women in Iraq's medium-sized private companiesathraa al-rikabiM.Sc.Farahi2022-11-21
Investigating the effect of strategic flexibility on corporate sustainability, with the mediating role of business model innovation and moderating role of environmental dynamics (Case of: Knowledge-based companies of Khorasan Science and Technology Park)Mahdi TalebiM.Sc.Rahimnia2022-11-22
Investigating the Effect of perceived interaction on brand preference with the mediation of perceived value and moderation of social comparisonSayed jalal HosseiniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2022-11-28
Presenting a conceptual model of job engagement and examining the impact of job engagement factors on the performance of employees of industrial companiesnajme sadat majidiM.Sc.Kazemi2022-12-06
Investigating the effect of perceived expertise, attitude homophily and social attractiveness of cyberspace influencers on users' purchase intention considering the mediating role of trust (Case study: Instagram social media)Hamed RoshandelM.Sc.Hadadian2022-12-06
Investigating the impact of green human resources management on the green behavior of employees with regard to the mediating roles of social responsibility and green psychological climate (Employees of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Mohammad Qasem NajibzadaM.Sc.Eslami2022-12-10
Identification and modeling of factors affecting the profitability of independent self-employed intermediary companies based on the interpretive structural modeling methodSajede SalkhordeM.Sc.Kazemi2022-12-11
Multi-objective optimization of the location of solar power plants to meet electricity demandHamidreza SarchahiM.Sc.Bagheri2022-12-18
Investigating the Impact of Market Characteristics, Cultural Understanding and Knowledge Management on Improving International Strategies with the Mediating Role of Management Behavior (Case Study of Private Higher Education Institutions in Iraq)Ahmed AlkhafajiM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-01-03
Investigating the Impact of Strategic Capability Social Media and Organizational Learning's Destructive Innovations of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Moderating Environmental Dynamics (Case Study: Science and Technology Park in Baghdad)Mustafa AlsaediM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-01-03
Investigating the Impact of innovation capability on start-ups innovation considering the mediation of knowledge management and moderation of information technology capability -The study of Afghan Entrepreneur Institute-Shafiq Ahmad HafizyM.Sc.Hadadian2023-01-07
Investigating the factors affecting intention to use eHRM through attitude towards e-HRM (The case of news agencies in Afghanistanmoammad khalid mowlavi zadaM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-01-22
Investigating the Effects of Empowering Leadership on Creative Behavior of Employees through the Mediating Role of Job CharacteristicsMostafa GhavidelM.Sc.Farahi2023-01-24
Investigating the effect of advertising content on instagram social networks on the purchase intention through the hedonistic image of the brand and the moderator role of perceived risk.Mohammad Hassan QasemiM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-01-24
Examining the effect of professional identity on turnover intention mediated by employees’ job satisfaction and employee engagement (A study on 4- and 5-star hotels in Mashhad)Jalil ahmad ZubairyM.Sc.Hadadian2023-01-30
The impact of supply chain resilience on supply chain performance under the effect of mediating role of big data analytics capabilityBashir Ahmad AzimiM.Sc.Hadadian2023-01-30
The impact of supply chain resilience on supply chain performance under the effect of the mediating role of big data analytics capabilityGhazaleh Kermani MoghadamM.Sc.Eslami2023-01-31
Investigating the effect of leadership behavior and organizational integrity on organizational excellence by mediation of work engagement -A study on firms located in Herat Industrial Town-SAID JAMIL FAQIRIM.Sc.Eslami2023-01-31
Designing Intermediation Model in the Technological Innovation System of Defense Industries with Fuzzy Interpretive Structural ModelingMohammad reza keshmiriM.Sc.Pooya2023-01-31
Investigating the effect of emotional intelligence and perceived organizational support on job satisfaction by considering the mediating role of work-family conflict (Case study: Managers and staff of Khorasan Razavi Province Gas Company)Fatemeh Ziaei SayenchiM.Sc.Maharati2023-02-05
Identifying and prioritizing the factors that affecting the productivity of knowledge workershossein abdiM.Sc.Farahi2023-02-05
Identifying and prioritizing the requirements for the establishment of a crowdsourcing system in solving urban management issues - case study: Mashhad Municipalityasma pahlavan moghaddamM.Sc.Farahi2023-02-05
Investigating the mediating role of job stress in the relationship between narcissistic leadership and employees vocal behavior -Case of study: Department of Urban Development and Lands of Herat Province-Mitra RadmaneshM.Sc.Malekzadeh2023-02-06
Investigating the impact of social media marketing activities on purchase intention with meditating rule of brand experience and customer engagement level as moderatorZainab PakravanM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-02-07
Investigating the effect of Territoriality and Employee Silence to Innovative Work Behavior through mediating role of Knowledge Hiding (Case of: Girls’ School in Farah City)Zuhrah AslamiM.Sc.Eslami2023-02-12
Forecasting postal demand using time serries, regression and neural network (Case study of Khorasan Razavi General Post Office)Faeze BarghchiM.Sc.Naji Azimi2023-02-13
Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting non-work behavior of employees in Herat Province Industry and Trade OrganizationSahar MohammadiM.Sc.Farahi2023-02-13
Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the human resource productivity of the General Department of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Khorasan Razavi.seyd sadegh ghasemi nyshaboorakM.Sc.Farahi2023-02-13
Evaluation and ranking of Iran's railway areas using window Data envelopment analysis modelseyed naser zourmand baghdarM.Sc.Pooya2023-02-14
Investigating the effect of urban art perception on loyalty to tourism destination according to the mediating role of destination image and destination satisfaction (Case of Mashhad)Reza NourianiM.Sc.Eslami2023-02-14
Investigating the effect of social media and perceived risk of traveling on the revisit intention of tourist destination in the Corona period mediated by customer brand interaction (the case of Mashhad)MUHAMMAD TAQIM.Sc.Maharati2023-02-14
Proposing a dynamic service recovery model according to the nature of service failure and personality traits of customers with the game theory methodzahra gandomifarmadM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2023-02-15
Choosing the right project control strategy for software system development projectssousan ektesabyM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2023-02-15
Investigating the effect of green practices on local tourists’ word-of-mouth and revisit intention by mediation of functional value (The study of eco-parks in Mashhad city)mohammad saravaniM.Sc.Eslami2023-02-15
Investigating the impact of the content quality and brand interaction on customers' purchase intention is investigated through brand awareness and purchase motivation on Instagram social media usersfatemeh doostiM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-02-19
Identifying of opportunities and challenges of women's entrepreneurship growth in AfghanistanAhmad Zia AndalibM.Sc.Eslami2023-02-20
Scoping literature review on criteria interrelationships in multiple attribute decision making methodsEhsan PouraliM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2023-02-20
Investigating the effect of social network marketing acceptance factors on the performance of banks in MashhadZohreh KhakpourM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-02-21
The impact of urban smartness and resilience on the quality of urban life with the mediating role of sustainable urban development (Study case: District 8 of Mashhad city)Seyedhassan SaghebiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2023-02-21
Investigating the effect of Leadership Styles on Employees' Knowledge Sharing with the Mediating Role of introjected Motivation (Case Study: Employees of Private Universities in Herat Province, Afghanistan)Abdul aziz PopalM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-02-22
Investigating the Effect of Perceived Overqualification on Creativity with the Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion (Case Study: Herat Finance and Taxation Office - Afghanistan)Basir Ahmad BarakzaiM.Sc.Bagheri2023-02-27
Investgating the impact of blockchain technology on manufacturing competitive strategies, quality and delivery in the context of supply chainRezaei AliM.Sc.Eslami2023-04-11
Investigation the effect Emotional Interaction Affects on Purchase Intention and by considering the mediating Role of Perceived Usefulness (Case study: Handicraft Products on Instagram Social Network)Azam MardanpourM.Sc.Hadadian2023-04-15
Investigating the effect of ambidextrous leadership on organizational innovation with the mediation of exploratory knowledge search and exploitation knowledge search with the role of moderator of strategic flexibilityMahjoobeh RezaeiM.Sc.Eslami2023-05-09
Investigating the Impact of Market Agility- Performance - Start-Up Companies-e Intervention Role of Market Complexity-f Compliant Marketing ProgramsHabib FerdousM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-05-20
Investigating the effect of parasocial relationships in influencer marketing on online purchase intention by mediation of envy toward Instagram influencers (Case study: Instagram menswear customers in Baghdad)Aqeel KadhimM.Sc.Hadadian2023-05-21
Investigating the effect of job insecurity on the job performance of employees with the mediating role of work-family conflict and job burnout (Case study: Herat Private Universities)Lida MohtasebzadahM.Sc.Eslami2023-05-23
Investigating the effect of market orientation and IT capability on firm’s performance by mediation of dynamic marketing capabilities (Study on firms located in Toos Industrial Town of Mashhad)Mustafa Mohammed Hussein AlfulfuleeM.Sc.Hadadian2023-05-27
Investigation the effect of managerial coaching behavior on job creativity mediated by unlearning organizational knowledge (The case of Herat Department of Education)Homayoon Haidari NoorzaiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2023-05-28
Investigating the effect of knowledge absorption capacity on performance of knowledge-based companies by the mediating role of strategic agility and business model innovation and the moderating role of environmental turbulence.Seyedali KazemiM.Sc.Eslami2023-05-29
Survey the effect of perceived environmental marketing strategy on brand equity through the mediating role of customer citizenship behavior and the role of moderating brand familiarity -Case of :customers of organic products stores in Mashhad-Nasim KarimiM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-06-06
Investigating the effect of perceived transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors mediated by psychological empowerment and job satisfaction (Case of: private tourism firms in Herat city)basir ahmad mahmoudiM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-06-12
Identifying the challenges and barriers of implementation of the EFQM-EM organizational excellence model in the Ministry of Education of IranMorteza GhanbarpourM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-07-09
Investigating the impact of business model innovation on performance by considering the mediating role of culture and organizational learning in the study of export companies in ancient Herat provinceSakina YosufiM.Sc.Bagheri2023-08-27
Investigating the effect of paradoxical leadership on employees' creativity with regard to the mediating role of identification with the leader and creative self-efficacy and the moderating role of workload pressure and employees' need for cognitive stabilityFatemeh GhorbaniM.Sc.Eslami2023-09-09
Investigating the impact of employees perceived social responsibility on organizational self-esteem and Affective commitment of the organization with regard to the mediating role of procedural justice (case study: Education Organization of Herat province)ABDULMALEK FAROOQIM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-09
Investigating the Mediating Role of Perceived Psychological Empowerment and Job Crafting in the Relationship Between Perceived Servant Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior (Case Study: Herat Province Municipal Administration Employees)Ahmad Qais SiavshaniM.Sc.Maharati2023-09-09
Investigating the effect of human resources capabilities on competitive advantage with the mediating role of brand brand management and market-sensing in Herat handicrafts marketMostafa EsmaeilyM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-09-10
Examining the effect of leadership styles on the innovative performance of employees with the mediation of organizational learning (Study case: Faryab University of Afghanistan)Sadam AiminiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-09-10
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational transparency on employees' intrinsic motivation considering the mediation of organizational corruption and organizational justiceMohammad Baser MonsefM.Sc.Farahi2023-09-10
The effect of psychological empowerment on work performance with the mediating role of leader's perceived trust and employee participationSajjad YousefianM.Sc.Shirazi2023-09-10
Product Innovation, Pricing Capability as a Competitive Advantage in the International Performance of Herat Province export companies.Shabanah KarimiM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-11
Identifying the opportunities and challenges of big data for strategic business analysis (insurance industry)yMarzieh ZamaniM.Sc.Eslami2023-09-11
Investigating the effect of Homophily with influencer on purchase intention via the citizenship behavior and the role of moderating Para-social RelationshipMohammadreza Khadivi AyaskM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-09-12
Investigating the impact of employees' perceived value on sales performance with the mediating role of the company's strategic capabilities, marketing capabilities and customer's perceived value in Herat Industrial City companiesALIREZA BEHBODIM.Sc.Farahi2023-09-12
Investigating the effect of homophily on expected brand value and purchase intention considering the mediating role of customer participation behavior (Case of: Followers of clothing and fashion influencers in Iran)Mohammad Asghar AzimiM.Sc.Hadadian2023-09-12
The effect of wisdom-oriented leadership components on the anti-crisis ability of organizations Considering the mediating role of strategic intelligence (Case of study: Red Crescent population of Mashhad city)Rasoul NorouziM.Sc.Farahi2023-09-12
Examining the effect of self-efficacy on employee performance, considering the mediating role of employees' organizational commitment and the moderating role of employee belongingAyda AsadiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-09-13
Investigating the effect of self-referential cues on the intention to accept tourism advertisements in social networks, considering the mediating roles of perceived personalization, perceived privacy invasion, and the moderating role of content relevanceMasuma RamazaniM.Sc.Hadadian2023-09-13
Investigating the impact of stressful factors on job attachment with the moderating role of using organizational social media (case study: employees of eMarket online store in Afghanistan) /Ghulam Mujtaba Khwaja OmariM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-13
Investigating the effect of proactive personality on innovative work behavior through the mediation role of knowledge sharing and creative self-efficacyshiraqa shayanM.Sc.Maharati2023-09-17
Investigating the effect of service quality on consumer satisfaction by considering the mediating role of consumer value proposition (case study: customers of Afghan Bisim Company)Bahar AzinM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-17
Investigating the effect of brand satisfaction on brand loyalty according to the mediating role of brand trust, brand attachment and brand preference (case of: Xiaomi smartphone users)Javad Bordbar TavalaiiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-09-18
Investigating the effect of brand reputation and brand competition on brand loyalty with the mediating role of brand trust -case of Super Cola soft drink company in Herat city-Wahid Daqan ZadaM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-19
Investigating the effect of stress factors, consumer self-efficacy and trust in the platform on continuous purchase intention with the mediating role of trust in the brand (Case of: Milad Ice Cream Company Mazar-e- Sharif Afghanistan)Ahmad Hamid Khawaja OmariM.Sc.Bagheri2023-09-19
Investigating the effect of talent management on the occurrence of employees' citizenship behavior according to the mediating role of emotional commitment and the moderating role of professional competence. (Case study: Zalal Mawafaq Manufacturing Company)Ahmad MojaddadiM.Sc.Eslami2023-09-19
Reviewing the proposed stages of different business processes reengineering (BPR) methods and proposing a comprehensive approachHoseyn KhorsandiM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2023-09-19
Investigating the effect of opportunity recognition and entrepreneurial environment on students’ entrepreneurial intention by the moderating role of entrepreneurship education (Students of private universities in Herat)MOHAMMAD REZA SALEHIM.Sc.Maharati2023-09-20
Investigating the effect of cultural empathy on organizational justice with the mediating role of social capital (Case study: Herat Municipality)Ghulam Saeed SattarzadehM.Sc.Farahi2023-09-20
The effect of social media marketing activities on consumer response, an investigation with the mediating role of brand equity in "Baslam" Internet marketSamaneh Zoka AsadiM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-09-26
Investigating the mediating role of organizational hypocrisy in the relationship between organizational silence and organizational rumors (a case study of Herat University employees)Abdul Haq PopalM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-09-30
Investigating the effect of customer interaction on repurchase intention with respect to the mediating role of customer equity, brand equity and communications equity (Case of Customers of Salam Herat Telecommunication Company)FAHIM RAHIMIM.Sc.Hadadian2023-10-02
Identifying and prioritizing the competencies of NGO’s managers in AfghanistanABDUL SHOKOR AKBARIM.Sc.Farahi2023-10-02
Improving the security of the food industry supply chain using the design structure matrix method (case study: Razavi Labani Company)mohammad naghaviM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2023-10-04
Designing the causal-circular structure of the Tayyab excellence modelHossein Rezaei NodehiM.Sc.Pooya2023-10-04
Investigating the impact of relative market advantage and market compatibility on customer satisfaction with the mediating role of customer perceived value -case study: Herat City Super Cola Company-.Zarmina AhmadiM.Sc.Bagheri2023-10-07
Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on intention to leave with the mediating role of emotional exhaustion and moderating role of group cohesion and perceived organizational supportSadegh AskaripourM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-10-08
Investigation the effect of Stability and control attribution on Negative Emotions by moderating role of brand belonging to the Digi kalaAmeneh AzadiM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-10-09
Investigating the effect of perfectionist consumer and status consumption on the attitude towards luxury products with the moderator role of interpersonal influenceSama Solati DarbandiM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-10-10
Investigating the effect of strategic orientation on organizational innovation with the mediating role of strategic alignment and the moderating role of strategic flexibility and market dynamicsZahra MoradiM.Sc.Eslami2023-10-15
Urban Stormwater Management Optimization Using Metaheuristic AlgorithmHamid AhmadiM.Sc.Naji Azimi2023-10-17
Examining the challenges of outsourcing maintenance and repair activities in Mashhad City Train Operation CompanySalman PartoviM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2023-10-24
Investigating the effect of nepotism on job search behavior; mediating role workplace incivility and employee cynicismShadi ZamanipoorM.Sc.Eslami2023-10-31
Investigating The Impact Of Sustainable Production Drivers On Sustainable Performance Considering The Role Of Competitive Capabilities of production -Study Case: Companies based in MashhadErfan FarjadpezeshkM.Sc.Pooya2023-10-31
Investigating the effect of leadership empowerment on Internet surfing in the workplace with the mediating role of organizational self-esteem and employee role ambiguity and the moderating role of negative power distanceZahra ShirzadM.Sc.Eslami2023-11-07
Investigating the impact of social capital in the online brand community on the creation of shared value by inspiring members and moderating visible heterogeneity and value homogeneity (case study: Mobonews page followers on Instagram)Mohadese NorodiniM.Sc.Rahimnia2023-11-19
Survey Effect of Attitude on Viral Advertising on Purchase Intention with the Role of Mediator of Brand Attitudemarzieh sadeghiM.Sc.Poursalimi2023-11-21
Investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and unethical pro-organizational behavior: Mediated by affective commitment and moderated by perceived organizational supportShaghayegh SadeghzadehM.Sc.Shirazi2023-11-21
Identifying obstacles to the establishment of just-in-time production system in small and medium-sized industries in Mashhad city by fuzzy screening method and prioritization by best-worst fuzzy method (case study of automobile parts manufacturers)Hossein HaghiM.Sc.Pooya2023-11-21
Investigating the effect of resource flexibility and coordination on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the city of Mashhad through the mediating role of business model innovationMaesomeh RamezaniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2023-11-27
investigating the effect of online shopping on reducing the bullwhip effect by using the structural equation methodHosein NasabizadehM.Sc.Kazemi2023-11-28
Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial leadership on organizational innovation to the mediating role of strategic flexibility and the moderating role of environmental turbulence /Mahla SoleimaniM.Sc.Eslami2023-12-11
Providing a knowledge audit model for Iranian startupsMohammad FadaeiM.Sc.Eslami2023-12-18
Investigating the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance, Considering the Mediating Role of Employees' Political Skill and the Moderating Effects of Procedural and Distributive JusticeIsmail IkhlasM.Sc.Eslami2023-12-23
Investigating of the influence Supervisory Behavior style, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Turnover Intention Public Service Departments of AfghanistanHekmatullah RahimiM.Sc.Mehraeen2023-12-26
Investigating the impact of proactive market orientation on brand performance considering the mediating role of positioning strategies (case of study: companies covered by Razavi Quality Institute)Masoomeh Asami Esfahan M.Sc.Poursalimi2023-12-31
Investigating the effect of perceived corporate ethics on brand loyalty with regard to the mediating role of corporate social responsibility and perceived green marketing among consumers of Unilever products.Seyedeh Roshanak EkraniM.Sc.Poursalimi2024-01-08
Investigating the effect of customer experience management on customer loyalty through psychological engagement in Parsian Bank branches in TehranAmir HeidariM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2024-01-08
Identifying the factors affecting the empowerment of women in the city of Herat in AfghanistanMina NaderiM.Sc.Eslami2024-01-09
Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on employee innovation with the mediating role of organizational learning and knowledge sharing and the moderating role of using social networks and organizational cultureFateme KhodabakhshiM.Sc.Malekzadeh2024-01-10
Investigating the effect of ethical leadership on firm performance considerting the role of social responsibility and reputation in Toos Industrial Town of MashhadAlawaddin AhmadiM.Sc.Hadadian2024-01-23
Investigating the effect of perceived narcissistic leadership on employee performance with the mediating role of cognitive dependence and organizational commitment. (The case of: food companies in western Afghanistan)Mohammad Ehsan RahmaniM.Sc.Maharati2024-01-28
Identifying the desirable features of women's empowerment programs in AfghanistanAmena FahmiM.Sc.Farahi2024-01-28
Investigating the impact of sustainability strategy on company performance with regard to the mediating role of environmental innovation and the moderating role of environmental dynamicsZahra MohammadjaniM.Sc.Eslami2024-01-29
Investigating the effect of perceived narcissistic leadership on employees’ voice behavior by mediation of job stress (Case of: Herat Tax Department)MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN MOHAMMADIM.Sc.Bagheri2024-01-29
Identifying the influencing factors on maintaining and promoting competitive advantage from the perspective of human resources managementfaisal ahmad nooriM.Sc.Farahi2024-01-29
Investigating the effect of sensory marketing on brand loyalty through the mediating role of emotional attachment and the moderator role of store imageSeyyede Maryam SadatiM.Sc.Rahimnia2024-01-31
Analysis and Optimization of Train Dispatch Scheduling in Metro Systems Considering Passenger Attraction RatesMahdi AradfarM.Sc.Motahari Farimani2024-01-31
Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the civil service compensation system in the public sector of AfghanistanMaula Dad AslamiM.Sc.Farahi2024-01-31
Investigating the Impact of User Interface Design of Mobile Bank on Customer Loyalty with the Mediating role of Service and System Quality and Security Guarantee (The case of Customers of Sepah Bank branches in Mashhad)Abbas SaeediM.Sc.Mehraeen2024-02-03
Investigating the impact of business intelligence and customer relationship management on organizational performance with an emphasis on the mediating role of competitive advantage (The case of Companies providing high-speed internet services in Mashhad)Kimia AsnaashariM.Sc.Mehraeen2024-02-04
Designing and explaining the model of occupational stress factors in the workplace (Case of study: Operation Unit of Sharq Oil and Gas Exploitation Company)Maryam KadkhodaM.Sc.Kazemi2024-02-10
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance with the mediating role of employee participation and job satisfaction (case study: government organizations in Mashhad Region3)Sayed Jamal SajjadiM.Sc.Shirazi2024-02-12
Investigating the impact of strategic foresight on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of strategic flexibility and the moderating role of environmental uncertaintySakine NematiM.Sc.Eslami2024-02-13
Investigating the effect of psychological empowerment, meaningfulness, and safety on psychological well-being with mediating role of employees’ voice (Case study: public schools in Herat city)Froozan KarimyM.Sc.Farahi2024-02-13
Investigating the effect of brand concept stability, brand personality and self-concept consistency on purchase intention and brand loyalty among luxury goods consumers in Iran.Zahra WahidiM.Sc.Hadadian2024-02-14
Investigating the impact of perceived organizational support and organizational communication on employee readiness for organizational change with the mediating role of psychological capital (Case study: Al-Qadisiyah University)Dunya Al KhuzaieM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2024-02-14
Investigating the impact of social media marketing activities on brand loyalty with the mediating role of community engagement (Customers of luxury brand clothing products in Khorasan Razavi Province)Mohammad KhaliliM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2024-02-14
Investigating the effect of functional and humanoid elements of AI chatbots on customer intention to use with regard to the mediating role of customer experience and satisfactionParastoo MouasviM.Sc.Hadadian2024-02-17
Identifying and Presenting the Enabling model of Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Supply chainMahnaz RezapourM.Sc.Mehraeen2024-02-19
Investigating the impact of transformational leadership on innovative work behaviors by mediation of work engagement and work meaningfulness and moderation of leader-member exchange (A study on University of Kufa)Mohammed AlmuslimawiM.Sc.Eslami2024-03-16
Investigating the effect of consumer behavior components on food delivery platforms in order to promote word-of-mouth advertising through purchase intentionMOHAMMAD HONARMANDM.Sc.Bagheri2024-05-14
Investigating the effect of the perceived performance of viral, guerilla and hidden marketing activities on the brand image with regard to the mediating role of the competitive advantage of customers of Internet service companies in Afghanistan.Mohammad Hasib HazinyarM.Sc.Maharati2024-06-02
Analysis of lean manufacturing strategies to improve customer satisfaction in a production company using system dynamics modelingfaezeh safariM.Sc.Pooya2024-06-11
Investigating the effect of perceived organizational democracy on organizational citizenship behaviors with the mediating role of job satisfaction and organizational commitment (case of: Aria Zarin Crystal Company, Tehran)Hamide ZahediM.Sc.Malekzadeh2024-06-26
Identifying factors affecting the realization of integrated urban management in Mashhad metropolisAlirezaz MahrooghiM.Sc.Bagheri2024-07-02
Investigating the effect of digitalization perceptions on employee’s autonomy with the mediating role of control-based human resource development management components in Audit institutions in MashhadSeyyedeh Tahoura AthariM.Sc.Malekzadeh2024-09-07
Identifying the enablers of resilience and the causes of failure in the health care supply chain and investigating the contextual relationship between them using the comprehensive interpretation structural modeling approach under the conditions of the Corona epidemic, (case study: Mashhad city)Negar Takalloye BakhtiyariM.Sc.Pooya2024-09-07
Investigating the effect of Product influencer congruence on the intention to recommend according to the mediating role of perceived characterizationMohammad HomayounfarM.Sc.Rahimnia2024-09-08
Predicting the capability of the client of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (reh) Reimbursement of self-employment facility using data mining (case study): Imam Khomini Relief Committee (RA), Hormozgan ProvinceFatemeh PazireshM.Sc.Naji Azimi2024-09-08
Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting the implementation of corporate social responsibility and designing a model for these factors (case study: food industry companies of Mashhad Tos Industrial Town)Mahshid SadeghianM.Sc.Kazemi2024-09-08
A hybrid fuzzy BWM- fuzzy VIKOR method for failure modes and effects analysis identification and prioritization in the automotive parts industrySaba SeyraniM.Sc.Kazemi2024-09-08
A fuzzy goal programming for resource allocation at the faculty level and solving it using WOA algorithmMahla EramianM.Sc.Naji Azimi2024-09-09
Investigating the impact of human resource development factors on employee productivity (case of study Islamic Culture Organization of Herat City (faraidoon nazaryM.Sc.Bagheri2024-09-09
The effect of customer communication capabilities and marketing innovation on competitiveness with the intermediary role of creating value for customers in Saderat Bank Mashhad branchesEnayatullah TamimM.Sc.Maharati2024-09-09
Presenting a model to identify the abnormality of business processes based on summary descriptive data mining in business process management softwareFarshid NaqizadehM.Sc.Mehraeen2024-09-10
Optimizing Inventory Management in Perishable Supply Chains Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (The Case of Blood Supply Chain)Reza JafariM.Sc.Bagheri2024-09-10
Locating insurance agency branches using the best-worst methods in combination with the IDAS approach (case study: Karafarin insurance branch in Mashhad)Maryam MollazadehM.Sc.Kazemi2024-09-10
Providing a simulation-optimization model of budget for the maintenance of university facilities with a system dynamics approach (Study case: Condensing chillers of the Central Organization of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Atieh GanjealiM.Sc.Pooya2024-09-11
Analysis of Barriers to Blockchain Adoption in the Automotive Industry's Supply Chain Using ISM ApproachMohammad AbavisaniM.Sc.Bagheri2024-09-11
The effect of business intelligence on organizational performance trough innovation in iPhone company in Afghanistan.faridoon karimiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2024-09-15
Investigating the effect of high-involvement human resource management practices on operational performance of small and medium enterprises in Afghanistan with role of mediating innovation capabilities and competitive advantage and moderating supply chain flexibilitySayedshah SayedM.Sc.Poursalimi2024-09-17
improving supply chain resilience through industrial symbiosis network using system dynamics(a case on livestock and poultry feed supply chain)Mohammad BabaeiM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2024-09-18
Investigating the impact of cyber insurance in controlling the security of users of internal apps (case study: Ofogh Koroush app)Milad AminiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2024-09-24
Examination the impact of psychological resilience on burnout with the role of mediating career conflict and the role of work – life balance moderator -the case of: medical staff of Herat hospitals-Asiah AlkozaiM.Sc.Eslami2024-10-01
Determination Evaluation Criteria for Virtual Education Software and Ranking Software Using Fuzzy EDASSaeedeh SahebalamM.Sc.Kazemi2024-11-05
Examining the effect of brand experience and product perceived quality on customers willingness to pay a premium price: the mediating role of perceived brand authenticity and the moderating role of customers product involvementElahe MojtahedzadehM.Sc.Rahimnia2024-12-02
Explaining the role of employee empowerment on organizational performance with mediation Employee participation and organizational citizenship behavior on it (Study case: Ghor State University of Afghanistan)atiqullah sanjraniM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2025-01-06
Study of the relationship between responsible leadership and human resources agility with mediating relationhip of job envolvment and psychological empovernmentmahdi honariM.Sc.Shirazi2025-01-07
Investigating The Effect Of Ad Type On Word-Of-Mouth Intention, Purchase Intention And Brand Loyalty With The Mediation Of Ad Credibility And Brand Trust In Relation To Mihan BrandDanial MashreghiM.Sc.Hadadian2025-01-07
Human Reliability Analysis Using the Integrated Approach of SPAR-H and Bayesian Networks (Case Study: Farabi Hospital Blood Bank, Mashhad)Fateme TatarM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2025-01-12
Investigating the effect of strategic leadership on innovative work behavior with regard to the mediating role of knowledge sharing and the moderator of intellectual capitalKareem Al MusawiM.Sc.Eslami2025-01-18
"Investigating the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance, with the Mediating Role of Perceived Distributive and Interactional Justice and Quality of Work Life (Case Study: Municipality of Mashhad)"Farzaneh KhooshebastM.Sc.Maharati2025-01-19
Investigating the effect of internal marketing on organizational performance with role of mediating intellectual capital and strategic innovationHayder Mohammed AlmusawiM.Sc.Poursalimi2025-01-25
Investigating the impact of strategic agility on company performance considering the mediating role of knowledge management and the moderating role of environmental turbulenceMustafa HusseinM.Sc.Eslami2025-01-26
Investigating effects of Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) and Social Media Technology Use on firm performance with the mediating role of SCRM Capabilities and Salesperson Knowledge (Case of: companies active in the food industry in Tous Industrial Town of Mashhad)Nafiseh GhorbaniM.Sc.Maharati2025-02-01
Investigating the effect of information quality and information systems quality on user satisfaction with mediating role of ease use of system -Study case: Sepeh Bank users -Mashhad MoghaddisSeyedhassan AhmadzadehsafarM.Sc.Bagheri2025-02-02
Investigating the impact of electronic human resource management on sustainable competitive advantage with the mediating role of organizational agility and sustainable innovation (Case study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)Nasrin GolestaniM.Sc.Mehraeen2025-02-02
The model of digital resilience in small and medium-sized enterprises in Mashhad city with SWARA and DEMATEL methodsohila takmilM.Sc.Fakoor Saghih2025-02-03
Identifying and prioritizing drivers and barriers to using artificial intelligence in providing mobile operators' electronic servicesMandana Amanollah Khani GhashghaiM.Sc.Mehraeen2025-02-03
Design of a fuzzy linear programming model for integrated production and preventive maintenance planningMasoud Aliniya OmranM.Sc.Pooya2025-02-04
Investigating the effect of perceived unfairness on the desire for unique products through the mediating role of need for social status and the moderating role of perceived economic mobilityAla Raouf SheybaniM.Sc.Rahimnia2025-02-15
Investigating the effect of the medical cost reasonableness and hospital accessibility on medical tourists' satisfaction by mediating the perceived service quality by health tourists in specialized clinics with IPD license in MashhadEhsan AminiM.Sc.Kaffashpoor2025-02-16