1. اخبار آموزشی
  2. اخبار پژوهشی
  3. اخبار فرهنگی
  4. جلسات دفاع
Mahdi Salehi , دراسة دور واهمیة التعلیم المحاسبی الالکترونی فی التنمیة البشریة ورفد سوق العمل بالمحاسبین الرقمیین:وجهة نظر التدریسیین العراقیین , الجامعات وسوق العمل المتطلبات والاحتیاجات رویا2030 , 2018-04-10
MOHAMMED ALMALKE , Mahdi Salehi , Mahdi Moradi , The relationship between narcissism, managerial overconfidence and comparability of financial statements of listed companies , EN , Journal of Facilities Management , Volume ( 19 ) , 2021-5, Pages 1-20
Mahdi Salehi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , Karrar Abdulhadi , The relationship between managerial entrenchment and firm risk‐taking on social responsibility disclosure , EN , Journal of Public Affairs , 2020-10
SAAD RAAD FAYSAL FAYSAL , Mahdi Salehi , Mahdi Moradi , The impact of ownership structure on the cost of equity in emerging markets , EN , Management Research Review , Volume ( 43 ) , 2020-8
Mahdi Salehi , حبیب هاشمی سیما , محمدعلی فهیمی , The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Auditors’ Professional Skepticism with the Moderating Role of Organizational Commitment and Identity , EN , Current Psychology , 2020-7, Pages 1-13
SAAD RAAD FAYSAL FAYSAL , Mahdi Salehi , Mahdi Moradi , Impact of corporate governance mechanisms on the cost of equity capital in emerging markets , EN , Journal of Public Affairs , 2020-5
Mahdi Salehi , علی دائمی , Farzana Akbari , The effect of managerial ability on product market competition and corporate investment decisions Evidence from Iran , EN , Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research , Volume ( 11 ) , 2020-2, Pages 49-69
Farzana Akbari , Mahdi Salehi , Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani , The relationship between tax avoidance and firm value with income smoothing: A comparison between classical and Bayesian econometric in multilevel models , EN , International Journal of Organizational Analysis , Volume ( 27 ) , 2019-2, Pages 125-148
HUDAA AL-AHBLEE , Farzaneh Nassir Zadeh , Mahdi Salehi , The Distance between Auditor and Client , EN , Al Kut Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences , Volume ( 2 ) , 2018-12, Pages 213-234
MOSTAFA ALMANSOORI , Mahdi Moradi , Mahdi Salehi , Accounting Conservatism and Long-Run Stock Return: Some Evidence of Initial Offering in Tehran Stock Exchange , EN , Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Administrative and Economic Sciences , Volume ( 3 ) , 2018-12, Pages 1-12
Farzana Akbari , Mahdi Salehi , Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani , The effect of managerial ability on tax avoidance by classical and Bayesian econometrics in multilevel models , EN , International Journal of Emerging Markets , Volume ( 13 ) , 2018-11, Pages 1656-1678
Faisal Salman , Mahdi Salehi , Hind Al-maliki , The effect of Islamic sacred months on stock prices in Iran and Iraq Stock Exchanges , EN , ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance , Volume ( 10 ) , 2018-4, Pages 111-119
Mahdi Salehi , Mostafa Bahrami , The effect of internal control on earnings quality in Iran , EN , International Journal of Law and Management , Volume ( 59 ) , 2017-5, Pages 534-546
Mahdi Salehi , Mostafa Bahrami , Fatemeh Alizadeh , The Effect of Academic Education on Employers' Satisfaction and Audit Quality in Iran , EN , Industrial and Commercial Training , Volume ( 48 ) , 2016-7, Pages 249-256
Behzad Kardan , Mahdi Salehi , Rahimh Abdollahi , The Relationship between the Outside Financing and the Quality of Financial Reporting: Evidence from Iran , EN , Journal of Asia Business Studies , Volume ( 10 ) , 2016-6, Pages 20-40
Mahdi Salehi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , Mostafa Bahrami , Hossein Mosallapour , Relationship between Oil Price Fluctuations and Stock Price Index in Iran , EN , Investment Management and Financial Innovations , Volume ( 12 ) , 2015-11, Pages 22-32
Mahdi Salehi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , Mostafa Bahrami , Ebadollah Teymoori , The Effect of Implementation of Accounting Information System on Efficiency, Profitability and Productivity of SMEs in Iran , EN , Banks and Bank Systems , Volume ( 10 ) , 2015-11, Pages 79-86
Mahdi Moradi , Andrea Appolloni , Grzegorz Zimon , Hossein Tarighi , Maede Kamali , Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Price Crash Risk: Do Managers Withhold Bad News in the Crisis-Ridden Iran Market? , EN , Sustainability , Volume ( 13 ) , 2021-3, Pages 3688-3704
Farqad Faisal Jadaan Sallal , Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani , Mohammad Javad Saei , Fraudulent financial reporting motivations in emerging markets , EN , Journal of Financial Crime , Volume ( 28 ) , 2021-8, Pages 892-905
Ahmed Al-janabi , Reza Hesarzadeh , Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani , The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Iraq , EN , Iranian Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance , 2021-6
Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani , Gary Monroe , Greg Shailer , Government and managerial influence on auditor switching under partial privatization , EN , Journal of Accounting and Public Policy , 2014-6
Ali Tawfeeq Jameel Al - Naffakh , Mohammad Reza Abbaszadeh , Earnings Quality, Earnings Management and Financial Bankruptcy , EN , Al Kut Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences , Volume ( 30 ) , 2019-4, Pages 164-192
Mahdi Salehi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , Karrar Abdulhadi , The relationship between managerial entrenchment and firm risk‐taking on social responsibility disclosure , EN , Journal of Public Affairs , 2020-10
ghazwan ayad khalid alshiblawi , Mohammad Hossein Vadiei Nowghabi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , TheEffect of Financial Crisis on the Relationship between Accounting Quality and TradeCredit in Iraqi listed firms , EN , Al Kut Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences , Volume ( 30 ) , 2018-12, Pages 235-248
HUDAA AL-AHBLEE , Farzaneh Nassir Zadeh , Mahdi Salehi , The Distance between Auditor and Client , EN , Al Kut Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences , Volume ( 2 ) , 2018-12, Pages 213-234
James Benjamin Shaw , Anthony Erickson , Farzaneh Nassir Zadeh , Destructive leader behavior:A comparison of Australian,American, and Iranian leaders using the DestructiveLeadership Questionnaire , EN , International Journal of Cross Cultural Management , Volume ( 15 ) , 2015-11, Pages 329-345
ghazwan ayad khalid alshiblawi , Mohammad Hossein Vadiei Nowghabi , Mahmoud Lari Dashtbayaz , TheEffect of Financial Crisis on the Relationship between Accounting Quality and TradeCredit in Iraqi listed firms , EN , Al Kut Journal of Economics Administrative Sciences , Volume ( 30 ) , 2018-12, Pages 235-248

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  سعید مرتضوی استاد mortazavi.profcms.um.ac.ir
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